eIDAS-node demo-countries CA and CB with applications: proxy/connector/demo-sp/demo-idp for testing purposes.
See these documents in https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/sites/display/DIGITAL/eIDAS-Node+version+2.7.1:
- eIDAS-Node Installation Quick Start Guide v2.7.pdf
- eIDAS-Node Installation and Configuration Guide v2.7.1.pdf
- eIDAS-Node Demo Tools Installation and Configuration Guide v2.7.pdf
Add the following to your /etc/hosts file:
# eIDAS local dev eidas-demo-ca eidas-demo-cb
Start docker containers:
docker-compose up --build
This will run two docker services each with a tomcat instance with all the six EU-war files deployed for running demo country.
To test go to: http://eidas-demo-ca:8080/SP and choose SP Country: CA and Citizen Country: CB. Then select "Do not request" in section "Requested core attributes" and show natural person and click as optional or mandatory the 4 required attributes. Then next until reach idp. Users are listed in /eu-config/idp/user.properties folder in the docker container on format =. You may start with dim=dim.
Country CA is on port 8080 and Country CB is on port 8081.
To setup more counties duplicate dev.CB.Dockerfile and modifiy to port for a different country, the eu-config package supports 6 countries: CA, CB, CC, CD, CE, CF. E.g as listed in eidas-config/sp/sp.properties inside the docker container.
Only demo-country-CA will be build for test environments systest and test.
Is located in the docker folder. The default configuration is downloadet from EU site along with the deployment artifacts (wars), but the configuration will be replaced by environment spesific files located in docker/profiles on start up of Tomcat by script addEnvironmentSpesificConfigFiles.sh. For local development there is set up two countries: CA and CB, but for testing Norwegian eIDAS only one is need and deploy, hence country CA.
Import in docker/profiles//keystore/eidasKeyStore.p12 the Norwegian metadata signing certificate. Remove old of naming format norwegian-eidasnode-metadata-. Use the program Keystore Exporter or plain java keytool from CMD to import certificate chain to trust.
The background colors indicates namespace in the Cluster, red is eidas-namespace.
actor User as Norsk bruker (nettleser)
participant SP as Utenlandsk tjeneste
participant UEC as Utenlandsk eIDAS Connector
box lightpink idporten-eidas
participant NEP as eidas-proxy
participant SEP as eidas-idporten-proxy
box lightyellow ID-porten
participant IL as idporten-login
participant C2ID as idporten-c2id
participant FRGW as F-REG gateway
participant FR as Folkeregisteret
User->>SP: Request Access
SP->>UEC: Request Access
NEP->>SEP: LightProtocol request
SEP->>SEP: map to OIDC
SEP->>IL: OIDC (acr: idporten-eidas-loa-x(?), scope: eidas:<tbd>)
Note over IL,C2ID: Autentisering
IL-->>SEP: code response
SEP->>C2ID: getToken
C2ID->>FRGW: hent persondata
FRGW->>FR: hent persondata
C2ID-->>SEP: token response
SEP->>SEP: map to LightProtocol response
SEP-->>NEP: LightProtocol response
UEC-->>SP: Access Granted
SP-->>User: Access Granted
actor User as Foreign user (browser)
participant SP as Norwegian service
box lightyellow ID-porten
participant IL as idporten-login
participant C2ID as Connect2id
box lightpink idporten-eidas
participant EC as eidas-idporten-connector
participant NEC as eidas-connector
participant FRGW as F-REG gateway
participant FR as Folkeregisteret
participant UPS as Utenlandsk eIDAS proxy
participant IDP as Utenlandsk eID
User->>SP: Request Access
SP->>IL: OIDC (acr: eidas-loa-x)
EC->>EC: map to LightProtocol request
EC->>NEC: LightProtocol request
UPS->>IDP: authenticate
IDP-->> UPS: LightProtocol response
NEC-->>EC: LightProtocol response
rect lightblue
EC->>FRGW: match identity
FRGW->>FR: match identity
EC-->>IL: token response
Note over IL,C2ID: session handling
IL-->>SP: Access Granted
SP->>User: Access Granted