Java ORM Like Rails Active Record.
- Your model must be extends a JavaRecord class, the class provider the atributes of this model, and metodos to save, delete and find the object in the database.
- Customizations using annotations
- Supports JDBC drivers (Only MySQL tested at this moment)
- You can customize the Drivers implementing the Adapter interface
- You can customize the pluralization implementing the Inflector interface
The Avaliable annotations at this time is:
- @BelongsTo : give an array of model class with the class is belong to
- @HasMany : give an array of model class with the class have many object (a List)
- @Sequence: give the name to use the sequence with generator (only if the Adapter supports)
- @TableName: give another table name to this model object (for default the table name is the class in plural)
- Java 1.6
- Maven 2 (Build and Compile)
- Add file to configurations to
- Suports to HasOne
- Customise models avaliable using annotations
- Add model validarions with annotations