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Big Excel Creator

Create Excel files using OpenXML SAX with styling. This is specially useful when trying to output thousands of rows.

The idea behind this package is to be a basic easy-to-use wrapper around a reduced subset of functions of DocumentFormat.OpenXml aimed towards generating large excel files as fast as possible using the SAX method for writing.

At the same time, this writer should prevent you from creating an invalid file (i.e.: a file generated without any errors, but unable to be opened). Since the most common reason for a file to become corrupted when creating it using SAX is out-of-order instructions (i.e.: writing to a cell outside a sheet), this package should detect that, and throw an exception.

More info API


Version 2.x of this package is linked to version 2.18 of DocumentFormat.OpenXml, and starting on version 3, BigExcelCreator is linked to version 3 of DocumentFormat.OpenXml.

If you're already using DocumentFormat.OpenXml v2, either directly or as transitive reference, and you can't upgrade for some reason (e.g. dependency on another package), use BigExcelCreator v2

Otherwise, I recommend using the latest version available.

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Table of Contents


To see a working example, see the example code on gitHub, part of the vs solution.

  1. Instantiate class BigExcelWriter using either a file path or a stream (MemoryStream is recommended).

  2. Open a new Sheet using CreateAndOpenSheet

  3. For every row, use BeginRow and EndRow

    • If you want to hide a row, pass true when calling BeginRow
  4. Between BeginRow and EndRow, use WriteTextCell to write a cell.

    Alternatively, you can use WriteTextRow to write an entire row at once, using the same format.

    Starting on version 1.1, text cells can be written using the shared strings table, which should reduce the generated file size. See Shared Strings below

  5. Use WriteFormulaCell or WriteFormulaRow to insert formulas.

  6. Use WriteNumberCell or WriteNumberRow to insert numbers. This is useful if you need to do any calculation later on.

  7. Use CloseSheet to finish.

  8. If needed, repeat steps 2 -> 5 to write to another sheet

Shared Strings

If the same text appears across different sheets, using the shared strings table may help reduce the generated file size. In order to do this, simply set to true the useSharedStrings parameter when calling WriteTextCell or WriteTextRow.


using BigExcelCreator;


MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
using (BigExcelWriter excel = new(stream))
    excel.CreateAndOpenSheet("Sheet Name");
    excel.WriteTextCell("Cell content");
    excel.WriteTextCell(123); // write as number. This allows to use formulas.
    excel.WriteTextCell("This row is hidden");

Data Validation

Use AddListValidator to restrict, to a list defined in a formula, possible values to be written to a cell by an user.

Alternatively, use AddIntegerValidator or AddDecimalValidator to restrict / validate values as defined by validationType (equal, greater than, between, etc.)

    excel.CreateAndOpenSheet("Sheet Name");
    // Only allow values included in sheet named "vals" between cells A1 and A6
    // when writing to cells between B2 and B10 of the current sheet.
    string range = "B2:B10";
    string formula = "vals!$A$1:$A$6";
    excel.AddValidator(range, formula);

Styling and formatting

Column formatting

When calling CreateAndOpenSheet, pass IList<Column> as second parameter. Each element represents a single column. Only the CustomWidth, Width and Hidden are used.

Width represents the column width in characters (Same unit as when resizing in Excel).

CustomWidth allows the use of Width.

Hidden hides the column.


List<Column> cols = new List<Column> {
    new Column{CustomWidth = true, Width=10},   // A
    new Column{CustomWidth = true, Width=15},   // B
    new Column{CustomWidth = true, Width=18},   // c

excel.CreateAndOpenSheet("Sheet Name", cols);

Hide Sheet

CreateAndOpenSheet accepts as third parameter a SheetStateValues variable.

  • SheetStateValues.Visible (default): Sheet is visible
  • SheetStateValues.Hidden: Sheet is hidden
  • SheetStateValues.VeryHidden: Sheet is hidden and cannot be unhidden from Excel's UI.

Merge Cells

In order to merge a range of cells while a sheet is open, use MergeCells with a range.



First, the elements that define a style (font, fill, border and, optionally, numbering format) must be created.

font1 = new Font(new Bold(),
            new FontSize { Val = 11 },
            new Color { Rgb = new HexBinaryValue { Value = "000000" } },
            new FontName { Val = "Calibri" });

fill1 = new Fill(
            new PatternFill { PatternType = PatternValues.Gray125 });
fill2 = new Fill(
            new PatternFill (
                new ForegroundColor { Rgb = new HexBinaryValue { Value = "FFFF00" } }
            { PatternType = PatternValues.Solid });

border1 = new Border(
            new LeftBorder(
                new Color { Rgb = new HexBinaryValue { Value = "FFD3D3D3" } }
            { Style = BorderStyleValues.Thin },
            new RightBorder(
                new Color { Rgb = new HexBinaryValue { Value = "FFD3D3D3" } }
            { Style = BorderStyleValues.Thin },
            new TopBorder(
                new Color { Rgb = new HexBinaryValue { Value = "FFD3D3D3" } }
            { Style = BorderStyleValues.Thin },
            new BottomBorder(
                new Color { Rgb = new HexBinaryValue { Value = "FFD3D3D3" } }
            { Style = BorderStyleValues.Thin },
            new DiagonalBorder());

numberingFormat1 = new NumberingFormat { NumberFormatId = 164, FormatCode = "0,.00;(0,.00)" };

After that, a new style list can be created and new styles inserted. Remember to name you styles.

StyleList list = new StyleList();
string name1 = "name1";
string name2 = "name2";

list.NewStyle(font1, fill1, border1, numberingFormat1, name1);
list.NewStyle(font1, fill2, border1, numberingFormat1, name2);

When instantiating BigExcelWriter, use the result of calling GetStylesheet as the stylesheet parameter. Then, when writing a cell, you can use the name given earlier to format it.

MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
using (BigExcelWriter excel = new(stream,
                                    stylesheet: list.GetStylesheet()))
    int index_style_name1 = list.GetIndexByName(name1);
    int index_style_name2 = list.GetIndexByName(name2);
    excel.CreateAndOpenSheet("Sheet Name");
    excel.WriteTextCell("This has a gray patterned background", index_style_name1);
    excel.WriteTextCell("This has a yellow background", index_style_name2);

If you're planning to use Conditional Formatting, you must also create differential styles here. To do so, follow the same instructions as above, replacing NewStyle with NewDifferentialStyle.

All parameters of NewDifferentialStyle are optional, except name. Of the optional parameters, at least one must be present.

// place this before calling list.GetStylesheet() and new BigExcelWriter()
list.NewDifferentialStyle("RED", font: new Font(new Color { Rgb = new HexBinaryValue { Value = "FF0000" } }));


In order to add a note (formerly known as comment) to a cell, while a sheet is open, call the Comment method.

excel.CreateAndOpenSheet("Sheet Name");

excel.WriteTextCell("This has a gray patterned background", index_style_name1);
excel.WriteTextCell("This has a yellow background", index_style_name2);

excel.Comment("test A1 another sheet", "A1");


excel.Comment("test E2 another sheet", "B1", "Author");



In order to add an Autofilter, call AddAutofilter while on a sheet.

// ...
excel.AddAutofilter(range); // Range's height must be 1. Example: A1:J1
// ...

Conditional Formatting

In order to use conditional formatting, you should define Differential styles (see Styling)

On every case below:

  • reference => A range of cells to apply the conditional formatting to
  • format => The id of the Differential style. Obtain it using GetIndexDifferentialByName after creating it with NewDifferentialStyle


To define a conditional style by formula, use AddConditionalFormattingFormula(string reference, string formula, int format).

  • formula defines the expression to use. Use a fixed range using $ to anchor the reference to a cell. Avoid using $ to make the reference "walk" with the range. This is useful when referencing the current cell.
excel.AddConditionalFormattingFormula("A1:A10", "A1<5", styleList.GetIndexDifferentialByName("RED"));

Cell Is

Format cells based on their contents using AddConditionalFormattingCellIs

  • Operator defines how to compare values.
  • value defines the value to compare the cell to.
  • value2 If the operator requires 2 numbers (eg: Between and NotBetween), the second value goes here.
excel.AddConditionalFormattingCellIs("A1:A20", ConditionalFormattingOperatorValues.LessThan, "5", styleList.GetIndexDifferentialByName("RED"));
excel.AddConditionalFormattingCellIs("A1:A20", ConditionalFormattingOperatorValues.Between, "3", styleList.GetIndexDifferentialByName("RED"), "7");

Duplicated Values

Format duplicated values using AddConditionalFormattingDuplicatedValues

excel.AddConditionalFormattingDuplicatedValues("A1:A10", styleList.GetIndexDifferentialByName("RED"));

Page Layout

Sheet options


While working on a sheet, the property ShowGridLinesInCurrentSheet controls whether the gridlines are shown. Enabled by default.

While working on a sheet, the property PrintGridLinesInCurrentSheet controls whether the gridlines are printed. Disabled by default.


While working on a sheet, the property ShowRowAndColumnHeadingsInCurrentSheet controls whether the headings (Column letters and row numbers) are shown. Enabled by default.

While working on a sheet, the property PrintRowAndColumnHeadingsInCurrentSheet controls whether the headings (Column letters and row numbers) are printed. Disabled by default.