A C++ Engine based on SLD2 for Open Source Operating Systems
The library libSDL2
must be installed on the system.
Please, download libSDL2 using the following links: https://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL2-devel-2.0.9-VC.zip
Use the following link to download the image support for libSDL
Use the following link to download the TTF support for libSDL
Extract the include folder into C:\devel\include\SDL2 and the lib folder into C:\devel\lib.
The structure of the devel folder should look like
Run pkg install -y sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_ttf
, done.
Use you favorite package manager to install them.
To build the project, run CMake
on the current directory with the desired
On FreeBSD, a Makefile to be used with bmake(1) is going to be generated. On Linux, a GNUMakefile is going to be generated to be used with gmake(1).
Open the solution (FenixEngine.sln
) and build it for the desired architecture
and either Debug or Release.