Python module to extract the skeleton from a bronchial tree mesh, as well as information regarding generation, lobe, intrabronchial distance matrix, and terminal information ready for the Bubble Model. The file contains an example on how to run the module.
- An .stl mesh representing a bronchial tree structure.
- A .txt file with the coordinates of the terminals of the mesh to keep.
- The position (x,y,z) of a point close to the trachea inlet.
- The positons (x,y,z) of at least one point close to the terminal of each lobe to keep. It might be necessary to give more than 1 terminal per lobe. This information is propagated upwards to label all nodes of the skeleton according to lobe.
- Optionally, to produce terminal data for BM, the path to folders containing the .stl files of the secondary lung lobules, lung lobes and left and right lung.
- Two versions of the skeleton: smooth (passing inside the mesh, containing geometrical information) and simple (only containing bifurcations and terminals, only topological connectivity information). This is given in various formats: .csv, .vtk, .graphml.
- Distance matrix between terminals through the bronchial tree.
- Information of the terminals almost ready to input into the Bubble Model.