I'm Jonathan Fetterolf and I'm an innovative and dynamic data scientist/developer with a leadership background in the food/beverage and retail industries. Experienced in data acquisition/cleaning, statistical analysis, and data visualization. I excel at problem solving, communicating clearly, and balancing the ambiguity of autonomy and collaboration. I am currently a technical intern at a technology solutions company that specializes in enterprise data management.
Data science has the potential to revolutionize the medical field. I demonstrated this by developing an application to swiftly and accurately identify the presence of Malaria in blood cells. This innovative approach enhances the capabilities of doctors and technicians, allowing them to allocate their valuable resources more effectively and ultimately save more lives.
Access to clean and potable water is a fundamental necessity, yet many regions, including Tanzania, face challenges in providing this essential resource. The IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, an NGO dedicated to improving water access, strives to efficiently allocate their maintenance efforts by accurately predicting the functionality of water pumps. By building a classification model, they can optimize their operations, maximize maintenance resources, and ensure clean water is readily available to the people of Tanzania.
- 🌱 I’m currently getting acquainted with Rust.
- 💬 Feel free to ask me about anything data.
- 📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn, Dev.To, X
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- ⚡ Fun fact: I am a huge proponent of sauna use. My longest streak is 43 consecutive days.
When I started my new position, I figured it would be technical, but I couldn’t have guessed that it would leave me completing coding challenges in my free time. This new role required me to dive into an array of unfamiliar languages, tools, and technologies. As I navigated this terrain, I recognized the importance of reinforcing my foundational coding skills. The constant problem-solving demands of my day-to-day coding motivated me to seek out resources that could aid my growth.
Access to clean and potable water is a fundamental necessity, yet many regions, including Tanzania, face challenges in providing this essential resource. The IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, an NGO dedicated to improving water access, strives to efficiently allocate their maintenance efforts by accurately predicting the functionality of water pumps. By building a classification model, they can optimize their operations, maximize maintenance resources, and ensure clean water is readily available to the people of Tanzania.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been working to create a PERN full-stack CRUD application. I wanted to share it with others and make it available for friends, family, and colleagues to check out. So, I started looking into options to host my application.
508 compliance refers to the standards and guidelines set forth by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 in the United States. The goal of this standard is to eliminate barriers in technology that could prevent individuals with disabilities from accessing, using, and interacting with digital information and services. It requires federal agencies to ensure that their electronic and information technology (EIT) is accessible to individuals with disabilities.