Hybrid k-2 hybrid slip generator
The repository contains the main Fortran code and an example input file. I hope they both are self-explanatory, but do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or meet any problems with running the code.
###Brief description of the I/O files
: fault model definition
: generated hybrid slip distributionslipx.txt
: slices of the slip distributionspecx.txt
: slices of the slip Fourier spectrum
###Note on compiling:
Some compilers may produce error when compiling. Most likely it will be due to the use an old Fortran trick, where complex arrays are passed to a subroutine that expects a real array. This can be solved by using an appropriate switch. In Intel Fortran compiler in Microsoft Visual Studio do the following. Right-click on your project in the right-hand-side window ("Solution explorer") and select Properties. Select Fortra/Diagnostics in the dialog and change the option "Check routine interfaces" to No.
- Galloviè, F., and J. Brokešová (2004). On strong ground motion synthesis with k^-2 slip distributions, J. Seismology, 8, 211-224.
- Galloviè, F., and J. Brokešová (2004). The k^-2 rupture model parametric study: example of the 1999 Athens earthquake, Studia geoph. et geod., 48, 589-613.
- See also http://geo.mff.cuni.cz/~gallovic/.