Simple script to push metrics of the latest restic backup snapshot to Prometheus Pushgateway.
There are also Prometheus exporters for restic, but the underlying restic stats
command they use comes with high CPU and memory consumption (#2126). Since I'm only interested in the last snapshot for alerting rather than creating detailed dashboards, regularly pushing the latest snapshot infos seemed to be the easier route.
The scripts expects environment variables to access the restic repository, and the Pushgateway URL as parameter:
usage: [-h] [--loglevel] --pushgateway_url URL [--tls_skip_verify]
Send metrics of latest restic snapshot to Prometheus Pushgateway.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--loglevel LEVEL log level ({CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG}, default: INFO)
--pushgateway_url URL Prometheus Pushgateway URL
(e.g. "")
--tls_skip_verify Skip TLS certificate verification.
- name: restic
- alert: ResticOutdatedBackup
summary: Restic backup on {{ $labels.hostname }} is outdated
description: |
Restic backup on {{ $labels.hostname }} is outdated:
Last backup: {{ $value | humanizeTimestamp }}
User: {{ $labels.username }}
Paths: {{ $labels.paths }}
Tags: {{ $labels.tags }}
# 86400 = 24 hours
expr: time() - restic_last_snapshot{hostname!="ares"} > 86400
for: 24h
severity: critical