Vue.js binding for Google Firebase Cloud Firestore.
Relies on fiery-data - you can go there to see more advanced examples
- Documents example
- Collections (stored as array or map) example
- Queries (stored as array or map) example
- Streams (stored as array or map) example
- Pagination example
- Real-time or once example
- Data or computed properties example
- Adding, updating, sync, removing, remove field example
- Sub-collections (with cascading deletions!) example
- Return instances of a class example
- Add active record methods (sync, update, remove, clear, getChanges) example
- Control over what properties are sent on save example
- Encode & decode properties example
- Adding the key and exists to the document example
- Sharing, extending, defining, and global options example
- Callbacks (error, success, missing, remove) example
- Custom binding / unbinding example
- fiery-data: ^0.0.7
- Firebase ^5.0.0 (a runtime dependency only, since you are passing the references)
- Vue: ^1.0.28 (not an actual dependency, since you are calling
Installation via npm : npm install --save fiery-vue
import Vue from 'vue'
import FieryVue from 'fiery-vue'
import firebase from 'firebase'
const app = firebase.initializeApp({ ... })
const fs = firebase.firestore(app);
new Vue({
el: '#app',
fiery: true, // required to add this.$fiery to this component
data() {
return {
todos: this.$fiery(fs.collection('todos')) // live collection,
ford: this.$fiery(fs.collection('cars').doc('ford')), // live document
role: 'admin'
computed: {
// Updated when role changes
personsWithRole() {
const { role } = this
const options = {
query: q => q.where('role', '==', role),
type: Person
return this.$fiery(fs.collection('persons'), options, 'personsWithRole')
Each object will contain a .uid
property. This helps identify what firestore
database the document is stored in, the collection, and with which options.
".uid": "1///1///todos/-Jtjl482BaXBCI7brMT8",
"name": "Star fiery-vue",
"done": true
new Vue({
inject: ['currentUserId'],
fiery: true, // required to add this.$fiery to this component
data() {
const $fiery = this.$fiery
return {
settings: $fiery(fs.collection('settings').doc('system')),
currentUser: $fiery(fs.collection('users').doc(this.currentUserId)) // not reactive, but is updated real-time
new Vue({
fiery: true, // required to add this.$fiery to this component
data() {
const $fiery = this.$fiery
return {
cars: $fiery(fs.collection('cars')) // real-time array
carMap: $fiery(fs.collection('cars'), {map: true}) // real-time map: carMap[id] = car
new Vue({
inject: ['currentUserId'],
fiery: true, // required to add this.$fiery to this component
data() {
const $fiery = this.$fiery
return {
currentCars: $fiery(fs.collection('cars'), { // real-time array
query: (cars) => cars.where('created_by', '==', this.currentUserId)
currentCarMap: $fiery(fs.collection('cars'), { // real-time map: currentCarMap[id] = car
query: (cars) => cars.where('created_by', '==', this.currentUserId),
map: true
A stream is an ordered collection of documents where the first N are fetched, and any newly created/updated documents that should be placed in the collection
are added. You can look back further in the stream using more
. A use case for
streams are a message channel. When the stream is first loaded N documents are
read. As new messages are created they are added to the beginning of the collection. If the user wishes to see older messages they simply have to call
on the stream to load M more. The once
property does not work on streams, they are real-time only.
You MUST have an orderBy clause on the query option and stream
must be true
new Vue({
fiery: true, // required to add this.$fiery to this component
data() {
const $fiery = this.$fiery
return {
// streams are always real-time, but can be an array or map
messages: $fiery(
fs.collection('messages'), {
query: q => q.orderBy('created_at', 'desc'),
stream: true,
streamInitial: 25, // initial number of documents to load
streamMore: 10 // documents to load when more is called without a count
methods: {
loadMore() {
// load 10 more
loadManyMore() {
// load count more
$fiery.more(messages, 100)
new Vue({
data() {
return {
make: 'Honda',
limit: 10
computed: {
carsOptions() {
const { make, limit } = this // we have to reference these here for this to work
return {
query: cars => cars.where('make', '==', make).orderBy('created_at').limit(limit),
// required for prev() - orderBy's must be in reverse
queryReverse: cars => cars.where('make', '==', make).orderBy('created_at', 'desc').limit(limit)
cars() {
return this.$fiery(fs.collection('cars'), this.carsOptions, 'cars')
carsPager() {
return this.$fiery.pager(
methods: {
next() { // next 10 please, returns a promise which resolves when they're fetched
// this.carsPager.index // which page we're on
// this.carsPager.hasNext() // typically returns true since we don't really know - unless cars is empty
// // executes the query again but on the next 10 results. index++
// this.carsPager.hasPrev() // looks at pager.index to determines if there's a previous page
// this.carsPager.prev() // executes the query again but on the previous 10 results. index--
new Vue({
inject: ['currentUserId'],
fiery: true, // required to add this.$fiery to this component
data() {
const $fiery = this.$fiery
return {
// real-time is default, all you need to do is specify once: true to disable it
cars: $fiery(fs.collection('cars'), {once: true}), // array populated once
currentUser: $fiery(fs.collection('users').doc(this.currentUserId), {once: true}), // current user populated once
For computed properties the third parameter to $fiery
is required (it's best to just use the name of the property)
new Vue({
inject: ['currentUserId'],
fiery: true, // required to add this.$fiery to this component
data() {
// data examples above
return {
limit: 25,
status: 'unfinished'
computed: {
currentUser() {
const { currentUserId } = this;
const options = {}
return this.$fiery(fs.collection('users').doc(currentUserId), options, 'currentUser') // reactive and real-time
todos() {
// For computed results you need to get the dependent variables early so they are properly tracked.
// The query/queryReversed callback may not be called immediately, so they must be pulled out.
const { currentUserId, status, limit } = this;
const options = {
query: todos => todos
.where('created_by', '==', currentUserId)
.where('status', '==', status)
return this.$fiery(fs.collection('todos'), options, 'todos') // reactive and real-time
new Vue({
inject: ['currentUserId'],
fiery: true, // required to add this.$fiery to this component
data() {
return {
todos: this.$fiery(fs.collection('todos'))
computed: {
currentUser() {
const { currentUserId } = this;
return this.$fiery(fs.collection('users').doc(currentUserId), {}, 'currentUser')
methods: {
addTodo() { // COLLECTIONS STORED IN $fires
name: 'Like fiery-vue',
done: true
// OR
const savedTodo = this.$fiery.create(this.todos, { // you can pass this.todos or 'todos'
name: 'Love fiery-vue',
done: false
updateUser() {
updateUserEmailOnly() {
this.$fiery.update(this.currentUser, ['email'])
updateAny(data) { // any document can be passed, ex: this.todos[1], this.currentUser
overwrite(data) { // only fields present on data will exist on sync
remove(data) {
this.$fiery.remove(data) // removes sub collections as well
this.$fiery.remove(data, true) // preserves sub collections
removeName(todo) {
this.$fiery.clear(data, 'name') // can also specify an array of props or sub collections
You can pass the same options to sub, nesting as deep as you want!
new Vue({
fiery: true, // required to add this.$fiery to this component
data() {
return {
// this.todos[todoIndex].children[childIndex]
todos: this.$fiery(fs.collection('todos'), {
sub: {
children: { // creates an array or map on each todo object: todo.children[]
// once, map, etc
query: children => children.orderBy('updated_at')
methods: {
addChild(parent) {
this.$fiery.ref(parent).collection('children').add( { /* values */ } )
// OR
this.$fiery.ref(parent, 'children').add( { /* values */ } )
// OR
const savedChild = this.$fiery.createSub(parent, 'children', { /* values */ } )
// OR
const unsavedChild = this.$fiery.buildSub(parent, 'children', { /* values */ } )
clearChildren(parent) {
this.$fiery.clear(parent, 'children') // clear the sub collection
function Todo() {
Todo.prototype = {
markDone (byUser) {
this.done = true
this.updated_at =
this.updated_by =
new Vue({
fiery: true, // required to add this.$fiery to this component
data() {
return {
// this.todos[todoIndex] instanceof Todo
todos: this.$fiery(fs.collection('todos'), {
type: Todo,
// OR you can specify newDocument and do custom loading (useful for polymorphic data)
newDocument: function(initialData) {
var instance = new Todo()
return instance
// can be used with type, doesn't have to be
function Todo() {
Todo.prototype = {
markDone (byUser) {
this.done = true
this.updated_at =
this.updated_by =
this.$update() // injected
new Vue({
fiery: true, // required to add this.$fiery to this component
data() {
return {
todos: this.$fiery(fs.collection('todos'), {
type: Todo,
record: true
// $sync, $update, $remove, $ref, $clear, $getChanges, $build, $create are functions added to every Todo instance
todosCustom: this.$fiery(fs.collection('todos'), {
record: true,
recordOptions: { // which methods do you want added to every object, and with what method names?
sync: 'sync',
update: 'save',
remove: 'destroy'
// we don't want $ref, $clear, or $getChanges
methods: {
updateTodoAt(index) {
// same as this.$fiery.update(this.todos[index])
saveTodoCustomAt(index) {
// same as this.$fiery.update(this.todosCustom[index])
done(todo) {
todo.markDone(this.currentUser) // assuming currentUser exists
getChanges(todo) {
// exclude array to compare entire document
todo.$getChanges(['name', 'done']).then((changes) => {
// changes.changed, changes.remote, changes.local
new Vue({
fiery: true, // required to add this.$fiery to this component
data() {
return {
todos: this.$fiery(fs.collection('todos'), {
include: ['name', 'done'], // if specified, we ONLY send these fields on sync/update
exclude: ['hidden'] // if specified here, will not be sent on sync/update
methods: {
save(todo) {
this.$fiery.update(todo) // sends name and done as configured above
saveDone(todo) {
this.$fiery.update(todo, ['done']) // only send this value if it exists
saveOverride(todo) {
this.$fiery.update(todo, ['hidden']) // ignores exclude and include when specified
new Vue({
fiery: true, // required to add this.$fiery to this component
data() {
return {
todos: this.$fiery(fs.collection('todos'), {
// convert server values to local values
decoders: {
status(remoteValue, remoteData) {
return remoteValue === 1 ? 'done' : (remoteValue === 2 ? 'started' : 'not started')
// convert local values to server values
encoders: {
status(localValue, localData) {
return localValue === 'done' ? 1 : (localeValue === 'started' ? 2 : 0)
// optionally instead of individual decoders you can specify a function
decode(remoteData) {
// do some decoding, maybe do something special
return remoteData
new Vue({
fiery: true, // required to add this.$fiery to this component
data() {
return {
todos: this.$fiery(fs.collection('todos'), {key: 'id', propExists: 'exists', exclude: ['id', 'exists']}) // must be excluded manually from saving if include is not specified
methods: {
log(todo) {
// exists now
// ==== Sharing ====
let Todo = {
shared: true, // necessary for non-global or defined options that are used multiple times
include: ['name', 'done', 'done_at']
// ==== Extending ====
let TodoWithChildren = {
shared: true
extends: Todo,
sub: {
children: Todo
// ==== Defining ====
FieryVue.define('post', {
// shared is not necessary here
include: ['title', 'content', 'tags']
// or multiple
comment: {
include: ['author', 'content', 'posted_at', 'status'],
sub: {
replies: 'comment' // we can reference options by name now, even circularly
images: {
include: ['url', 'tags', 'updated_at', 'title']
// ==== Global ====
// lets make everything active record
record: true,
recordOptions: {
update: 'save', //
sync: 'sync', // object.sync(fields?)
remove: 'remove', // object.remove()
clear: 'clear', // object.clear(fields)
create: 'create', // object.create(sub, initial?)
build: 'build', //, initial?)
ref: 'doc', // object.doc().collection('subcollection')
getChanges: 'changes' // object.changes((changes, remote, local) => {})
new Vue({
fiery: true, // required to add this.$fiery to this component
data() {
return {
comments: this.$fiery(fs.collection('comment'), 'comment') // you can pass a named or Shared
new Vue({
fiery: true, // required to add this.$fiery to this component
data() {
return {
todos: this.$fiery(fs.collection('todos'), {
onSuccess: (todos) => {},
onError: (message) => {},
onRemove: () => {},
onMissing: () => {} // occurs for documents
new Vue({
fiery: true, // required to add this.$fiery to this component
methods: {
bindTodos() {
this.todos = this.$fiery(fs.collection('todos'))
unbindTodos() {