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Clean Forum


core folder -> Folder responsible to hold code that is shared accross the entire application

DDD & Clean Architecture

Domain -> Use Cases & Entities Forum -> Sub Domain for Forum related stuffs application -> use cases & repositories enterprise -> Entities

AggregateRoot or Aggregate -> Problema quando uma Entidade depende de outra Entidade pra existir Entidades sao trabalhadas juntas Conjunto de entidades q sao manipuladas ao mesmo tempo. Elas juntas compoem algo maior que eh o que chamamos de aggregate

Example: Order -> OrderItem[] -> Shipping

It's important to note that in the Aggregate, the Main Entity (which is an aggregate Root) is responsible to handle all sub-aggregatted entities, which means that we're not going to have a tons of repository. One repository should handle everything if the entity using it is aggregate

Example: If a Post has attachments and we have a repository for Post. Then, the repository for post needs to handle the attachements as well.

WatchedList -> Pattern que permite a gente ter mais informacoes sobre itens contidos em uma lista

Example: Question -> Attachment[]

Create Question 

Sub domains

  • Core -> What gives money. What cannot stop otherwise, it will bring problems to the application E.g.: In a Ecommerce would be everything that involve money like Purchase, catalog, payment, delivery

  • Supporting -> What gives support to the core to work. Is not essential but gives support E.g.: In a Ecommerce would be stock (for catalog and delivery)

  • Generic -> You need them but they're not that important. E.g.: In a Ecommerce would be the nofication of clients, promotions, chat

Running Docker Compose

Command: docker-compose up -d
This will run our docker compose file and run in background (detached mode which means we don't need terminal open for that)

Command: docker ps
This will show the list of containers

Generating Public/Private key for RSA256


  • Command to generate private key:
    openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private_key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
  • Command to generate a public key from private key:
    openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem
  • Command to convert to Base64 (to put in .env file):
    base64 -i private_key.pem -o private_key-base64.txt