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FilmTools · Developing

PHP classes for film developings

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$ composer require filmtools/developing

This library requires the filmtools/commons library as well as psr/container.

The Developing class

The Developing class aggregates what makes a film developing: an exposure series, a developing time, and negative densities.

use FilmTools\Developing\Developing;

$exposures = array( 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9);
$densities = array( 0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.6);
$dev_time = 600;

$developing = new Developing( $exposures, $densities, $dev_time);

The constructor not only accepts exposure and densities arrays. It also accepts the Exposures variations or Densities objects from the filmtools/commons library:

use FilmTools\Commons\Exposures;
use FilmTools\Commons\Zones;
use FilmTools\Commons\FStops;
use FilmTools\Commons\Densities;

$exposures = new Exposure 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 ]);
$exposures = new Zones([ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]);
$exposures = new FStops([ -5, -4, -3, -2 ]);
$densities = new Densities([  0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.6 ]);

$developing = new Developing( $exposures, $densities, 600);

Methods API

The Developing class implements DensitiesProviderInterface which itself extends from ExposuresProviderInterface and DensitiesProviderInterface, both from the filmtools/commons library.

use FilmTools\Commons\Exposures;
use FilmTools\Commons\Densities;

// Returns "Exposures" instance
public function getExposures() : ExposuresInterface;

// Returns "Densities" instance
public function getDensities() : DensitiesInterface;

// Returns the developing time.
public function getTime() : int;

DensitiesProviderInterface additionally extends from \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface, \Countable, and \IteratorAggregate.

// Countable
echo count($developing); // 4
// IteratorAggregate
foreach( $developing as $logH => $logD):
// noop
use Psr\Container\NotFoundExceptionInterface;
use FilmTools\Developing\ExposureNotFoundException;

// ContainerInterface
try {
  $bool = $developing->has( 99 ); // false
  $logD = $developing->get( 99 ); // FALSE  
catch (NotFoundExceptionInterface $e)
  echo get_class($e); // ExposureNotFoundException

The DevelopingFactory

This callable class builds a new Developing instance from an associative Array. The constructor optionally accepts any FQDN of a class that extends from Developing.

class MyClass extends Developing
{ ... }

$developing_factory = new DevelopingFactory;
$developing_factory = new DevelopingFactory( MyClass::class );

$developing = $developing_factory([
	'time' => 600,
	'exposures' => [ 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 ],
	'densities' => [ 0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.6 ],

In case that you're not dealing with exposure values but zone numbers or f-stops rather, pass these instead. They will be converted to exposure values internally:

$time = 600;
$densities = [ 0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.6 ];

$developing = $developing_factory([
	'time'      => $time,
	'densities' => $densities,
	'zones'     => [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ],  

$developing = $developing_factory([
	'time'      => $time,
	'densities' => $densities,
	'fstops'    => [ -5, -4, 0, 1, 3 ]

About field names

Allowed field names for Density values are logD, density, and densities.

Allowed field names for Exposure values are logH, exposure, and exposures.

Allowed field names for fstops values are fstop and fstops.

Allowed field names for zone numbers values are zone and zones.

Allowed field names for time values are seconds and time.

The most specific column will be used.

Deprecation notes

The Developing class implements the getData method as prescribed by DevelopingInterface. This method is deprecated and will be removed with next major release.

Development and Unit testing

$ git clone
$ cd developing
$ composer install

# either, or, and:
$ composer test
$ vendor/bin/phpunit


PHP classes for film developings






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