All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Unreleased - 2023-09-18
- Login API (now supports calibration)
- On-chain: now just bucket storage
- Access Token: just api_key is enough
- Chain Name: we removed on-chain, so no chain needed
- (This means .env is just api_key)
0.3.1 - 2023-04-12
- IPFS folder uploads
- IPFS folder downloads
- With Replace parameter, user can replace the file with the same name.
- Changed package name from mcs -> swan_mcs
- list_buckets function now returns a list of Bucket objects or None if error occurs. (Was False before)
- list files function now returns a list of File objects or None if error occurs. (Was False before)
- upload_file function now returns a File object or None if error occurs. (Was False before)
- upload_folder function now returns a list of File objects or None if error occurs. (Was an empty list before)
- delete_file function now returns True if successful or False if error occurs. (Was None before)
- create_folder function now returns True if successful or False if error occurs. (Was None before)
- Help user to create Hierarchical Relationships base on the object name so user can see the Hierarchical Relationships in the MCS web console.