Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform. Additional tools and services have been created around it to build and manage an Event Streaming Platform.
This will provide a template for real world distributed kafka cluster deployment. Components will be in a physically distributed and distinct servers. Since monitoring your kafka cluster is tedious yet a very important task, instructions for integrating frameworks and UIs from Confluent Inc, lenses.io and other Open source projects are also provided to facilitate the management and configuration of the cluster.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running for development and testing purposes.
Get the Docker engine community edition following the steps in the official documentation here.
This Setup was tested on Ubuntu 18.04.
Install docker compose which relies on docker engine following the steps here.
- Zookeeper: 3.5
- Kafka: 2.3.0 (Confluent 5.3.1)
- kafka connect: Confluent 5.3.1
- Schema-registry: Confluent 5.3.1
- KSQL-server: Confluent 5.3.1
- KSQL-CLI: Confluent 5.3.1
- REST-Proxy: Confluent 5.3.1
- Kafka-topics-ui: 0.9.4
- kafka-connect-ui: 0.9.4
- Schema-registry-ui: 0.9.4
- Zoonavigator: 0.7.1
To deploy services, run in each node of the cluster the following command after changing to the directory where you have copied the appropriate compose file with the necessary changes:
docker-compose up -d
Or you can refer to this docker-compose.yml containing all the services.
Replace the following settings in the compose files here with the corresponding IP addresses in each node of the cluster:
- zookeeper-1, zookeeper-2 and zookeeper-3 in ZOO_SERVERS environment variable.
1- Kafka Cluster
Using Kafkacat utility (see the following link for installation) and by running the following command on one of the nodes (change the IP Address and Port number based on the chosen node) we can check that our cluster of 3 brokers was created successfully:
kafkacat -b IP_Address_of_the_broker_node:Port_Number -L
The output of this command is a list of 3 brokers with the corresponding IP Addresses and some topics that were automatically created.
2- Kafka Connect
We will create a simple source file stream connector to test kafka-connect service.
2.1- Standalone mode
- Create a new kafka topic
docker exec -it kafka-1 bash
kafka-topics --create --topic test-standalone --partitions 3 --replication-factor 1 --zookeeper zookeeper-1:2181
- Create the files worker.properties and file-stream-standalone.properties and update them with your servers' IP addresses
- Copy the previously created files inside the kafka-connect container using the following commands
docker cp worker.properties kafka-connect-1:/
docker cp file-stream-standalone.properties kafka-connect:/
- Run the connector in standalone mode
docker exec -it kafka-connect bash
connect-standalone worker.properties file-stream-standalone.properties
- Start a console consumer in kafka-1 broker
docker exec -it kafka-1 bash
kafka-connect-consumer --topic test-standalone --from-beginning --bootstrap-server kafka-1:9092
- Create a new file demo-file.txt inside the kafka-connect container and put some data into it
touch demo-file.txt
echo "hi" >> demo-file.txt
- You should now see your data in the console consumer
2.2- Distributed mode
- Create the file file-stream-distributed.properties and update it with your servers' IP addresses
- Copy this file inside the kafka-connect container
docker cp file-stream-distributed.properties kafka-connect:/
- Run the connector in distributed mode
connect-distributed file-stream-distributed.properties
- Start a console consumer in kafka-1 broker
docker exec -it kafka-1 bash
kafka-connect-consumer --topic test-distributed --from-beginning --bootstrap-server kafka-1:9092
- Put some data into demo-file.txt
echo "hi again" >> demo-file.txt
- You should now see your data in the console consumer
2.3- Rest API
- Run the following command to create a new file stream connector in distributed mode
curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"name": "file-stream-demo-distributed-2", "config":{"connector.class":"org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSourceConnector","key.converter.schemas.enable":"true","file":"demo-file.txt","tasks.max":"1","value.converter.schemas.enable":"true","name":"file-stream-demo-distributed-2","topic":"test-distributed","value.converter":"org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter","key.converter":"org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter"}}' http://kafka-connect-1:8083/connectors
- List connectors available on your worker (you should see your newly created connector file-stream-demo-distributed-2)
curl -s kafka-connect-1:8083/connector-plugins
- Get connector status (it shoud be in state Running)
curl -s kafka-connect-1:8083/connectors/file-stream-demo-distributed-2/status
- Start a console consumer in kafka-1 broker
docker exec -it kafka-1 bash
kafka-connect-consumer --topic test-distributed --from-beginning --bootstrap-server kafka-1:9092
- Put some data into demo-file.txt
echo "rest api test" >> demo-file.txt
- You should now see your data in the console consumer
Replace the following settings in the extended compose files here IP_ADDRESS_SERVER_1, IP_ADDRESS_SERVER_2 and IP_ADDRESS_SERVER_3 with the corresponding IP addresses in each node of the cluster
The following components could be deployed in a seperate server dedicated to the monitoring and management of the cluster which we will refer to as SERVER_4
Add the following service definition with the appropriate IP address and deploy it
image: landoop/kafka-topics-ui:0.9.4
hostname: kafka-topics-ui
container_name: kafka-topics-ui
- "8002:8000"
PROXY: "true"
Access this url http://IP_ADDRESS_SERVER_4:8002
and you should be prompted with the topics interface
Add the following service definition with the appropriate IP addresses and deploy it
image: landoop/kafka-connect-ui:0.9.4
hostname: kafka-connect-ui
container_name: kafka-connect-ui
- "8003:8000"
CONNECT_URL: "http://IP_ADDRESS_SERVER_1:8083,http://IP_ADDRESS_SERVER_2:8083,http://IP_ADDRESS_SERVER_3:8083"
PROXY: "true"
Access this url http://IP_ADDRESS_SERVER_4:8003
and you should be prompted with the connect interface
Add the following service definition with the appropriate IP addresses and deploy it
image: landoop/schema-registry-ui:0.9.4
hostname: schema-registry-ui
container_name: schema-registry-ui
- "8001:8000"
CONNECT_URL: "http://IP_ADDRESS_SERVER_1:8081,http://IP_ADDRESS_SERVER_2:8081,http://IP_ADDRESS_SERVER_3:8081"
PROXY: "true"
Access this url http://IP_ADDRESS_SERVER_4:8001
and you should be prompted with the schema registry interface
This is a tool for managing Apache Kafka.
Add the following service definition with the appropriate IP addresses and chosen password then deploy it
image: "qnib/plain-kafka-manager"
container_name: kafka-manager
restart: always
Access this url http://IP_ADDRESS_SERVER_4:9000
and you should be prompted with the kafka-manager interface
This is a web-based ZooKeeper UI.
Add the following service definition and deploy it
image: "elkozmon/zoonavigator:0.7.1"
container_name: zoonavigator
restart: unless-stopped
Access this url http://IP_ADDRESS_SERVER_4:9001
and you should be prompted with the zoonavigator interface
- Firas Esbai
This project is licenced under the Apache-2.0 Licence