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Keepmenu Configuration

Installation - Usage

If you start keepmenu for the first time without a config file, it will prompt you for database and keyfile locations and save them in a default config file.

OR Copy config.ini.example to ~/.config/keepmenu/config.ini and use it as a reference for additional options.

Alternatively you can specify the file path to your config.ini using the -c/--config flag.

Config.ini values

Section Key Default Notes
[dmenu] dmenu_command dmenu Command can include arguments
pinentry None
title_path True True, False or int
[dmenu_passphrase] obscure False
obscure_color #222222 Only applicable to dmenu
[database] database_n None n is any integer
keyfile_n None
password_n None
password_cmd_n None
autotype_default_n None Overrides global default
pw_cache_period_min 360 Value in minutes
editor vim
terminal xterm
gui_editor None
type_library pynput xdotool, ydotool, wtype or pynput
hide_groups None See below for formatting of multiple groups
autotype_default {USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}{ENTER} Keepass autotype sequences
type_url False
[password_chars] lower abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
digits 0123456789
punctuation !"#$%%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{│}~
Custom Name(s) Any string
[password_char_presets] Letters+Digits+Punctuation upper lower digits punctuation
Letters+Digits upper lower digits
Letters upper lower
Digits digits
Custom Name(s) Any combo of [password_chars] entries

Config.ini example

# Note that dmenu_command can contain arguments as well
dmenu_command = rofi -dmenu -theme keepmenu -i
# dmenu_command = dmenu -i -l 25 -b -nb #909090 -nf #303030
pinentry = pinentry-gtk
title_path = 25

## Obscure password entry.
obscure = True
obscure_color = #303030

database_1 = ~/docs/Passwords.kdbx
keyfile_1 = /mnt/usb/keyfile
database_2 = ~/docs/totp_db.kdbx
autotype_default_2 = {TOTP}{ENTER}
password_cmd_2 = gpg -qd ~/.pass.gpg

pw_cache_period_min = 720

gui_editor = gvim -f
type_library = xdotool
hide_groups = Recycle Bin
              Group 2
              Group 3
type_url = True

## Set the global default
autotype_default = {USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}{ENTER}

# Set custom groups of characters for password generation. Any name is fine and
# these can be used to create new groups of presets in password_char_presets. If
# you reuse 'upper', 'lower', 'digits', or 'punctuation', those will
# replace the default values.
lower = abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz
digits = 23456789
punctuation = !"#$%%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{}~
# NOTE: % needs to be escaped with another % sign
# Custom EXAMPLES:
punc min = !?#*@-+$%%
upper = ABCDEFZ

# Set character preset groups for password generation. For multiple sets use a space in between
# If you set any custom presets here, the default sets will not be displayed unless uncommented below:
# Valid values are: upper lower digits punctuation
# Also valid are any custom sets defined in [password_chars]
# Custom Examples:
Minimal Punc = upper lower digits "punc min"
Router Site = upper digits
  1. Add your database(s) and keyfile(s)

  2. Adjust pw_cache_period_min if desired. Default is 6 hours (360 min).

  3. Set the dmenu_command to the desired application, including configuration options.

    • Note: If using wofi, the --height paramater will not work properly. You will have to set --lines instead, as keepmenu attempts to set a dynamic height based on number of lines of options.
    • If using Rofi, pass desired theme via dmenu_command = rofi -theme <theme>.rasi.
    • Dmenu theme options are also passed in dmenu_command
  4. Adjust the autotype_default, if desired. Allowed codes are the Keepass 2.x codes except for repetitions and most command codes. {DELAY x} (in milliseconds) is supported. Individual autotype sequences can be edited or disabled inside Keepmenu.

  5. If you need support on Wayland for non-U.S. English keyboard layouts and/or characters, you might need to experiment with the various typing options to which works for your use case.

    • When using xdotool, call setxkbmap to set your keyboard type somewhere in your window manager or desktop environment initialization. For example: exec setxkbmap de in ~/.config/i3/config.
  6. New sets of characters can be set in config.ini in the [password_chars] section. A new preset for each custom set will be listed in addition to the default presets. If you redefine one of the default sets (upper, lower, digits, punctuation), it will replace the default values.

  7. New preset groups of character sets can be defined in config.ini in the [password_char_presets] section. You can set any combination of default and custom character sets. A minimum of one character from each distinct set will be used when generating a new password. If any custom presets are defined, the default presets will not be displayed unless they are uncommented.

Warning If you choose to store your database password into config.ini, make sure to chmod 600 config.ini. This is not secure and I only added it as a convenience for testing.