Import your transactions into Firefly III
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"Firefly III" is a (self-hosted) manager for your personal finances. It can help you keep track of your expenses and income, so you can spend less and save more. The data importer is built to help you import transactions into Firefly III. It is separated from Firefly III for security and maintenance reasons.
The data importer does not connect to your bank directly. Instead, it uses GoCardless and SaltEdge to connect to over 6000 banks worldwide. These services are free for Firefly III users, but require registration. Keep in mind these services have their own privacy and data usage policies.
The data importer can import CSV files you've downloaded from your bank.
You can run the data importer once, for a bulk import. You can also run it regularly to keep up with new transactions.
Eager to get started? Go to the documentation!
- Import from over 6000 banks
- Import over the command line for easy automation
- Import over an API for easy automation
- Use rules and data mapping for transaction clarity
Many more features are listed in the documentation.
This application is for people who want to track their finances, keep an eye on their money without having to upload their financial records to the cloud. You're a bit tech-savvy, you like open source software, and you don't mind tinkering with (self-hosted) servers.
Many more features are listed in the documentation.
You can contact me at, you may open an issue in the main repository or contact me through gitter and Mastodon.
Of course, there are some contributing guidelines and a code of conduct, which I invite you to check out.
I can always use your help squashing bugs, thinking about new features or translating Firefly III into other languages.
Sonarcloud scans the code of Firefly III. If you want to help improve Firefly III, check out the latest reports and take your pick!
There is also a security policy.
If you like Firefly III and if it helps you save lots of money, why not send me a dime for every dollar saved! 🥳
OK that was a joke. If you feel Firefly III made your life better, please consider contributing as a sponsor. Please check out my Patreon and GitHub Sponsors page for more information. You can also buy me a ☕️ coffee at Thank you for your consideration.
This work is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.
Do you want to contact me? You can email me at or get in touch through one of the following support channels:
- GitHub Discussions for questions and support
- for a good chat and a quick answer
- GitHub Issues for bugs and issues. Issues are collected centrally, in the Firefly III repository.
- Mastodon for news and updates
The Firefly III logo is made by the excellent Cherie Woo.