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Thor tasks helping with DM development and contribution

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Setting up a DataMapper development environment

Contributing to DataMapper might seem intimidating at first. The variety of available gems and github repositories might appear to be an impenetrable jungle. Fear not! The following tasks help to simplify the task of locally testing patches for DataMapper before submitting them.

The following steps will guide you through the process of fetching the source and running the specs on multiple rubies (using rvm). The provided tasks also make sure that you're always running the specs against your local DataMapper source codes. This is very important once you're working on a patch that affects multiple DataMapper gems.

Once you've verified your patch locally, submitted it, and had it accepted, be sure to check the status of the DataMapper CI server. Check both the project that your patch is for, and all downstream projects. (The console output from the spec run can be viewed by clicking the green/red status icons on the build detail page, then clicking the 'Console Output' link in the left-hand sidebar nav).


You need to have rvm, bundler, thor, ruby-github, addressable, rest-client and jeweler available on your machine.

Installing rvm

The awesome rvm comes as a gem and makes installing and using different rubies a breeze. Be aware that the following commands may take quite some time, depending on your machine.

gem install rvm   # Please follow the instructions
rvm install 1.8.7 # You should run specs on 1.8.7
rvm install 1.9.2 # You should run specs on 1.9.2
rvm install jruby # Bonus points for running on jruby
rvm install rbx   # Bonus points for running on rbx

Reading through rvm's detailed documentation is definitely time well spent too.

Installing the required gems

Actually, it's enough to have the following gems installed in the rvm ruby you use to run the dm-dev tasks. However, if you sometimes switch rubies you might want to have the dm-dev tasks handy for all of them.

rvm 1.8.7,1.9.2,jruby,rbx gem install jeweler bundler thor addressable ruby-github json rest-client

Once those are installed, you have all you need for the DataMapper thor tasks to work.

Installing the DataMapper thor tasks

The easiest way to install the thor tasks is to simply run the following.

thor install

If you don't feel comfortable with executing code loaded from the internet, you can also clone the github repo containing the tasks and then install them like you would install any thor task.

git clone git://
thor install dm-dev/tasks.rb

Either way, after showing you the content of tasks.rb, thor will ask you for a name for those new tasks.

Please specify a name for tasks.rb in the system repository [tasks.rb]:

You can choose any name at that prompt, or you can just hit enter to accept the default. All provided thor tasks are available below the dm namespace.

Verify the installation by printing a list of available thor tasks to your screen.

ree-1.8.7-2010.02@datamapper mungo:dm-dev snusnu$ thor -T
thor dm:bundle:force    # Force rebundling by removing all Gemfile.platform and Gemfile.platform.lock files
thor dm:bundle:install  # Bundle the DM repositories
thor dm:bundle:show     # Show the bundle content
thor dm:bundle:update   # Update the bundled DM repositories
thor dm:gem:install     # Install all included gems into the specified rubies
thor dm:gem:uninstall   # Uninstall all included gems from the specified rubies
thor dm:implode         # Delete all DM gems
thor dm:meta:list       # List locally known DM repositories
thor dm:release         # Release all DM gems to rubygems
thor dm:spec            # Run specs for DM gems
thor dm:status          # Show git status information
thor dm:sync            # Sync with the DM repositories

If everything went fine, you should see the above list of available commands (among any other thor tasks you might have installed already).


The following describes the new DM development tasks and shows how you can use them. These tasks greatly simplify the management of DM related source code and hopefully also help interested contributors to get a fully functional DM development up and running fast. By invoking very few commands, contributors can verify if their patch(es) meet the DM quality guidelines, aka, do specs pass on all supported platforms?

Totally isolated

The following tasks don't affect the system gems at all. Nor do they mess with any rvm ruby specific (system)gem(set). By default, everything will be bundled below "#{Dir.pwd}/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT", you can alter the install location by passing the DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT=/path/to/bundle/root ENV var. DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT contains separate folders for every ruby in use.

This means that once all dependencies are bundled for any given ruby, there's no need to clean anything between spec runs. Also, no re-bundling needs to happen before spec runs since everything is already bundled. Of course, the bundles can (and should) be updated manually from time to time, to ensure that the dependencies for the code under test are up to date.

The tasks make sure that you're always testing against local sources. This is very important if you're developing patches that touch multiple DM repositories. Testing against local sources only, will make sure that the code still works with all your modifications to potentially more than one DM repository.

To achieve this, the bundle task copies the Gemfile to Gemfile.ruby_version where ruby_version is any of the specified rubies to use. This is done because bundler automatically creates a Gemfile.lock after bundle install. In our case that leaves us with files like Gemfile.1.9.2 and Gemfile.1.9.2.lock. That's necessary, because otherwise bundler confuses the the BUNDLE_PATH to use. Every command executed by the bundle tasks explicitly passes BUNDLE_PATH=/path/to/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/ruby_version and BUNDLE_GEMFILE=/path/to/Gemfile.ruby_version as environment variables, to make sure that the right bundle is used.

Remove all traces easily

Since the complete DM development environment is located in one single folder, it's easy to get rid of it any time. Apart from obviously just deleting the folder, you can use thor dm:implode just for the fun of it.

When the DM_DEV_INCLUDE environment variable is not specified, all repositories will be deleted as well as the DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT, meaning that you will have to re-bundle everything next time. (Be aware that this might take a long time!)

When the DM_DEV_INCLUDE environment variable is specified, only the specified repositories will be deleted. The DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT stays untouched.

Running specs

The spec task runs specs for all specified gems against all specified rubies and adapters. While running, it prints out a matrix, that shows for every ruby and every adapter if the specs pass or fail. The spec task makes sure that only local DM sources are used so you can safely assume that you're running the specs against your latest modifications.

Note that for the specs to reliably work, you should thor dm:sync all DM repositories once. This is necessary because some gems might depend on other DM gems and since we're running all specs with local code, we need to make sure that this code is available.

Also note that for the DataMapper tests to run, you need to have two databases setup on all the adapters you want to test. The names for these databases are:


The specs will connect to these databases using the datamapper user with password datamapper. Be sure to grant enough privileges to these users, on the above mentioned databases.

You can override user and password by setting the following ENV vars:

export DM_DB_USER=your_db_user
export DM_DB_PASSWORD=your_db_password

The available thor tasks

thor dm:bundle:force    # Force rebundling by removing all Gemfile.platform and Gemfile.platform.lock files
thor dm:bundle:install  # Bundle the DM repositories
thor dm:bundle:show     # Show the bundle content
thor dm:bundle:update   # Update the bundled DM repositories
thor dm:gem:install     # Install all included gems into the specified rubies
thor dm:gem:uninstall   # Uninstall all included gems from the specified rubies
thor dm:implode         # Delete all DM gems
thor dm:meta:list       # List locally known DM repositories
thor dm:release         # Release all DM gems to rubygems
thor dm:spec            # Run specs for DM gems
thor dm:status          # Show git status information
thor dm:sync            # Sync with the DM repositories

Common options

Every task can be configured with a few environment variables.

DM_DEV_ROOT=/some/path                  # Points to where the DM sources will be installed and used
DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT=/some/path           # Points to where bundler will install all it's data
DM_DEV_RUBIES="1.8.7 1.9.2"             # The rvm ruby interpreters to use
DM_DEV_INCLUDE="dm-core dm-validations" # Makes sure that only these gems are used. When left out, all gems will be used
DM_DEV_EXCLUDE="dm-tags dm-ar-finders"  # Makes sure that these gems are not used
ADAPTERS="mysql postgres"               # Use only these DM adapters
DM_DEV_GEMSET=datamapper                # With dm:gem:install, install all gems into the "datamapper" gemset
VERBOSE=true                            # Print out every shell command before executing it
BENCHMARK=true                          # Print the time the command took to execute

Any of these environment variables has an equivalent thor option as will be seen below. When a thor option is passed for which the respective environment variable has already been set too, the thor option will overwrite the environment variable's value. The same goes for using the Ruby API directly. Any of the passed in options (a Hash) overwrites any setting already configured via the environment variables.

Task specific options

The dm:gem:install, dm:gem:uninstall and dm:sync tasks accept additional options to further configure their behavior. Both dm:gem:install and dm:gem:uninstall accept the --gemset or -g option that allows you to pass the name of the rvm gemset you want to install or uninstall the gems to or from. If left out, the respective global rvm gemsets will be used. Have a look at the section below for an explanation of dm:sync's --development or -d option.

Support passing options on to the underlying command

This is currently only supported for the dm:spec command where it can be used to run any specific spec folder(s) or file(s).

The options can be passed by specifying them just like the underlying command would expect them. To separate these options from the task's options themselves, they need to be passed after a --.

Here's an example invocation:

thor dm:spec -i dm-aggregates -R 1.8.7 1.9.2 -a sqlite -- spec/isolated

This would only run specs located in the spec/isolated folder. As always, you can pass the -v switch to see the command that gets executed.

Using private github clone URLs

If you have push access to any or all the DataMapper repositories, you can pass the --development or -d switch to the thor dm:sync command. This will use the private github clone URL and thus allow you to push your changes back without manually having to edit the .git/config file(s).

Setting up a DataMapper development environment

All the dm-dev tasks rely on a common set of environment variables that are used to determine a few things necessary for dm-dev to do its thing.

# You should probably set this! (defaults to Dir.pwd)
# Every dm:* task assumes that sources are located in that directory.
export DM_DEV_ROOT=/path/to/the/datamapper/sources

# Those should have reasonable defaults but you can still tweak them
export DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT=/path/to/where/bundler/manages/dm/sources
export DM_DEV_RUBIES="1.8.7 1.9.2 jruby rbx"
export DM_DEV_GEMSET="datamapper"
export DM_DEV_INCLUDE="some dm gems to include"
export DM_DEV_EXCLUDE="some dm gems to exclude"

You can put those environment variable exports into your ~/.bash_profile for example.

Once you have the basics configured, thor dm:sync will clone all DataMapper sources to DM_DEV_ROOT. With all sources synced, you're ready to run specs for all the DataMapper gems. Running thor dm:spec right away will perform a thor dm:bundle:install if it thinks that this is still necessary. Obviously, you can also call thor dm:bundle:install manually before running the specs.

Know what's going on

Every task supports the -p or --pretend switch. When passed, no command will actually get executed. Instead, the commands to execute are printed to the console. Executing these commands in your shell manually, has the same effect as running the thor task itself.

This is interesting if you want to get familiar with how dm-dev does it's thing, or if you want to run the commands directly, without the thor tasks involved.

All the tasks also accept the -v or --verbose switch. When passed, output from any commands won't be suppressed, thus allowing you to see what the various commands actually return.

Note that passing -v or --verbose in addition to -p or --pretend will remove the ouput silencing from the commands. This means that when executing them, you can watch command output as it arrives.

Here's an example of what gets printed for the typical commands. Obviously your results may differ.

ree-1.8.7-2010.02 mungo:dm-dev snusnu$ thor dm:sync -i dm-validations -p -v
<GitHub::User name="DataMapper">
cd /Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/dm-validations
git checkout master ; git pull --rebase

ree-1.8.7-2010.02 mungo:dm-dev snusnu$ thor dm:bundle:install -i dm-validations -p -v
<GitHub::User name="DataMapper">
cd /Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/dm-validations
rvm 1.8.7 exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/1.8.7' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.1.8.7.local' ADAPTERS='in_memory yaml sqlite postgres mysql' bundle install --without quality "
rvm 1.9.2 exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/1.9.2' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.1.9.2.local' ADAPTERS='in_memory yaml sqlite postgres mysql' bundle install --without quality "
rvm jruby exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/jruby' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.jruby.local' ADAPTERS='in_memory yaml sqlite postgres mysql' bundle install --without quality "
rvm rbx exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/rbx' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.rbx.local' ADAPTERS='in_memory yaml sqlite postgres mysql' bundle install --without quality "

ree-1.8.7-2010.02 mungo:dm-dev snusnu$ thor dm:spec -i dm-validations -p -v
<GitHub::User name="DataMapper">
cd /Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/dm-validations
rvm 1.8.7 exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/1.8.7' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.1.8.7.local' ADAPTER=in_memory TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "
rvm 1.8.7 exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/1.8.7' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.1.8.7.local' ADAPTER=yaml TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "
rvm 1.8.7 exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/1.8.7' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.1.8.7.local' ADAPTER=sqlite TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "
rvm 1.8.7 exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/1.8.7' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.1.8.7.local' ADAPTER=postgres TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "
rvm 1.8.7 exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/1.8.7' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.1.8.7.local' ADAPTER=mysql TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "
rvm 1.9.2 exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/1.9.2' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.1.9.2.local' ADAPTER=in_memory TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "
rvm 1.9.2 exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/1.9.2' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.1.9.2.local' ADAPTER=yaml TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "
rvm 1.9.2 exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/1.9.2' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.1.9.2.local' ADAPTER=sqlite TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "
rvm 1.9.2 exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/1.9.2' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.1.9.2.local' ADAPTER=postgres TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "
rvm 1.9.2 exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/1.9.2' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.1.9.2.local' ADAPTER=mysql TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "
rvm jruby exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/jruby' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.jruby.local' ADAPTER=in_memory TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "
rvm jruby exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/jruby' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.jruby.local' ADAPTER=yaml TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "
rvm jruby exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/jruby' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.jruby.local' ADAPTER=sqlite TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "
rvm jruby exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/jruby' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.jruby.local' ADAPTER=postgres TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "
rvm jruby exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/jruby' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.jruby.local' ADAPTER=mysql TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "
rvm rbx exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/rbx' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.rbx.local' ADAPTER=in_memory TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "
rvm rbx exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/rbx' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.rbx.local' ADAPTER=yaml TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "
rvm rbx exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/rbx' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.rbx.local' ADAPTER=sqlite TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "
rvm rbx exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/rbx' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.rbx.local' ADAPTER=postgres TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "
rvm rbx exec bash -c "BUNDLE_PATH='/Users/snusnu/projects/github/shared/datamapper/dm-dev/DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT/rbx' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='Gemfile.rbx.local' ADAPTER=mysql TZ=utc bundle exec rake spec "

Example thor session

ree-1.8.7-2010.02 mungo:dm-dev snusnu$ thor help dm
  /path/to/thor dm:bundle:install  # Bundle the DM repositories
  /path/to/thor dm:bundle:show     # Show the bundle content
  /path/to/thor dm:bundle:update   # Update the bundled DM repositories
  /path/to/thor dm:implode         # Delete all DM gems
  /path/to/thor dm:meta:list       # List locally known DM repositories
  /path/to/thor dm:release         # Release all DM gems to rubygems
  /path/to/thor dm:spec            # Run specs for DM gems
  /path/to/thor dm:status          # Show git status information
  /path/to/thor dm:sync            # Sync with the DM repositories

  -v, [--verbose]                  # Print the shell commands being executed
  -a, [--adapters=one two three]   # The DM adapters to use with this command (overwrites ADAPTERS)
  -i, [--include=one two three]    # The DM gems to include with this command (overwrites DM_DEV_INCLUDE)
  -r, [--root=ROOT]                # The directory where all DM source code is stored (overwrites DM_DEV_ROOT)
  -b, [--benchmark]                # Print the time the command took to execute
  -R, [--rubies=one two three]     # The rvm ruby interpreters to use with this command (overwrites DM_DEV_RUBIES)
  -p, [--pretend]                  # Print the shell commands that would get executed
  -B, [--bundle-root=BUNDLE_ROOT]  # The directory where bundler stores all its data (overwrites DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT)
  -e, [--exclude=one two three]    # The DM gems to exclude with this command (overwrites DM_DEV_EXCLUDE)

ree-1.8.7-2010.02 mungo:dm-dev snusnu$ thor dm:sync -i dm-validations dm-constraints
<GitHub::User name="DataMapper">
[1/2] Cloning dm-constraints
[2/2] Cloning dm-validations
ree-1.8.7-2010.02 mungo:dm-dev snusnu$ thor dm:sync -i dm-validations dm-constraints
<GitHub::User name="DataMapper">
[1/2] Pulling dm-constraints
[2/2] Pulling dm-validations
ree-1.8.7-2010.02 mungo:dm-dev snusnu$ thor dm:implode -i dm-validations dm-constraints
<GitHub::User name="DataMapper">
[1/2] Deleting dm-constraints
[2/2] Deleting dm-validations
ree-1.8.7-2010.02 mungo:dm-dev snusnu$ thor dm:sync -i dm-validations dm-constraints
<GitHub::User name="DataMapper">
[1/2] Cloning dm-constraints
[2/2] Cloning dm-validations
ree-1.8.7-2010.02 mungo:dm-dev snusnu$ thor dm:bundle:install -R 1.8.7 1.9.2 jruby rbx -i dm-validations dm-constraints
<GitHub::User name="DataMapper">
[1/2] [1.8.7] bundle install dm-constraints
[1/2] [1.9.2] bundle install dm-constraints
[1/2] [jruby] bundle install dm-constraints
[1/2] [rbx] bundle install dm-constraints
[2/2] [1.8.7] bundle install dm-validations
[2/2] [1.9.2] bundle install dm-validations
[2/2] [jruby] bundle install dm-validations
[2/2] [rbx] bundle install dm-validations
ree-1.8.7-2010.02 mungo:dm-dev snusnu$ thor dm:bundle:update -R 1.8.7 1.9.2 jruby rbx -i dm-validations dm-constraints
<GitHub::User name="DataMapper">
[1/2] [1.8.7] bundle update dm-constraints
[1/2] [1.9.2] bundle update dm-constraints
[1/2] [jruby] bundle update dm-constraints
[1/2] [rbx] bundle update dm-constraints
[2/2] [1.8.7] bundle update dm-validations
[2/2] [1.9.2] bundle update dm-validations
[2/2] [jruby] bundle update dm-validations
[2/2] [rbx] bundle update dm-validations
ree-1.8.7-2010.02 mungo:dm-dev snusnu$ thor dm:spec -R 1.8.7 1.9.2 jruby rbx -i dm-validations dm-constraints
<GitHub::User name="DataMapper">

h2. dm-constraints

| RUBY  | in_memory | yaml | sqlite | postgres | mysql |
| 1.8.7 | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
| 1.9.2 | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
| jruby | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
| rbx | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |

h2. dm-validations

| RUBY  | in_memory | yaml | sqlite | postgres | mysql |
| 1.8.7 | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
| 1.9.2 | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
| jruby | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
| rbx | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |

Using the thor tasks inside the source directories

When inside any DM repo directory, leaving out a directory to include means the task will only operate on the repo residing in the current working directory. If you want to overwrite that behavior, specify -i all explicitly.

This means that when you're working on a gem, you can simply cd into that directory, and then run any of the tasks without explicitly providing the -i option to scope the task to only some gem(s).


export DM_DEV_ROOT=/path/to/dm/dev/root
cd $DM_DEV_ROOT/dm-validations

thor dm:sync           # same as passing: -i dm-validations
thor dm:list           # same as passing: -i dm-validations
thor dm:bundle:install # same as passing: -i dm-validations
thor dm:bundle:update  # same as passing: -i dm-validations
thor dm:bundle:show    # same as passing: -i dm-validations
thor dm:spec           # same as passing: -i dm-validations
thor dm:implode        # same as passing: -i dm-validations

All the above commands will only use dm-validations. Of course you can still pass any other additional options to the commands.

The available ruby API

# All the methods below accept the following options.
#   :root        => "/path/to/store/dm/sources"                # overwrites ENV['DM_DEV_ROOT']
#   :bundle_root => "/path/to/store/dm/bundler/data"           # overwrites ENV['DM_DEV_BUNDLE_ROOT']
#   :rubies      => %w[ 1.8.7 1.9.2 jruby rbx ]                # overwrites ENV['DM_DEV_RUBIES']
#   :include     => %w[ dm-core dm-validations ]               # overwrites ENV['DM_DEV_INCLUDE']
#   :exclude     => %w[ dm-tags ]                              # overwrites ENV['DM_DEV_EXCLUDE']
#   :adapters    => %w[ in_memory yaml sqlite mysql postgres ] # overwrites ENV['ADAPTERS']
#   :verbose     => false                                      # overwrites ENV['VERBOSE']
#   :benchmark   => false


Example IRB session

The following IRB session demonstrate a typical workflow. The API used in this session can also be invoked via system wide thor tasks.

ree-1.8.7-2010.02 mungo:dm-dev snusnu$ irb -r tasks.rb
ree-1.8.7-2010.02 > DM.sync :include => %w[ dm-validations dm-constraints ]
<GitHub::User name="DataMapper">
[1/2] Cloning dm-constraints
[2/2] Cloning dm-validations
 => nil
ree-1.8.7-2010.02 > DM.sync :include => %w[ dm-validations dm-constraints ]
<GitHub::User name="DataMapper">
[1/2] Pulling dm-constraints
[2/2] Pulling dm-validations
 => nil
ree-1.8.7-2010.02 > DM.implode :include => %w[ dm-validations dm-constraints ]
<GitHub::User name="DataMapper">
[1/2] Deleting dm-constraints
[2/2] Deleting dm-validations
 => nil
ree-1.8.7-2010.02 > DM.sync :include => %w[ dm-validations dm-constraints ]
<GitHub::User name="DataMapper">
[1/2] Cloning dm-constraints
[2/2] Cloning dm-validations
 => nil
ree-1.8.7-2010.02 > DM.bundle_install :rubies => %w[ 1.8.7 1.9.2 jruby rbx], :include => %w[ dm-validations dm-constraints ]
<GitHub::User name="DataMapper">
[1/2] [1.8.7] bundle install dm-constraints
[1/2] [1.9.2] bundle install dm-constraints
[1/2] [jruby] bundle install dm-constraints
[1/2] [rbx] bundle install dm-constraints
[2/2] [1.8.7] bundle install dm-validations
[2/2] [1.9.2] bundle install dm-validations
[2/2] [jruby] bundle install dm-validations
[2/2] [rbx] bundle install dm-validations
 => nil
ree-1.8.7-2010.02 > DM.bundle_update :rubies => %w[ 1.8.7 1.9.2 jruby rbx], :include => %w[ dm-validations dm-constraints ]
<GitHub::User name="DataMapper">
[1/2] [1.8.7] bundle update dm-constraints
[1/2] [1.9.2] bundle update dm-constraints
[1/2] [jruby] bundle update dm-constraints
[1/2] [rbx] bundle update dm-constraints
[2/2] [1.8.7] bundle update dm-validations
[2/2] [1.9.2] bundle update dm-validations
[2/2] [jruby] bundle update dm-validations
[2/2] [rbx] bundle update dm-validations
 => nil
ree-1.8.7-2010.02 > DM.spec :rubies => %w[ 1.8.7 1.9.2 jruby rbx], :include => %w[ dm-validations dm-constraints ]
<GitHub::User name="DataMapper">

h2. dm-constraints

| RUBY  | in_memory | yaml | sqlite | postgres | mysql |
| 1.8.7 | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
| 1.9.2 | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
| jruby | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
| rbx | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |

h2. dm-validations

| RUBY  | in_memory | yaml | sqlite | postgres | mysql |
| 1.8.7 | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
| 1.9.2 | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
| jruby | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
| rbx | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
 => nil

Adding new gems

You can instruct the thor tasks to take other gems into account too. All you need to do is make sure that the cached repository configuration contains entries for all the gems you want to test.

You can achieve this either by simply editing the #{DM_DEV_ROOT}/dm-dev.yml file by hand, or by running the following command:

thor dm:meta:add -n your_gem_name -u

Subsequent operations will take the newly added gem into account, given that it provides a Gemfile and a rake spec spec task.


Thor tasks helping with DM development and contribution






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