FlowdockBot using Hedwig and Api.ai
Create Api.ai tokens and Flowdock api token and replace the places on config.exs file
config :apiai,
client_access_token: "CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE",
developer_access_token: "DEVELOPER_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE"
config :chatbot, FlowdockBot.Robot,
adapter: Hedwig.Adapters.Flowdock,
name: "ChatBot",
aka: "/",
# fill in the appropriate API token for your bot
# for now, you can invite your bot to a channel in Flowdock and it will join
# automatically
rooms: ["ROOM_ID"],
responders: [
{Hedwig.Responders.Help, []},
{Hedwig.Responders.Ping, []},
{FlowdockBot.Responders.AI, []}
Open a terminal and run the following commands
mix deps.get
iex -S mix