See releases
Create new EventManager
EventManager eventManager = new EventManager();
Make your impllementation of EventListener(for example EventListenerImpl):
public class EventListenerImpl implements EventListener{
public void updateReceived(Update update) {
ClientMessage clientMessage = update.getClientMessage();
JivoService jivoService = update.getJivoService();
Message message = clientMessage.getMessage();
String text = message.getText();
Message newMessage = new MessageText();
BotMessage botMessage = new BotMessage(clientMessage.getClient_id(), clientMessage.getChat_id(), newMessage);
}catch (Exception exception){
Add your listener to EventManager
eventManager.addListener(new EventListenerImpl());
Create new JivoBotApplication
JivoBotApplication jivoBotApplication = new JivoBotApplication(eventManager,8080,"provider_id/your_token");
- Сome up with your own unique token for the bot
- Go to JivoWebSite and register
- Go to Jivo Bot Api page
- Write to Jivo that you are creating your bot ,and you need provider id.
- Follow instructions.
- If you have any questions, ask them in the chat on Jivo website.
- At the end, you have provider id and your bot token. Enter "your_provider_id/your_bot_token" in JivoBotApplication constructor.