Soft tools for PMT V1730 analysis
- Log run:
- ssh
- ssh (open two terminals)
- Setup script (
in home area) - In the first terminal open the monitoring. Command is just DAQInterface
- Have a look to the file
- Set the
server and the partition in which we will run tha DAQ (we are currently using evb02 and p1) - Message people in the Slack channel #sbnd_daq about what server and partition we are using (also update this spreadsheet)
- Then we modified configs/standard/EventBuilder2.fcl:
- These are the hicls to run the evnetbuilder. Tells what evbn server we are.
- We modified the path where the output goes (somewhere in /scratch/fnicolas/myfancydirectory)
- Then we have a look to these fhicls: pmtx01.fcl and pmt_standard.fcl (apparently we didn’t modify anything?)
- Other file we looked at:
- Always run in the DAQInterface directory (for both monitoring and run)
sbndaq v01_05_00
PMT host: sbnd-evb04-daq -
PMT host: sbnd-evb02-daq
EventBuilder host: sbnd-evb04-daq -
EventBuilder label: EventBuilder4 -
EventBuilder host: sbnd-evb02-daq
EventBuilder label: EventBuilder2
Dispatcher host: sbnd-evb04-daq -
Dispatcher host: sbnd-evb02-daq
This file contains the info of the event builder machine (evb) we are use to make our run. We need to make sure anyone else is running on the same machine. There is a spreadsheet for that. Modify the event builder machine we are using. Eventually we will want to change the partition in the evb machine we are using (
Subsystem id: 1
outputs.normalOutput.fileName: "/scratch/data/data_evb02_run%R_%#_%to.root" -
outputs.normalOutput.fileName: "/scratch/pmtv1730_fnicolas/noiseonly/data_evb02_run%R_%#_%to.root"
There are 4
fhicls, one per evb server. We need to modify the fhicl corresponding to the server we'll use. Change the output path (where the eveents will be recorded). Make sure to create the directory in the server before running.
daq.fragment_receiver.fragment_id: 15
Conversion then is: ChannelNumber = fragment_id*NChannels
We need to spedify a name for the board we are using (arbitrary I think):
daq.fragment_receiver.boardId: 10
Important: specify link the board is connected to (from 0 to 3)
- 0
This is the fhicl that will call the DAQ generator/producer. It's what we call from the
- pmtx03 crt01PULL spectdc ptb01PULL - pmtx01
Scrit to start the DAQ. We specify the fhicl with our DAQ configuration. In our case is
- Fhicl configuration parameters for the board reader:
- To change pedestal (DC offsets): change pedestal, not basline parameters
Once you have take the data, you'll need to analyze it! A dedicated art::Analyzer
that reads the V1730 fragments and stores the data in a TTree can fe found in this feature branch: feature/fnicolas_pmtv1730ana. In particular we will be running the analyzer: sbndaq-artdaq/ArtModules/SBND/
Two fhicls that run the analyzer:
- Saves waveforms into TTree: ArtModules/SBND/run_anaPMTV1730_wWf.fcl
- Saves waveform/channel statistics into TTree: ArtModules/SBND/run_anaPMTV1730.fcl
You can run just as lar -c run_anaPMTV1730.fcl -s inputDAQfile.root
. You can analyze the TTree with ROOT/python plotting macros. You will need a local installation of the sbndaq-artdaq
- Instructions: Running wavedump
- Useful commands:
will show info about the connected boards - In the V1730: make sure both RUN (gren) and TRG (green flashing) are turned one when running
- We are using this file:
- Important parameters:
OPEN PCI 1 0 0
: first number must match the link we are using (in our case 0)- If using an external trigger, make sure we set up
in the conf file
- Fast logic module:
- Quad linear fanin-fanout:
- Octal discriminator:
- LeCroy 22 Dual Gate:
- TTL/NIM translater:
- Make sure no one is running
- Log in
- telnet sbnd-vme01 8100 (change the name of the crate accordingly)
- You should see a message like:
Connected to (
Escape character is '^]'.
- The type the command
- More info about this command in:
- Section 8.4 (page 41)
- Convention about signals:
- We can trigger the V1730s with both NIM and TTL signals. This is control by this fhicl parameter.
- All TRG IN, TRG OUT and S IN channels need to receive the same leevel signal. PTB uses TTL; so we need TTL signal fro triggering.
- V1730 Trigger signal: TTL signal (set to 3.3V)
- Inout V1730 channels: better use NIM signals
- Quad fanin-fanout: linear analagos, can use both
- 429A Logic fan-in/out: only NIM signal
- Pulse width reducer: only NIM
- Ground yourself, unscrew board, take out the board, switch button (red) in the side of the board
- Program: CAENUpgradeGUI (run in the sbnd-pds* server)
- Select clock we want to configure. The live in Clock in etc/CAEN…: v1730S_vcxo500_ref50_pll_out62_5.rbf
- Select board model: V1730S
- Change type of link. We are using optical links (OPLINK)
- Pay attention to the link number we want to upgrade
- Upgrade, do not interrupt it, reboot
- Connected to sbnd-pds03 trhough link
Lnk Model
0 VX1730SB Serial 164
04.23 - Build 4B06
00.02 - Build 4922 202
AMode:0 CLK:1 PLL:1 RUN:0 DRDY:0 FULL:0 RDY:1
- CLK: if 1, means the board is expecting an external clock
- PLL: if 1, the clock board is properly setup (either internal or external). Same applies here for the LED (should be green) in the board
- Critical: we need
artdaq v3_11_02_01
(and artdaq_utilities v1_07_02_01`): ``setup artdaq v3_11_02_01 -q e20:s112:prof``` - Need to install sbndqm and sbndaq-online (develop branches work)
- In sbndaq-online add password (
):fRedisPassword = pset.get<std::string>("password", "B4730D6D9606E3EB37048EB017D4C69EFB56243CCC408E3BEC3BFDEEDF792876");
- DQM tutorial:
- Monitoring webpage:
- Check database directory in sbndqm repository