This is an implementation of the NuGet Gallery and OData Package Feed. This serves as the back-end and community website for the NuGet client. For information about the NuGet clients, visit
This version is modified on official master branch (commit hash: 20488ec30001b9f69d52a0b16ef796df6a4a09f5).
Official repository address is
Official NuGet Gallery address is
.nuget #nuget settings
facts #test project
Scripts #build scripts
Scripts/NuGetGallery_DB.sql #initial database script
website #web project ldap users login
2.forbid LDAP users change password and email address
3.comment register links on UI
4.fix some issues
To compile the project, you'll need Visual Studio 2012 or later and PowerShell 2.0. You'll also need to install NuGet. Also, make sure to install the Windows Azure SDK v1.8 or later. To build the project, clone it locally:
git clone
cd NuGetGallery
run PowerShell as Administrator
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
The Build-Solution.ps1
script will build the solution, run the facts (unit tests), and update the database (from migrations).