The goal of this project is to create a model of a Chord network and simulate the lookup protocol. This application was developed as a midterm for the Peer to Peer and Block Chain (P2PBC) course at University of Pisa, taught by Prof. Laura Ricci.
The program can be executed with the command
java -jar ./bin/P2PBC-midterm.jar
from the root directory. This will start a simulation on a Chord ring of 2¹⁶
possible keys initialized with 2¹⁰ nodes, creating a JSON file ./log.json
with the routing statistics, such as an histogram of the number of keys of each
node or the length of the path computed by Chord. For example:
"experiments": [
"endNodes": {
"0": 505,
"1": 268,
"2": 125,
"nodes": 1024,
"bits": 16,
"pathLengths": {
"0": 2,
"1": 1,
"2": 10,
"gaps": {
"110": 2,
"111": 2,
"232": 1,
"queries": {
"22": 6,
"23": 4,
"24": 1,
"iterations": 1
The program has also the following optional parameters, that can be printed
using the -h
or --help
$ java -jar ./bin/P2PBC-midterm.jar --help
usage: chord-simulator
-b,--bits <arg> Number of bits (default: 16)
-d,--dot <arg> Export graph to DOT file
-h,--help Show this help text and exit
-l,--lookups <arg> Number of lookup tests per node (default: 1)
-n,--nodes <arg> Number of nodes (default: 1024)
-o,--out <arg> Store log statistics to JSON file. If it exists,
append the results (default: "./log.json")
-s,--sif <arg> Export graph to SIF file
A suite of 16 simulations can be executed running the command
in the root folder. This will run a set of experiments with the following parameters:
Iteration | Nodes | Lookups | SIF File | JSON File |
1 | 2 | 32768 | ./data/graphs/graph_2_nodes.sif |
./data/logs/log.json |
2 | 4 | 16384 | ./data/graphs/graph_4_nodes.sif |
./data/logs/log.json |
3 | 8 | 8192 | ./data/graphs/graph_8_nodes.sif |
./data/logs/log.json |
4 | 16 | 4096 | ./data/graphs/graph_16_nodes.sif |
./data/logs/log.json |
5 | 32 | 2048 | ./data/graphs/graph_32_nodes.sif |
./data/logs/log.json |
6 | 64 | 1024 | ./data/graphs/graph_64_nodes.sif |
./data/logs/log.json |
7 | 128 | 512 | ./data/graphs/graph_128_nodes.sif |
./data/logs/log.json |
8 | 256 | 256 | ./data/graphs/graph_256_nodes.sif |
./data/logs/log.json |
9 | 512 | 128 | ./data/graphs/graph_512_nodes.sif |
./data/logs/log.json |
10 | 1024 | 64 | ./data/graphs/graph_1024_nodes.sif |
./data/logs/log.json |
11 | 2048 | 32 | ./data/graphs/graph_2048_nodes.sif |
./data/logs/log.json |
12 | 4096 | 16 | ./data/graphs/graph_4096_nodes.sif |
./data/logs/log.json |
13 | 8192 | 8 | ./data/graphs/graph_8192_nodes.sif |
./data/logs/log.json |
14 | 16384 | 4 | ./data/graphs/graph_16384_nodes.sif |
./data/logs/log.json |
15 | 32768 | 2 | ./data/graphs/graph_32768_nodes.sif |
./data/logs/log.json |
16 | 65536 | 1 | ./data/graphs/graph_65536_nodes.sif |
./data/logs/log.json |
This program depends on the following libraries:
- JSON-Java, used to create and modify the JSON log file;
- Apache Commons CLI, used to parse the optional parameters.
- Ion Stoica, Robert Morris, David Liben-Nowell, David R. Karger, M. Frans Kaashoek, Frank Dabek, and Hari Balakrishnan. 2003. Chord: a scalable peer-to-peer lookup protocol for internet applications. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 11, 1 (February 2003), 17-32. DOI=