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Flare & Coston2

Docker image for the Flare & Coston2 node implementation found on github.


docker run -d \
	-p 9650-9651:9650-9651 \

Currently the default network is costwo but you can change that by providing a NETWORK_ID environment variable (i.e. NETWORK_ID=flare).

Mounting storage

The three points of interest for mounting are:

Name Default location
Database /app/db
Logging /app/logs
Configuration /app/conf

All of these may be changed using the environment variables.

docker run -d \
	-v /tmp/db:/app/db \
	-v /tmp/conf:/app/conf \
	-p 9650:9650 \

Container Configuration

These are the environment variables you can edit and their default values:

Name Default Description
HTTP_HOST The bind address of the service
HTTP_PORT 9650 The port on which the API is served
STAKING_PORT 9651 The staking port for bootstrapping nodes
PUBLIC_IP (empty) The public IP of the service
DB_DIR /app/db The database directory location
DB_TYPE leveldb The database type to be used
BOOTSTRAP_IPS (empty) A list of bootstrap server ips; ref --bootstrap-ips-string
BOOTSTRAP_IDS (empty) A list of bootstrap server ids; ref --bootstrap-ids-string
CHAIN_CONFIG_DIR /app/conf Configuration directory
LOG_DIR /app/logs Logging directory
LOG_LEVEL info Logging level set with AvalancheGo flag --log-level.
NETWORK_ID costwo The network id. The common ids are flare | costwo
AUTOCONFIGURE_PUBLIC_IP 0 Set to 1 to autoconfigure PUBLIC_IP, skipped if PUBLIC_IP is set
AUTOCONFIGURE_BOOTSTRAP_ENDPOINT Endpoint used for bootstrapping when AUTOCONFIGURE_BOOTSTRAP is enabled. Possible values are or
AUTOCONFIGURE_FALLBACK_ENDPOINTS (empty) Comma-divided fallback bootstrap endpoints, used if AUTOCONFIGURE_BOOTSTRAP_ENDPOINT is not valid (not whitelisted / unreachable / etc), tested from first-to-last until one is valid
BOOTSTRAP_BEACON_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT 1m Set the duration value (eg. 45s / 5m / 1h) for --bootstrap-beacon-connection-timeout AvalancheGo flag.
EXTRA_ARGUMENTS Extra arguments passed to flare binary

Node Configuration

The flare node can be configured by specifying your own configuration for the different chains but mainly the C (aka. Contract) chain. The specified configuration determines which capabilities the node has and it affects how the node has to be set up. We mainly distinguish between the three standard configurations described below.

External API configuration

The external API configuration is set to only respond to API calls so it offloads the other internal nodes. What makes it external is the relatively small set of functions that it exposes which are meant for public use. The node with this configuration exposes the HTTP port (default: 9650) and does not need any publicly open ports to work. The images tagged with the suffix api have this configuration preloaded by default.

  "snowman-api-enabled": false,
  "coreth-admin-api-enabled": false,
  "coreth-admin-api-dir": "",
  "eth-apis": [

Internal API configuration

Similarly to the external API configuration, this one also responds to API calls but has additional calls exposed that help with longer running tasks, debugging, etc. It is therefore NOT meant for public use and it should NOT be publicly accessible. The node with this configuration exposes the HTTP port (default: 9650) and does not need any publicly open ports to work.

  "snowman-api-enabled": false,
  "coreth-admin-api-enabled": false,
  "coreth-admin-api-dir": "",
  "eth-apis": [

Bootstrap configuration

The bootstrap configuration is meant for nodes that will accept and help provision new nodes that want to connect to the network. They need to be publicly accessible and need the staking port (default: 9651) port-forwarded while the http port may remain inaccessible from the public but is needed to initialise the bootstrapping process of a new node.

  "snowman-api-enabled": false,
  "coreth-admin-api-enabled": false,
  "coreth-admin-api-dir": "",
  "eth-apis": [

Additional information

Here's a list of helpful links for additional information about configuration: