A library to interact with the Phantom JS Cloud
Examples and extensive documentation on the API https://phantomjscloud.com/docs/http-api/
Write the web page to a JPG file:
include_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$request = new \PhantomJS\PageRequest('http://www.example.com');
file_put_contents('example.com.jpg', $request->getResponse());
This example shouldn't be used in production. If you need to perform advanced HTTP requests to the api, please address a dedicated library for that. This library should be used only to write your requests
include_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
* write your phantom js request
* @see https://phantomjscloud.com/docs/
$request = new \PhantomJS\PageRequest('http://www.example.com');
* Initialize Guzzle to perform HTTP requests
* @see http://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/stable
* The request url will be https://phantomjscloud.com/api/browser/v2/a-demo-key-with-low-quota-per-ip-address/?request={url:%22http://www.example.com%22}
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get($request->getApiUrl() . '?request=' . $request->toJSON());
print $response->getBody();
- have a directory structure that will allow you to separate PhantomJS classes from helper classes
- migrate public arguments to protected arguments where possible and use setters and getters.
- see TODO's in the class comments
- add examples in the documentation