This is an active experiment into the benefits of managing an API over Git, so expect it to change quite frequently.
Cup helps you build APIs and automation ontop of your Git repositories.
A configurable and extensible server for managing and exposing API resources directly from a target Git repository. It exposes a Kubernetes-like declarative API, which organizes resources into typed (group + version + kind) sets. Resources can be listed, read, updated, and deleted. When changes to the state of a resource are made, the resulting calculated difference is automatically proposed as a pull or merge request on a target Git SCM. How resources map to and from API request payloads to files in your repository is handled by Controllers. Controllers are configurable and broadly extensible through the power of WASM via the Wazero runtime.
We really want to learn how you do configuration management. If you have a second, we would greatly appreciate your input on this feedback form.
- 🔋 Materialize API resources directly from Git
- 🏭 Manage change through a declarative API
- 🔩 Extend using the power of WASM
- 📦 Package and distribute controllers as OCI images
- 🛰️ Track open proposals directly through the
API - 🔒 Secure access via authorization policies
Cup is a foundation on which to build tooling around configuration repositories. We imagine folks may find all sorts of weird and wonderful applications for Cup (and we want to hear about them).
Some ideas we're brewing:
- A central CLI for exploring and editing the state of your configuration repositories
- A dashboard for exploring and editing how your services are configured
- Access controlled management for infrastructure change requests
- New project or service templating (project structure, build, test and deploy pipelines)
- Expose configuration controls (e.g. feature flags, resource requests) to non-Git users
- Go (>= 1.20)
- An SCM (Currently supported: GitHub, Gitea)
The server component of the Cup project is known as cupd
It is a configurable API server, which exposes and manages the state of a target repository.
For now, to play with cupd
you will need to clone this project and build from source.
From the root of this project, run:
mkdir -p bin
go build -o bin/cupd ./cmd/cupd/...
This will produce a binary cupd
in the local folder bin
➜ cupd serve -h
Run the cupd server
cupd serve [flags]
-api-address :8181 server listen address
-api-git-repo string target git repository URL
-api-git-scm github SCM type (one of [github, gitea])
-api-local-path . path to local source directory
-api-resources . path to server configuration directory (controllers, definitions and bindings)
-api-source local source type (one of [local, git])
-tailscale-auth-key string Tailscale auth key (optional)
-tailscale-ephemeral=false join the network as an ephemeral node (optional)
-tailscale-hostname string hostname to expose on Tailscale
is a CLI that is heavily influenced by kubectl
It can be used locally to interact and introspect a running cupd
brew tap flipt-io/brew
brew install cup
mkdir -p bin
go build -o bin/cup ./cmd/cup/...
This will produce a binary cup
in the local folder bin
cup - Manage remote cupd instances
cup [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
config, c Access the local configuration for the cup CLI.
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
definitions, defs List the available resource definitions
get Get one or more resources
apply Put a resource from file on stdin
edit Edit a resource
delete Delete a resource
--config value, -c value (default: "/Users/georgemac/Library/Application Support/cup/config.json")
--output value, -o value (default: "table")
--address value, -a value
--namespace value, -n value
--level value, -l value set the logging level (default: "info")
--help, -h show help
is built on the shoulders of giants and inspired by many awesome projects that came before.
Built on:
Inspired by:
- Kubernetes
- Our own wonderful Flipt