Filed based service discovery that works with Prometheus.
Persistence will probably be needed so in order to achieve that, create these two files first:
touch targets.json targets-ssl.json
And run the container with the following command:
docker run -itd -p 4000:4000 -v $(pwd)/targets.json:/app/targets.json -v $(pwd)/targets-ssl.json:/app/targets-ssl.json servdisco
The service inside the container is running on port 4000. Remember to correctly mount the same files to prometheus container and update the prometheus.yml config file.
To add a host using a POST request, use the /add
endpoint. Include the following JSON body:
"targets": ["{{ target_IP/target_hostname }}:{{ target_port }}"],
"labels": {
"job": "{{ monitoring_job_name }}",
"env": "{{ project_environment }}",
"__metrics_path__": "{{ monitoring_metrics_path }}"
Example of using curl to add a new target:
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"targets":["localhost:8000"], "labels": { "job": "cadvisor", "env":"dev", "__metrics_path__": "/metrics"}}' localhost:4000/add/targets
Works with blackbox-exporter for SSL certificate expiration date monitoring.
To add targets to SSL monitoring, use /add/targets-ssl