A framework for UICollectionView
and UITableView
that provides:
- Extended collection and table view diffable data sources with handlers for selecting, reordering, focusing and editing cells and additional functionality.
- Table view cell registration similar to
. - Additional extensions for
There are handlers for selecting, reordering, focusing and editing cells.
Examples of some of the included handlers:
// Handler that gets called when the user did select an item.
diffableDataSource.selectionHandlers.didSelect = { itemIdentifier in
// Handler that gets called when an item/cell is about to be shown.
diffableDataSource.displayingHandlers.willDisplay = { itemIdentifier, cell in
provides handlers for reordering cells like the UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource
reordering handlers that Apple provides:
// Allow every item to be reordered
tableViewDataSource.reorderingHandlers.canReorder = { item in return true }
// Update the backing store from the did reorder transaction.
tableViewDataSource.reorderingHandlers.didReorder = { [weak self] transaction, _ in
guard let self = self else { return }
if let updatedCurrentItems = self.currentItems.applying(transaction.difference) {
self.currentItems = updatedCurrentItems
displays the provided view when the datasource doesn't contain any items:
diffableDataSource.emptyView = myEmptyView
Alternatively you can use emptyContentConfiguration
and provide an UIContentConfiguration
let loadingConfiguration = UIContentUnavailableConfiguration.loading()
diffableDataSource.emptyContentConfiguration = loadingConfiguration
A registration for the table view’s cells similar to UICollectionView.CellRegistration
Use a cell registration to register table cell views with your table view and configure each cell for display.
The following example creates a cell registration for cells of type UITableViewCell
and string items. Each cells textfield displays its item string.
let cellRegistration = UITableView.CellRegistration<UITableViewCell, String> { cell, indexPath, string in
var contentConfiguration = cell.defaultContentConfiguration()
contentConfiguration.text = string
contentConfiguration.textProperties.color = .lightGray
cell.contentConfiguration = contentConfiguration
After you create a cell registration, you pass it in to dequeueConfiguredReusableCell(using:for:item:)
, which you call from your data source’s cell provider.
dataSource = UITableViewDiffableDataSource<Section, String>(tableView: tableView) {
tableView, indexPath, item in
return tableView.dequeueConfiguredReusableCell(using: cellRegistration, for: indexPath, item: item)
Alternatively you can use the UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource
and UITableViewDiffableDataSource
let dataSource = UITableViewDiffableDataSource(tableView: myTableView, cellRegistration: cellRegistration)
A registration for the table view’s header/footer section views.
The following example creates a section view registration for views of type UITableViewHeaderFooterView
for sections with strings. Each section header views default content configuration text displays its section string.
let sectionViewRegistration = UITableView.SectionViewRegistration<UITableViewHeaderFooterView, String> {
sectionView, indexPath, string in
var configuration = sectionView.defaultContentConfiguration()
configuration.text = string
sectionView.contentConfiguration = configuration
After you create a section view registration, you pass it in to dequeueConfiguredReusableSectionView(using:section:)
, which you call from your data source’s section header view provider.
dataSource.headerViewProvider = { tableView, section in
return tableView.dequeueConfiguredReusableSectionView(using: sectionViewRegistration, section: section)
Alternatively you can also applyHeaderViewRegistration()
and `applyFooterViewRegistration()``:
Options for applying snapshots to a diffable datasource:
// Applies the snapshot animated with default animation duration.
dataSource.apply(mySnapshot, .animated)
// Applies the snapshot animated with the specified animation duration.
dataSource.apply(mySnapshot, .animated(duration: 2.0))
// Applies the snapshot non animated.
dataSource.apply(mySnapshot, .withoutAnimation)
// Applies the snapshot using reload data.
dataSource.apply(mySnapshot, .usingReloadData)