Josm currently lacks an easy way to import features from an Standard WFS based service. So importing/updating for example buildings which are available in a lot of regions in the world is basically impossible on a large scale.
For Northrhine-Westfalia there was a solution with the "importer2" plugin and a C# based companion tool which downloads WMS image tiles, converts them back to vectors with the help of OpenVision and then passes it to josm. This solution seems to be basically unmaintained and does not work very well.
So the idea is to use a different plugin which is capable of importing vectors by point and click and simply rewrite the server component.
The plugin which works is plbuildings used for Building Import in Poland. By simply changing the URL one can use it for other regions, as long as the server returns expected output.
Webserver installation:
cd /var/www/
git clone
cd plbuildingsnrw
Create config containing the database informations:
cp dot-config.plbuildingsnrw.json .config.plbuildingsnrw.json
vi .config.plbuildingsnrw.json
Configure apache2:
ScriptAlias /plbuildingsnrw /var/www/plbuildingsnrw/plbuildingsapi
<Location /plbuildingsnrw/>
Options ExecCGI
SetHandler fcgid-script
Install postgres and create database:
su - postgres -c "createuser dbuser"
su - postgres -c "createdb hu_nrw -O dbuser"
su - postgres -c "psql hu_nrw -c 'create extension postgis'
Then download the Hausumringe NRW Shape:
Unzip it and load it into your new database with ogr2ogr
ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" \
-a_srs "EPSG:25832" \
-nln "hu_nrw" \
PG:"dbname=hu_nrw" \
Now you should be ready and this command should return an osmxml file:
curl "https://localhost/plbuildingsnrw/v1?lat=51.904858&lon=8.3486155&daDta_source=bdot&search_distance=3.0"
ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" \
-a_srs "EPSG:25832" \
-nln "hu_kreisgt_new" \
PG:"dbname=plbuildings" \
Install the plbuildings plugin from the JOSM plugins repository. Then go to Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced Preferences and search for plbuildings.server_url and replace it with
when using Germany Northrhine-Westfalia, Kreis Gütersloh etc.
Alternatively you can use the "zzbuilding" plugin which is basically plbuildings renamed and checking of additional attributes removed and a changed default URI.