- cached
- localDB
- server
- get data from cache - which loads from localDB (every cache should be kept up to date with the localDB)
- fetch actual data in the background -> update localDB and cache
Version 1.5 Planned features:
- Calendar view
Mobile friendly
- Proper PWA: Icons/logo etc
- Navigation
- Gestures
- Task createmenu mobile friendlier
- Task rendering: bigger, easier to touch
Task Suggestions
- You're almost done, completly done thingy
- Track finish habits
- Suggest to be planned tasks that have been unplanned for a while
Version 1.6 Planned features:
- Data encryption
Future Features:
- Repeatable tasks
- Tooltips to indicate what button does what
- Subtasks
- Project colours ? - [ ] Sorting and filtering UI ? - [ ] Sort tasks by planned date
- Extended offline support - [ ] Removing projects - [ ] Creating projects
====== Released versions ======
Version 1.4 Features:
- Preloading - Huge increase in performance and responsiveness
- PWA and proper offline mode
- Implement full-data-caching
- Properly implement Drag And Drop
- Task order
- To be Planned-taskholder
- An 'Add all to planner'-button on the overdue-menu
Version 1.3 Features:
- Offline service
- Redesigned the taskCreateMenu
- When creating a task there will now be a little loading-icon-indicator to show when it's being uploaded.
- Added the ability to remove assignees and tags from a task.
- Implemented the adding of taskHolders for tasks that have to be rendered but whose taskHolder isn't yet created.
- Some small visual changes, including the tagCircle's new look.
- Made the date-popup assume that when entering for example '15 august', it will choose the next one, instead of the one that has already been passed.
- Added 'are you sure'-messages to 'dangerous' actions, like removing or leaving a project.
- The 'Planned'-taskholder in the project-tab will be collapsed by default now
- Inline project-creation
- Redesigned the invite system:
- Bind link-user to actual user
Version 1.2 Features:
Tags (Creation, usage, and such)
Redesigned permission-system
Curtab indicator
Escape will now allow you to cancel draging
Edit project-title by doubleclicking on it
OptionMenu will now go above the inputfield if there isn't enough space underneath
Front-end permission-checking
Version 1.1 Features:
- Midend / clientside datamanagement redesign
- Drop-down-menu's for the taskHolders
- Drag and drop support for tasks (Cross-date)
- Overdue auto-setter
- TaskOwnerIndicator: hover to see the task's owner
- Option to invite using a link
- Bug Fix: You can now mention members that have an '@' in their name
- Bux Fix: When your session expires you will be prompted to login again
- id => String
- title => String
- groupType => String
- groupValue => String
- deadLine => String
- tagId => String
- finished => Boolean
- assignedTo => Array
- creatorId => String
- groupValue: The date at which the task was planned
- groupValue: The date at which the task is planned
Task.default - Normal list item
- groupValue: /
Task.toPlan - Task added to the planner
- groupValue: /
- Client: UI and User Input, Page Generation, Filtration and Sorting Only keeps project-data - ServiceWorker Offline experience Keeps local copy of data in indexedDB
- Server Permission checking, Database Storage Keeps real data
Serviceworker should not be required, aka in case of install-failure
Client <-> ServiceWorker
- update
- remove
- generatePage(pageName, projectId)
Client - Page Generation
This Week
Project - Id
- getProjectList() -> [{id, title}]
- getUserList(projectId) -> [{id, name, permissions, isOwner}]
- getTagList(projectId) -> etc
PERMISSIONS 0: Read Only - finish tasks assigned to you 1: Member - create, finish, remove and move tasks 2: Admin - invite, remove and change user permissions 3: Owner - Remove project