FlowInquiry Ops provides the deployment and operational setup for FlowInquiry, a request and workflow management platform. This repository simplifies deployment for local environments and outlines plans for future scalability and flexibility.
Local Deployment: Quickly set up FlowInquiry using Docker Compose for development or small-scale testing.
We aim to expand the deployment capabilities of FlowInquiry Ops to include:
Cloud-Ready Deployments: Support for major cloud platforms, including AWS, Azure, and GCP, leveraging managed Kubernetes services.
On-Premises Support: Compatibility with Kubernetes clusters in customer-managed data centers.
Scalable Architecture: Tools and configurations for seamless scaling across large infrastructures.
Customizable Configurations: Enhanced support for environment-specific setups to simplify integration with diverse infrastructure.
- Docker
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-org/flowinquiry-ops.git
cd flowinquiry-ops/flowinquiry-docker
- Set up the pre-defined environment variables
Fill all inputs
➜ flowinquiry-docker git ✗ scripts/all.sh
Running frontend_config.sh...
Environment variables have been written to .frontend.env
frontend_config.sh succeeded.
Running backend_create_secrets.sh...
Enter your database password:
Sensitive data has been written to ./.backend.env with restricted permissions.
backend_create_secrets.sh succeeded.
Running backend_mail_config.sh...
Enter your SMTP host: smtp.google.com
Enter your SMTP port: 587
Enter your username: <your_email>
Enter your password: Does SMTP require STARTTLS (y/n)? y
Please enter the email address that will be used as the sender for outgoing emails: noreply@flowinquiry.io
Please enter the base URL that will be used for the email template: https://flowinquiry.io
Configuration has been saved to .env.local
backend_mail_config.sh succeeded.
- Start the services:
docker compose -f services.yml up
- Access the application
Open your browser and navigate to https://localhost. FlowInquiry uses Caddy to automatically generate an SSL certificate. If desired, you can configure a custom DNS name to replace localhost
- FlowInquiry document: The centralized document for FlowInquiry products
- FlowInquiry Server: Back-end services for FlowInquiry.
- FlowInquiry Client: Front-end application.
- FlowInquiry Ops: Deployment and operational scripts.
For any inquiries about the project, including questions, proposals, or suggestions, please start a new discussion in the Discussions section. This is the best place to engage with the community and the FlowInquiry team
This project is licensed under the AGPLv3 License.