This example trains a multi-layer RNN (Elman, GRU, or LSTM) on a language modeling task. By default, the training script uses the PTB dataset, provided. The trained model can then be used by the generate script to generate new text. This is a porting of pytorch/examples/word_language_model making it usables on FloydHub.
script accepts the following arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--data DATA location of the data corpus
--model MODEL type of recurrent net (RNN_TANH, RNN_RELU, LSTM, GRU)
--emsize EMSIZE size of word embeddings
--nhid NHID number of hidden units per layer
--nlayers NLAYERS number of layers
--lr LR initial learning rate
--clip CLIP gradient clipping
--epochs EPOCHS upper epoch limit
--batch-size N batch size
--bptt BPTT sequence length
--dropout DROPOUT dropout applied to layers (0 = no dropout)
--decay DECAY learning rate decay per epoch
--tied tie the word embedding and softmax weights
--seed SEED random seed
--cuda use CUDA
--log-interval N report interval
--save SAVE path to save the final model
With these arguments, a variety of models can be tested. As an example, the following arguments produce slower but better models:
python --cuda --emsize 650 --nhid 650 --dropout 0.5 --epochs 40 # Test perplexity of 80.97
python --cuda --emsize 650 --nhid 650 --dropout 0.5 --epochs 40 --tied # Test perplexity of 75.96
python --cuda --emsize 1500 --nhid 1500 --dropout 0.65 --epochs 40 # Test perplexity of 77.42
python --cuda --emsize 1500 --nhid 1500 --dropout 0.65 --epochs 40 --tied # Test perplexity of 72.30
These perplexities are equal or better than Recurrent Neural Network Regularization (Zaremba et al. 2014) and are similar to Using the Output Embedding to Improve Language Models (Press & Wolf 2016 and Tying Word Vectors and Word Classifiers: A Loss Framework for Language Modeling (Inan et al. 2016), though both of these papers have improved perplexities by using a form of recurrent dropout (variational dropout).
Here's the commands to training, evaluating and serving your language modeling task on FloydHub.
Before you start, log in on FloydHub with the floyd login command, then fork and init the project:
$ git clone
$ cd word-language-model
$ floyd init word-language-model
Before you start, you need to upload the Penn Treebank-3 dataset as a FloydHub Dataset following this guide: create and upload a dataset. Then you will be ready to play with different language models.
# Train a LSTM on PTB with CUDA, reaching perplexity of 114.22
floyd run --gpu --env pytorch-0.2 --data <USERNAME>/dataset/<PENN-TB3>/<VERSION>:input "python --cuda --epochs 7"
# Train a tied LSTM on PTB with CUDA, reaching perplexity of 110.44
floyd run --gpu --env pytorch-0.2 --data <USERNAME>/dataset/<PENN-TB3>/<VERSION>:input "python --cuda --epochs 7 --tied"
# Train a tied LSTM on PTB with CUDA for 40 epochs, reaching perplexity of 87.17
floyd run --gpu --env pytorch-0.2 --data <USERNAME>/dataset/<PENN-TB3>/<VERSION>:input "python --cuda --tied"
run your job on a FloydHub GPU instance.--env pytorch-0.2
prepares a pytorch environment for python 3.--data <USERNAME>/dataset/<PENN-TB3>/<VERSION>:input
mounts the previus uploaded Penn Treebank-3 dataset in the/input
folder inside the container for our job.
The model uses the nn.RNN
module (and its sister modules nn.GRU
and nn.LSTM
which will automatically use the cuDNN backend if run on CUDA with cuDNN installed.
During training, if a keyboard interrupt (Ctrl-C) is received, training is stopped and the current model is evaluated against the test dataset.
You can follow along the progress by using the logs command. The first 2 examples of training should be completed in about 5 minutes on a GPU instance and 40' on a CPU one. The last example should take about 30' on a GPU instance and above 3 hours on a CPU instace.
It's time to evaluate our model generating some text:
# Generate samples from the trained LSTM model.
floyd run --gpu --env pytorch-0.2 --data <USERNAME>/dataset/<PENN-TB3>/<VERSION>:input --data <REPLACE_WITH_JOB_OUTPUT_NAME>:model "python --cuda"
We have provided to you a pre-trained model trained for 40 epochs reaching perplexity of 87.17:
# Generate samples from the trained LSTM model.
floyd run --gpu --env pytorch-0.2 --data <USERNAME>/dataset/<PENN-TB3>/<VERSION>:input --data <REPLACE_WITH_JOB_OUTPUT_NAME>:model "python --cuda"
FloydHub supports seving mode for demo and testing purpose. Before serving your model through REST API,
you need to create a floyd_requirements.txt
and declare the flask requirement in it. If you run a job
with --mode serve
flag, FloydHub will run the
file in your project
and attach it to a dynamic service endpoint:
floyd run --gpu --mode serve --env pytorch-0.2 --data <USERNAME>/dataset/<PENN-TB3>/<VERSION>:input --data <REPLACE_WITH_JOB_OUTPUT_NAME>:model
The above command will print out a service endpoint for this job in your terminal console.
The service endpoint will take a couple minutes to become ready. Once it's up, you can interact with the model by sending a POST request wih the number of words and the temperature that the model will use to generate text:
# Template
curl -X POST -o generated.txt -F "words=100" -F "temperature=3"
Any job running in serving mode will stay up until it reaches maximum runtime. So once you are done testing, remember to shutdown the job!
Note that this feature is in preview mode and is not production ready yet
Some useful resources on NLP for Deep Learning and language modeling task:
- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks
- Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning - Stanford
- Oxford Deep NLP 2017 course
For any questions, bug(even typos) and/or features requests do not hesitate to contact me or open an issue!