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Create new solution script

This is a powershell script to build a DotNet Solution Template. To use this template execute the following command.

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser

./solution.ps1 -Name <Name> -Framework <FRAMEWORK> -Database <Database Name>

Default values

The Default values are:

  • <Name> = Template
  • <Framework> = net7.0
  • <Entity> = true
  • <Database> = mssql

Possible Framework Values

-Framework <FRAMEWORK>

Specifies the framework to target. Option not available in .NET Core 2.2 SDK.

The following table lists the default values according to the SDK version number you're using:

SDK version Default value
7.0 net7.0
6.0 net6.0
5.0 net5.0
3.1 netcoreapp3.1

execute dotnet --list-sdks to know wich sdk is installed on yur machine

Possible Database Names avalible

set <Entity> = false, if you don't want to install Entity Framework and Entity FrameWork Provider.

Database Name Nuget Url
mssql Microsoft sql server
sqlite SqLite
npgsql PostgreSQL
mysql MySql
oracle Oracle
pomelo Pomelo

any other database provider sould be instaled separeted, also are instaled

Package Name Nuget url
Entity Framework Tools dotnet-ef
Entity Framework Core EntityFrameworkCore

Template Architeture

The Following Architeture will be created.

Mains Architeture

  • WebApi

    Main part of the Project

    • Controllers
    • Static Configuration Files
    • Build Files
  • CrossCutting

    Responsable for configuration, security, logging and Authentication/Autorization connection with SSO service, if necessary

  • ApplicationCore

    Responsable for the bussines logic

  • Infraestructure

    Resposable for external connection logic such as

    • Database logic
    • Http client logic (external services)
  • Domain

    Definition project.

    • Entities, DTOs
    • Exceptions
    • Constants
    • Interfaces
    • Validation


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