This is an oidc orchestrator that sits in front of a real IDP like azure EntraID (formerly AzureAD), OKTA, Auth0, etc.
Why in hell would I do this?
When you buy someones app and they claim "We support SSO integration", DO NOT BELIEVE THEM. Its usually such a simplistic integration that it basically useless.
Mature client apps will let you do a token exchange right after the SSO Login where the id_token is exchanged for an access_token that contains all the necessary claims for downstream api calls. This is the way it should be done. So, this orchestrator will take the id_token and exchange it for an access_token that contains all the necessary claims for downstream api calls.
In this example I am orchestrating google. In the end the client app doesn't get google id_tokens or access_tokens. Those are exchanged in the OAuth2 CODE flow for newly minted access_tokens that contain the necessary claims for downstream api calls. If you have an internal OAuth2 service that supports token exchange, like I do, you would make a call to that by passing google id_token and get back a new access_token and optionally a refresh_token.
So if your apps SSO integration is pointing to AzureAD, and we all know that the access_tokens we get from Azure are useless. We can then point the app to our orchestrator that will produce the right tokens.
participant ClientApp
participant Orchestrator as Orchestrator<br/>(Authority)
participant IDP as IDP<br/>(Azure EntraID)
participant TokenExchange
ClientApp->>Orchestrator: GET /.well-known/openid-configuration
Orchestrator->>IDP: GET /.well-known/openid-configuration
IDP-->>Orchestrator: Discovery Document
Orchestrator->>Orchestrator: modify discovery document
Orchestrator-->>ClientApp: Discovery Document
ClientApp->>IDP: redirect /authorize
IDP->>ClientApp: redirect /callback
ClientApp->>Orchestrator: POST /token (code)
Orchestrator->>IDP: POST /token (code)
activate IDP
IDP-->>Orchestrator: TokenResponse
deactivate IDP
Orchestrator->>TokenExchange: /exchange (id_token)
activate TokenExchange
TokenExchange-->>Orchestrator: token(s)
deactivate TokenExchange
Orchestrator-->>ClientApp: TokenResponse
participant ClientApp
participant Orchestrator as Orchestrator<br/>(Authority)
participant IDP as IDP<br/>(Azure EntraID)
ClientApp->>Orchestrator: POST /oauth2/token refresh_token
note right of Orchestrator: refresh_token has the downstream refresh_token and orchestrator hints encoded.
Orchestrator->>Orchestrator: decode refresh_token
Orchestrator->>IDP: POST /oauth2/token downstream.refresh_token
IDP-->>Orchestrator: response
Orchestrator->>Orchestrator: mint new access_token
Orchestrator->>Orchestrator: mint new refresh_token(downstream.refresh_token + hints)
Orchestrator->>Orchestrator: Build response (orchestrator.refresh_token, orchestrator.access_token, etc)
Orchestrator-->>ClientApp: refresh_token response
cd cmd/server
swag init --dir .,../../internal
This will generate a docs.go file in the cmd/server folder.
cd cmd/server
go build .
$env:PORT = "9044";$env:DOWN_STREAM_AUTHORITY = ""; .\server.exe
cd cmd/server
go build .
$env:PORT = "9044";$env:DOWN_STREAM_AUTHORITY = ""; .\server.exe
cd cmd/clientapp
go build .
$env:PORT = "5556";$env:OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID = "";$env:OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET = "**REDACTED**";$env:AUTHORITY = "http://localhost:9044"; .\clientapp.exe
cd cmd/clientapp
go build .
$env:PORT = "5556";$env:OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID = "fe794e91-40ef-430e-9aa5-29e3ca962928";$env:OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET = "**REDACTED**";$env:AUTHORITY = "http://localhost:9044"; .\clientapp.exe