All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- New Learnplace UI
- Update underlying frameworks in order to target latest mobile platforms
- System language detection
- Icons for all known ILIAS objects
- Overlay icon for ILIAS objects which are not supported by the app.
- Update French translation
- Use SFSafariViewController instead of WKWebView to display external content on iOS
- Support for ILIAS Universität zu Köln
- Mergerd PR #1, thanks to @mhilbert!
- Mergerd PR #2, thanks to @fneumann!
- Support for ILIAS Dresden
- Support for ILIAS BIWE
- Support for ILIAS BBS III
- Linked Objects (globe not adjusted)
- Favorite star not adjusted
- News: Message if no news
- Privacy Ppolicy link not readable.
- Temporarily removed Darkmode from vanilla brand (-> conflict with dynamic theming)
- Removed old WebView using WK WebView only (see config.xml)
- Update InAppBrowser and it's dependecies.
- Some minor Visuale issues in obeject list
- MapBox support for "Learnplaces"
- Angular routing
- A changlog file
- Dynamic theming with the PegasusHelper plugin
- Angular Version
- Onboarding Layout
- ObjectList Layout
- Bump up to Ionic 4
-Crash on Learnplace Open.
- GoogleMaps Support