A repo containing experiments to show the effect of task granularity on the performance of video classification and captioning. More details can be found in our paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1804.09235.pdf
To understand the code structure of this repo, the inheritance and data flow diagrams are provided below.
Mark the directory 'src/python' as source by right clicking that directory in the project view, going to 'Mark Directory as' and choosing 'Sources Root'
Add the directory to PYTHONPATH by going to File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Console -> Python Console and checking the "Add source roots to PYTHONPATH" box
Run 'pyb pycharm_generate'
- At least 50% line coverage
- Commit python files as well as their tests
- The person merging the pull request should not have taken part in developing it
- Check the code does not break before a PR is created.
- The power subset of the contributors should take care of the PR.
- No requests about the original code, create an issue or PR instead.
- Most (all if possible) changes should be requested in the first iteration.
- Be vocal when you disagree.