- Consider an input pattern observed with probability distribution and a ground-truth label observed with conditional probability distribution .
- Given a finite sample , where .
- Objective: estimate a predictive model that maps or learn statistics of , where .
- Same objective that supervised scenario, but the ground-truth labels corresponding to the input patterns are not directly observed.
- Consider labels that do not follow the ground-truth distribution . Instead, they are generated from an unknown process that represents the annotator ability to detect the ground truth.
- Consider multiple noise labels given by annotators.
- These annotations come from a subset of the set of all the annotators participating in the labelling process. ( )
- The annotator identity could be define as a input variable: , with
- Given a sample
- Consider that we do not known or do not care which annotators provided the labels: we know but not
- Consider the number of times that all the annotators gives each possible labels:
- Given a sample .
In this implementation, we study the pattern recognition case, that is, we let be a small set of K categories or classes .
One also can define two scenarios based on the annotation density and assumptions:
- Dense:
- Sparse:
- Individual confusion matrix (for an annotator t):
- Global confusion matrix (for all the annotations):