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Facebook Messenger / Goodreads, recommendations bot

Project setup

Create a .env file and edit the environments variables values for Facebook, Goodreads, and optional Redis setup.

The sessions module uses a Redis database instance, you can run a local Redis instance using Docker. Open a command line console and execute this command:

docker run -d -p 6379:6379 --name my-redis redis

The default Redis session setup is:


Install dependencies

Pipenv is required to install dependencies. Create a virtual environment and install all the dependencies running this command:

pipenv install --dev
pipenv shell

Webhooks local server

Execute flask --help to see flask server details, by default, you can start the development server with:

flask run

Run tests

The directory tests contains all the tests cases. Run pytest to apply all the defined test cases


Tests coverage report

Check the test coverage running the coverage command.

coverage run --source . -m pytest -s && coverage html

Then, open the htmlcov/index.html file to see the coverage reports.