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Tool that imports a MARC record to create an order. This workaround is needed until FOLIO supports importing MARC records to create orders.


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FOLIO Order import tool

Workaround for importing orders from MARC records until FOLIO Data Import supports importing MARC records to create orders.

What does it do?

  • It takes an uploaded file that contains MARC records, and creates orders, instances, holdings and items in FOLIO Orders and FOLIO Inventory.
  • It uses the 980 field to get fund code, vendor code, price, notes, electronic/print indicator, etc. to create the order.
  • It lets FOLIO Orders create the instance, holdings and item records using the "createInventory" value in the order line
  • It only asks FOLIO Orders to create items if the material is print
  • It uses a property file to determine constants such as locations, fiscal year, note type, and material type and default text for electronic resources

For details, see What data are populated to FOLIO.

It has two modes, 'validate only' or 'validate and import'

The MARC file can be run through validation without actually importing anything to FOLIO. Choose a MARC file in the tool's UI and click Analyze MARC records. For details about the checks it performs, see Validation of incoming MARC records

When running an actual import, the exact same checks are performed for each record, and the tool then acts on the results according to the setting of configuration parameter onValidationErrors. See options for this setting in the configuration table


Imports can take a while for files with many MARC records, so imports are started in the back-ground. Right after starting an import, the UI will display a status with the state 'started' and a count of MARC records in the file and a 'Refresh' link that you can click to get updates on progress.


Once the job is finished, clicking the 'Refresh' will display a state of 'done' and detailed results for each MARC record in the file.

If you want to try it

  • Clone the repo.
  • The tool expects a properties file to be specified by one of these methods:
    1. A environment variable on the command line, named 'config', like -Dconfig=/path/to/
    2. A ServletContext attribute, named 'config', specified in the servlet container configuration. Useful for deploying multiple instances in one servlet container.
    3. If neither of the above 'config' variables are set, it expects to find the properties file here: /yourhomefolder/order/
  • You will have to set your Okapi address, FOLIO tenant, userid and password in the properties, and you may have to adjust the file upload path where it will save the uploaded file and store a history of validations and imports, see the How to configure the service
  • Call: mvn jetty:run [-Dconfig=path-to-properties-file]
  • If the configuration is okay, it should start a jetty server, and you should be able to point your browser to http://localhost:8888/import and try it
  • However, unless exitOnConfigErrors is set to false in the properties, the service will stop if it detects fatal configuration problems
  • Unless exitOnAccessErrors is set to false, the service will stop if it fails to log in to Okapi.
  • And, unless exitOnFailedIdLookups is set to false, the service will stop if it could not find FOLIO UUIDs for names or codes defined in the properties.
  • We've included example MARC files, but you will have to update them with your vendor, fund, object codes, etc.
  • To effectuate changes of import properties, restart the service

Docker image

You can build a Docker image using the Dockerfile in this repository.

  1. Build the WAR for the webapp: mvn install
  2. Build the Docker image: docker build .
  3. Run the container: docker run -d -p 8080:8080 <imageId>

This will run a Jetty container with the order import webapp as the root, using the default configuration in the file. This will work against the FOLIO folio-snapshot reference environment.

To override the default configuration, mount your configuration to /var/lib/jetty/order/ on the container e.g.:

docker run -d -v $(pwd)/order:/var/lib/jetty/order -p 8080:8080 <imageId>

Multiple instances

You may want to run multiple instances of the tool in the same server environment, using separate configuration files. For example, this would allow separate production and test instances that each point to the appropriate FOLIO API endpoint.

Note that the webapp expects to be running at the root path of its server. So first set up separate virtual hosts for each instance.

  • Add a CNAME referencing the actual server.
  • Configure a reverse proxy to point the root path of that virtual host to a distinct path on the actual server. For example in Apache,
<VirtualHost ....>

  ProxyPreserveHost On

  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteRule ^$ /import [L]

  <Location />

    RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https" env=HTTPS


Then configure each app instance to point to a separate properties file using a ServletContext attribute in its servlet configuration. In Jetty, as an example, define a servlet properties file (in the same directory and with the same filename as the .war, but extension .xml) such as:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-//Jetty//Configure//EN" "">

<Configure class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext">
  <Set name="contextPath">/my-instance-name</Set>
  <Set name="war">/usr/share/jetty9/webapps/my-instance-name.war</Set>
  <Get name="ServletContext">
    <Call name="setAttribute">

How to configure the service

The startup configuration has parameters controlling FOLIO access, start-up behavior, server settings, process controls, UI settings and static values populated to FOLIO. The table show all parameters except for the static FOLIO data that are described in the subsequent paragraphs.

FOLIO access settings, startup behavior, server settings for the tool, import process controls, UI settings

Name Values Default What it does
FOLIO access
baseOkapiEndpoint Protocol and domain of the FOLIO backend REST service
tenant FOLIO tenant, i.e. 'diku'
okapi_username The FOLIO user name of the import user i.e. 'diku_admin'
okapi_password The password for the import user
exitOnConfigurationErrors boolean ¹ true If set to true (the default), the service will exit if it detects fatal problems with the configuration properties -- like missing mandatory properties.
If set to false, it will merely log configuration problems.
exitOnAccessErrors boolean ¹ true If set to true (the default), the service will exit if it fails to gain access to FOLIO for any reason (wrong URL, tenant, username or service down etc).
If set to false, it will merely log access problems.
exitOnFailedIdLookups boolean ¹ true If set to true (the default), the service will exit if it fails to resolve configured names of codes to FOLIO UUIDs.
If set to false, it will merely log missing values.
uploadFilePath File system path. The parent directory must exist on the server. The given subdirectory will be created if it doesn't exist already. ² /var/tmp/folio-order-import/ Directory for storing uploaded MARC files and the outcomes of imports.
daysToKeepResults number of days ³ 365 Results log files older than this number of days will be deleted from the server.
marcMapping chi, lambda, or sigma chi Selects a MARC mapping option. The available mapping options are described in the mapping tables below.
purchaseOrderUnit file or record record Instructs the tool to create one purchase order per file or one purchase order per record (default).
onValidationErrors cancelAll, skipFailed or attemptImport cancelAll If one or more records fail the initial validation check, this setting will cause the service to either cancel the entire import (cancelAll), skip the current, failed record (skipFailed), or attempt import anyway (attemptImport). With the last option, the import itself would presumably eventually fail.
onIsbnInvalid removeIsbn, reportError or doNothing reportError Controls if the tool should report error and perhaps skip the record, or remove the ISBN to ingest, or do nothing (which should cause the import to error out later)
Tool UI
daysToShowResults number of days ³ 14 Results are listed in the UI for this number of days after first created. After that they will be skipped (but not deleted)
tzTimeZone A tz time zone, ie America/Chicago Europe/Stockholm Sets the time zone of dates in the UI
locale Language and country, i.e. en-US sv-SE Formats dates in the UI
folioUiUrl Protocol and domain of FOLIO UI, ie ² none If provided, links to FOLIO's UI will be displayed for records in the import log.
folioUiInventoryPath Path to the Inventory UI ² inventory/view Used for a link in the import log to the Instance in UI Inventory.
folioUiOrdersPath Path to the Orders UI ² orders/view Used for a link in the import log to the order in UI Orders.
  1. Boolean settings: true, TRUE, yes, YES, y, Y, and 1 will resolve to true, while false, FALSE, no, NO, n, N , and 0 will resolve to false
  2. file paths, URLs and API paths can be with our without the ending slash (/)
  3. if the provided config value is not a valid number, the default will apply

What data are populated to FOLIO

The tool populates FOLIO Orders and Inventory with data from four different sources:

  1. The incoming MARC records
  2. Static values defined as configuration parameters
  3. Static values hard-coded in the program
  4. Authentication data via HTTP Request headers

Data from the incoming MARC records

The tool provides three, slightly different sets of MARC mappings. All three share a basic set of mappings but then extend that with some mappings of their own.

The desired mapping is selected at startup by setting the parameter marcMapping to either chi (default), lambda or sigma.

Core mapping table

MARC_fields¹ Description Target properties Required Default Content (incoming)
020 $a ($c $q) ISBN orderLine.details.productIds[]
No, but a note will be logged if missing
020 $z ($c $q) Invalid ISBN instance.identifiers[] No
022 $a ($c $q) ISSN orderLine.details.productIds[]
022 $l ($c $q) Linking ISSN instance.identifiers[] No
022 ($z $y $n) Invalid ISSN instance.identifiers[] No
024 $a Other standard identifier orderLine.details.productIds[]
025 $a Other standard identifier orderLine.details.productIds[]
028 $a Publisher/Distributor number orderLine.details.productIds[]
035 9$a System control number instance.identifiers[] No
041 $a Languages instance.languages[] No
100, 700 Contributors /w contributor name type 'Personal name" and contributor type from $4 or 'bkp' No
245 $a ($b $c $p) Instance title and index title instance.title, instance.indexTitle (with initial article removed), orderLine.titleOrPackage Yes
250 $a Edition instance.editions[] No
336 $a Resource type instance.instanceTypeId No text
337$,338$a Format instance.instanceFormatIds[] No 337$a + " -- " + 338$a
490 $a,l,v,x,3,6,8 Series instance.series[].value No
856 $u URI instance. electronicAccessUrl[]. uri, holdingsRecord. electronicAccessUrl[]. uri No
856 $x User limit orderLine.eResource.userLimit if ELECTRONIC, but see Lambda No Integer
856 $y Access provider code orderLine. eresource. accessProvider if ELECTRONIC No Vendor code (if 856$y is not present or the code does not resolve to an existing org.)
856 $z Link text instance. electronicAccessUrl[]. linkText, holdingsRecord. electronicAccessUrl[]. linkText No Static config value text-For-Electronic-Resources (see separate table)
980 $b Fund code orderLine. fundDistribution[]. fundCode and (resolved to) .fundId, Yes Fund code must exist in FOLIO for the given fiscal year
980 $c Vendor item id orderLine. vendorDetail. referenceNumbers[] .refNumber, refNumberType set to "Vendor internal number", but see 980$u No
980 $e Description orderLine.description No
980 $f Selector orderLine.selector No
980 $g Vendor account orderLine. vendorDetail. vendorAccount No
980 $k Currency orderLine. cost. currency, invoice.currency No "USD" Three letter currency code
980 $l Access provider code
980 $m Price orderLine. cost. listUnitPriceElectronic or orderLine. cost. listUnitPrice Yes Format: [9999.99]
980 $n Notes Notes of link.type "poLine", domain "orders", and note type from config No
980 $p Donor orderLine.donor, Electronic: holdingsRecord.notes[].note /w note type 'Electronic bookplate' and staffOnly false. Physical: item.notes[].note /w note type 'Electronic bookplate' and staffOnly false No
980 $s Bill to order.billTo No Name of existing address in FOLIO
980 $t Acquisition method orderLine.acquisitionMethod No "Purchase" One of nine allowed strings
980 $u Reference number type orderLine. vendorDetail. referenceNumbers[]. refNumberType No "Vendor internal number"
980 $v Vendor code order.vendor.vendorId (code resolved to id) Yes Vendor code must exist in FOLIO
980 $w Rush indicator orderLine.rush No false Values: [RUSH] or nothing
980 $y Expense class orderLine. fundDistribution. expenseClass No Code of an existing expense class that must be assigned to a budget in FOLIO for the given fiscal year
980 $z Electronic indicator orderLine.orderFormat ("Electronic Resource" or "Physical Resource"), holdingsRecord.holdingsTypeId (electronic or physical) No "Physical resource" Values: [ELECTRONIC] or arbitrary text or nothing
  1. For the repeatable fields 250, 336, 337, 338, 490, 856 and 980, only the first occurrence is considered

Chi mapping extension

MARC_fields¹ Description Target properties Required Default Content (incoming)
980 $o Barcode item.barcode No A barcode that doesn't exist already in FOLIO.
Hard-coded Item copy number item.copyNumber 'c.1'

Lambda mapping extension

MARC_fields¹ Description Target properties Required Default Content (incoming)
856 $x User limit n/a No This field is not submitted to FOLIO.
980 $o Object code orderLine tag list No The object code must exist as a Tag in FOLIO.
980 $r Project code orderLine tag list No The project code must exist as a Tag in FOLIO.

Sigma mapping extension

MARC_fields¹ Description Target properties Required Default Content (incoming)
980 $a Location orderLine.locations[].id (name resolved to id) Yes
980 $d Material type orderLine.physical.materialType and item.materialTypeId No Configured material type
980 $q Quantity orderLine.locations[] .quantityPhysical or .quantityElectronic No (defaults to 1) 1
980 $r Loan type item.permanentLoanTypeId Yes

Pre-configured values, defined as parameters in the startup properties file

Property name Description Examples Target properties Required Content
permLocation The name of a FOLIO location SECOND FLOOR orderLine.locations[].id (name resolved to id) Yes, if physical resource The location must exist in FOLIO. Validated on startup.
permELocation The name of a FOLIO location SECOND FLOOR orderLine.locations[].id (name resolved to id) Yes, if electronic resource The location must exist in FOLIO. Validated on startup.
fiscalYearCode The code of a FOLIO fiscal year FY2022 For resolving fund ID Yes Must exist in FOLIO. Validated on startup.
text For Electronic Resources A link text Available to Snapshot Users instance. electronicAccessEntry[]. linkText A default.
noteType The name of a note type for note in 980$n General note notes[].note.typeId (name resolved to id) No The note type must exist in FOLIO. Validated on startup.
materialType The name of a material type book orderLine. physical. materialType Yes The material type must exist in FOLIO. Validated on startup.

Static values, hard-coded in the program

Target properties Value
order.orderType "One-Time"
order.reEncumber true
order.approved true
order.workflowStatus "Open"
orderLine.source "User"
orderLine.receiptStatus "Receipt Not Required" if 980$z = ELECTRONIC
orderLine.fundDistribution.funds[].fundDist.distributionType "percentage"
orderLine.fundDistribution.funds[].fundDist.value 100
instance.source "FOLIO"
instance.discoverySuppress false
orderLine.cost.quantityElectronic 1
orderLine.eResource.activated false
orderLine.locations[].quantityElectronic 1
holdingsRecord.holdingsTypeId The holdings type ID for Electronic
orderLine.cost.quantityPhysical 1
holdingsRecord.holdingsTypeId The holdings type ID for Physical

Authentication data via HTTP Request headers

If the web server hosting the FOLIO Order import tool performs HTTP authentication, then the logged in user can be set in each order's assignedTo field. To do this, configure the web server to set a request header X-Remote-User with value matching the FOLIO username, as below.

  <Location />

                  AuthType Basic
                  AuthName "Order Import Tool"
                  AuthLDAPURL "ldap://,dc=edu?uid"
                  AuthBasicProvider ldap
                  require valid-user

                  RequestHeader set X-Remote-User expr=%{REMOTE_USER}
                  RequestHeader unset Authorization


Validation of incoming MARC records

Each incoming record will go through following checks on analyze or import:

  • The record has a MARC field 980.
  • The record provides a fund code that exists in FOLIO Finance.
  • The provided fund code is associated with an existing fiscal year (making it a budget) in FOLIO Finance.
  • If the record provides an expense class code, it exists in FOLIO Finance where it is associated with the budget.
  • The record provides a vendor code that exists in FOLIO Organizations.
  • The record provides a price amount.
  • If the record provides a bill-to name, an address with that name exists in FOLIO Configurations.
  • (when this API comes into production: If the record provides an acquisition method, the method exists in FOLIO Orders)

If any of these checks fail it will be marked as an error.

On top of that the analysis will check if

  • The record has an ISBN that is valid (after stripping the ISBN string down to its leading digits)
  • If there is no valid ISBN, that the record provides one or more of the following identifiers: ISSN, Publisher or Distributor number, System control number, or Other standard Identifier.

Missing identifiers is not considered an error that should prevent the import, but a flag is raised since it will prevent FOLIO Orders from linking the incoming order with an existing title in FOLIO Inventory, thus triggering the creation of new records in Inventory.

FOLIO API usage and required user permissions

API Calls

This is how the tool uses FOLIO's APIs:

  • It makes requests to a number of reference data APIs to map reference values (fiscal years, fund codes, budgets, instance types, material types, note types, tags)
  • It gets the next PO number from Orders
  • It posts a purchase order (approved and open) and one line item for each MARC record in a file
  • It retrieves, then put the new/linked Instance from Inventory
  • It optionally retrieves, then put the new/linked holdings record
  • It optionally posts notes for the Order

APIs used






  1. starting from FOLIO release Lotus.

Required permissions

  "permissions": [

Development notes

Documentation on the schema for communication between the service and the UI can be found in IMPORT_RESPONSE_SCHEMA


Tool that imports a MARC record to create an order. This workaround is needed until FOLIO supports importing MARC records to create orders.







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