Laravel get Chinese Holiday by date. 根据日期获取中国节日。
Via Composer
$ composer require folospace/chineseholiday
use \Folospace\ChineseHoliday\Facades\ChineseHoliday;
$test = ChineseHoliday::getAllHolidays(strtotime('2019-02-04')); [除夕,立春]
$test = ChineseHoliday::getLunarHoliday(strtotime('2019-09-13')); //中秋
$test = ChineseHoliday::getLunar24(strtotime('2019-06-21')); //夏至
$test = ChineseHoliday::getSpecialHoliday(strtotime('2019-06-16')); //父亲节
$test = ChineseHoliday::getSolorHoliday(strtotime('2019-02-14')); //情人节
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Folospace\ChineseHoliday\ChineseHolidayServiceProvider"
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