A very fast, standards compliant and threadsafe CSV library with only a few, essential, configurable features.
This is a major overhaul and reworking of Michael Peterson's SimpleCsv . It is released under the same Apache Version 2.0 License.
KissCsv is a fully mime (text/csv) compliant parser according to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180
Both OpenCSV
and SimpleCSV
had too many features for me. So I decided to make one that is compliant, faster and ... threadsafe. Along the way I fixed a few features:
In most csv data, whitepace outside of the quoted value is to be ignored.
was missing the ability to trim whitespace after a closing quote and before the next separator. -
was missing embedded carriage returns and doubled-escaped quotes within quoted values.
KissCsv can be configured with:
- custom field separator
- custom quote character
- setting to trim all fields of whitespace (even quoted fields).
Follow instructions at https://jitpack.io/#footloosejava/kisscsv or these steps for Maven:
Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
Step 2. Add the dependency
If a quote character is specified, whitespace outside of a quote is ignored.
quote character set,A,B, "HELLO" ,D
is parsed asA,B,HELLO,D
quote character set,A,B, "HELLO" ,D
is parsed as is. -
KissCsv properly handles embedded carriage returns in quoted values:
is parsed asA,B,HELLO\r\nWORLD,D
KissCsv properly recognizes
as record endings. These two are parsed as 2 records, consisting of 4 fields each:A,B, "HELLO\r\nWORLD" ,D
KissCsv meets a simple use scenario - it does not recognize or use any escape characters.
KissCsv recognizes doubled quotes
as single quotes inside a quoted value:"A quote "" is what a quote is!"
is parsed asA quote " is what a quote is!
KissCsv parser complains if a quote character is set and fields are malformed:
a) Non-whitespace found before opening quote.
will throw a KissException:Character found before first quote
.b) Non-whitespace found after closing quote.
will throw a KissException:Record has already been closed (matched quotes found)
is memory-frugal, threadsafe and very fast.
The default KissParser constructor has the following settings:
- separator =
- quote character =
- trim fields =
String[] firstRecord = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"};
String[] secondRecord = {
"His name is \"BOB\"",
String data = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7\n"
+ "\"LU\",86.25,\"11/4/1998\",\"2:19PM\",\"His name is \"\"BOB\"\"\",+4.0625, \"\" ";
// The KissParser can be configured once and then used with any number of KissReaders simultaneously.
KissParser cp = new KissParser();
// Just like Bufferedreader, null is returned when there is no more data.
KissReader cr = new KissReader(new StringReader(data), cp);
assertArrayEquals(firstRecord, cr.readNext());
assertArrayEquals(secondRecord, cr.readNext());
assertArrayEquals(null, cr.readNext());
Processing record data using a consumer without String[] creation.
String data = "1,2,3,4,5";
KissParser cp = new KissParser();
KissReader cr = new KissReader(new StringReader(data), cp);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
assertEquals(5, cr.readNext(sb::append));
assertEquals("12345", sb.toString());
If EOF, the consumer is never called and -1 is returned.
String data = "";
KissParser cp = new KissParser();
KissReader cr = new KissReader(new StringReader(data), cp);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
assertEquals(-1, cr.readNext(sb::append));
assertEquals("", sb.toString());