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Elaborate CGI and Bash script for generating Traveller sectors and publishing them to PDF. Linux version.

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SectorMaker Installation - Mac OSX (10.x)
Original version by Micki Kaufman (

Note: there is a Ubuntu version available by Chris Moynihan (forthekill at,

I. Installation

STEP ONE - Install Perl
Install Perl 5.

sudo apt-get install perl

STEP TWO - Install PDFTK 1.44
Install the Mac version of PDFTK, used for splitting, joining, compressing and overlaying PDF pages.

Install PDF-API2, a Perl resource for handling PDFs and fonts.

perl -MCPAN -e 'install Font::TTF'

Install PDF-API2, a Perl resource for handling PDFs and fonts.

perl -MCPAN -e 'install PDF::API2'

STEP FIVE - Create The Output and Temp Folders
Create folders for the script to use, one for the final output and one for temporary files.

sudo mkdir /sectors

sudo mkdir /sectors/autogen

sudo chmod 777 /sectors/autogen

STEP SIX - Download and Unzip the SectorMaker Archive
Unzip the SectorMaker files from the archive. This will create a folder called SectorMakerScripts in that location.


cd SectorMakerScripts

STEP SEVEN - Copy all files into the CGI Executables Folder
Copy them to the apache directory.

sudo cp * /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables

STEP EIGHT - Copy Custom Corefonts
Install the custom CoreFont fonts.

cd install/pdf-api2

sudo cp /opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12.3/PDF/API2/Resource/Font/CoreFont/

sudo cp /opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12.3/PDF/API2/Resource/Font/

STEP NINE - Modify
Add the following line to line 224 of (/opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12.3/PDF/API2/Resource/Font/

univers universbold

STEP TEN - Install the New Fonts**
Install the required TrueType fonts (a few styles of Univers and Optima) into the fonts folder.

sudo cp Univers* Optima* /Library/Fonts/

STEP ELEVEN - Copy the Custom Binaries
Install the custom SW4 Traveller binaries into your computer's /usr/local/bin/ folder.

cd ./install/bin

sudo cp full-upp mapsub3 subsec2 gensec3 /usr/local/bin/

STEP TWELVE - Set the Script Permissions
Move to the cgi-bin directory and set the script permissions properly.

cd /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables

sudo chmod ugo+x SectorMaker.cgi

STEP THIRTEEN - Copy the Enscript Config Files
Copy the custom enscript files.

cd install/enscript

sudo cp enscript.cfg /usr/share/enscript/

sudo cp traveller*.hdr /usr/share/enscript/

II. Using the Scripts

Using the Scripts Via Command Line
To use the script from the command line, navigate to the /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables folder and use the following syntax:
./ {sectorname} {density} {tech} {desc} {{secfile}} {{regen}}

To use the batch sector maker, navigate to the /var/www/cgi-bin folder and use the following syntax:
./ {number of sectors} {tech} {desc}

Using the Scripts Via Web Browser
To use the script from a web browser, use the syntax for either of the two following URLs:


The first URL will return a file called sectorName.pdf to the browser.
The second URL will return a file called SectorMaker.cgi to the browser, which is actually a PDF.

What you would like the name of the sector to be.

{density|zero,rift,sparse,scattered,dense, or Xx}
Determines the stellar density of the sector (avg. of worlds per subsector)
zero = 0% (No random worlds will be generated. A sectorName_names.txt file in /sectors/autogen must be present, which will be used for the world names and locations)
rift = 4% (~1-10)
sparse = 16% (~5-20)
scattered = 33% (~19-35)
dense = 66% (~40-62)
Xx = Xx% (Specify a number, from 0 to 100)

The general technology level of the sector, how well travelled it is

Level of description for generated worlds
1 = UPP and Animal
2 = UPP only
3 = None

Pre-existing sector file name. Used if an existing set of files is available in /sectors/autogen (sectorName.sec, sectorName_route.txt, sectorName_alliances.txt)
Using this parameter renders the density and tech parameters irrelevant, although with the command line you need to put something for those as placeholders.

Pre-existing regeneration options. Used only if a secfile is specified.
1 = Use pre-existing routes and borders (May generate additional routes and borders)
2 = Use pre-existing routes only (Will not generate additional routes, but it will generate new borders)
3 = Use pre-existing routes and borders only (Will not generate any new routes or borders)


./ Orion sparse mature 1
This will create Orion.pdf with 16% world density in the sector, at a mature tech level, and include UPP and Animal descriptions for each world.

./ Orion 20 mature 2
This will create Orion.pdf with 20% world density in the sector, at a mature tech level, and include UPP descriptions for each world.

./ Orion dense mature 3 Orion.sec 3
This will create Orion.pdf, ignoring the world density and tech level, and use the existing Orion.sec, Orion_route.txt, and Orion_alliances.txt files instead. The borders and routes will be used, and new ones may be added. The worlds will have no descriptions.

./ Orion zero mature 2
This will create Orion.pdf, but no randomly generated worlds will be created. If Orion_names.txt is present in /sectors/autogen it will use those worlds, and randomly generate routes borders and world descriptions. If it is not present, you will get an empty sector.# SectorMaker Elaborate CGI and Bash script for generating Traveller sectors and publishing them to PDF. Linux version.


Elaborate CGI and Bash script for generating Traveller sectors and publishing them to PDF. Linux version.






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