English | Türkçe
The aim of this project is to provide a searchable database based on the Istanbul Gazeteden Tarihe Bakış Dataset.
backend contains 4 different dockerized services:- CouchDB Database for persistant storage.
- Solr as a search engine.
- Our custom RESTful API.
- A web based GUI.
script does the following- Scraping the dataset website
- Downloading the data
- Processes the PDFs to extract and clean single pages
- Performing OCR
- Performing NER
- Storing data in CouchDB
- Indexing data in Solr
The API allows for querying the data by date and location in the database as well as full text search using Solr, providing both the original scans as well as the OCR results.
The web GUI offers a user friendly way to query the data and visualize the results.
Install requirements
sudo apt install python3-dev
sudo apt install libtesseract-dev tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-tur
Run Solr and CouchDB stack
cd docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
Download the latest zemberek_full.jar
for NER submodule from this link
Place the downloaded .jar
in data_collection
Run data collection script
cd data_collection
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python 3 main.py
Browse to localhost:5000/main
and use the UI for queries.
- Use multithreading to speed up data_collection and processing.
- Improve UI design using
. - Implement the query API