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A proposal for a minimal executor model for the Issaquah 2016 ISO C++ committee meeting

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% A Unified Executors Proposal for C++ | P0443R1

Title: A Unified Executors Proposal for C++

Authors: Jared Hoberock,

                Michael Garland,

                Chris Kohlhoff,

                Chris Mysen,

                Carter Edwards,

                Gordon Brown,

Other Contributors: Hans Boehm,

                Thomas Heller,

                Lee Howes,

                Bryce Lelbach,

                Hartmut Kaiser,

                Bryce Lelbach,

                Gor Nishanov,

                Thomas Rodgers,

                David Hollman,

                Michael Wong,

Document Number: P0443R1

Date: 2017-01-06

Audience: SG1 - Concurrency and Parallelism



This paper describes a programming model for executors, which are modular components for creating execution. Executors decouple software from the disparate, non-uniform interfaces of execution resources and present a uniform interface for work creation. The model proposed by this paper represents what we believe is the functionality necessary to compose executors with existing standard control structures such as std::async() and parallel algorithms, as well as near-standards such as the functionality found in various technical specifications, including the Concurrency, Networking, and Parallelism TSes. We intend this proposal to be an extensible basis for future development of execution in C++ which necessarily entails functionality beyond the scope of this basic proposal.

In our programming model, executors introduce a uniform interface for creating execution that may not be common to the underlying execution resources actually responsible for the mechanics of implementing that execution. There are three major concepts involved in this interplay: execution resources, execution contexts, and executors.

An execution resource is an instance of a hardware and/or software facility capable of executing a callable function object. Different resources may offer a broad array of functionality and semantics, and may range from SIMD vector units accessible in a single thread to an entire runtime managing a large collection of threads. In practice, different resources may also exhibit different performance characteristics of interest to the performance-conscious programmer. For example, an implementation might expose different processor cores, with potentially non-uniform access to memory, as separate resources to enable programmers to reason about locality.

An execution context is a program object that represents a specific collection of execution resources.

An executor is an object associated with a specific execution context. It provides a mechanism for creating execution agents from a callable function object. The agents created are bound to the executor's context, and hence to one or more of the resources that context represents.

Executors themselves are the primary concern of our design.

Design goals

The design outlined in this proposal is intended to achieve our goals for executors, which are objects for creating all kinds of execution in C++. Executors should be composable, adaptable, and customizable, which we believe reflects the needs of users, library implementors, and executor authors, respectively. Short code examples demonstrating how our design accomodates the needs of these different audiences may be found in the Appendix.

By composable, we mean that executors should cross software boundaries allowing disparate software components to interoperate using a commonly-understood protocol. By adaptable, we mean that executors specially-designed for a particular use case should be applicable in other use cases when it is possible. By customizable, we mean that requirements placed on executors should be broad enough to encompass user-defined executors, rather than limited to the set of concrete executors which may eventually become part of the C++ Standard Library. Only a design including well-defined interfaces with clear semantics will achieve these goals.

Customization Points

In our design, these well-defined interfaces with clearly-expressed execution semantics are called executor customization points and are foundational to the mechanics of our design. Each executor customization point is a function which delineates a specific use case which we have identified as fundamental to the needs of the C++ Standard Library and other technical specifications for execution creation. For example, the customization point execution::async_execute() asynchronously creates a single execution agent to invoke a given function and returns a future corresponding to that function's eventual result. A C++ Standard Library function like std::async() may compose with a user-supplied executor by using calling execute::async_execute() in its implementation. As another example, the customization point execution::sync_execute() synchronously creates a single execution agent to invoke a given function and immediately returns that function's result. These semantics provide a natural fit for the composition of user-provided executors with std::invoke().

Because we envision executors to be the workhorses of execution in generic code, it is critical that they be adaptable to a variety of use cases. For example, a generic function like std::invoke() should be interoperable with as many types of executor as possible, not just that set of executors which natively provide the synchronous, single-agent execution function sync_execute(). To generalize across use cases, we have designed executor customization points to adapt the behavior of an executor when its native behavior is not a precise match for the use case of interest. For example, std::invoke() may interoperate with an executor which natively provides the execution function async_execute() by calling the customization point execution::sync_execute(). This customization point will adapt the executor by calling its natively provided async_execute() execution function, and wait on the resulting future. In this way, generic code may uniformly compose with executors with minimal restriction.

These adaptations performed by executor customization points are always performed in such a way as to ensure that various semantic guarantees provided by executors are never weakened. For example, if an executor guarantees that its possibly-blocking execution functions are always non-blocking, then an adapted implementation of execution::async_execute will always be non-blocking when that executor is composed with this customization point.

Our design focuses on defining a set of optional execution functions instead of imposing a set of strict executor requirements to maximize the latitude of executor authors. Rather than prematurely attempt to circumscribe the universe of all possible executors with a set of universal requirements, we believe it is more flexible to identify a set of use cases for work creation which can grow in the future. Executor authors may choose to natively support one or more of these use cases by implementing the appropriate execution function, and may opt in to natively supporting new use cases as they are introduced. Due to their adaptability, an executor will be future-proof to new customization points.

The following diagram shows the automatic adaptations performed by the customization points, assuming a corresponding native implementation (member or free function) is unavailable. A dotted line shows an adaptation that will be used only if executor_execute_blocking_category_t<Executor> is non_blocking_execution_tag.

Executor type traits

In order to help programmers define their own ad hoc requirements for executor types, our design provides a set of executor type traits for introspecting the properties of executors at compile time. These fine-grained type traits detect characteristics such as native support for execution functions as well as compatibility between an executor type and an executor customization point.

For example, for an execution function such as execute, the executor supports the following traits:

  • has_execute_member<X> and has_execute_member_v<X>, to detect the presence of a member named execute that satisfies the corresponding syntactic requirements.
  • has_execute_free_function<X> and has_execute_free_function_v<X>, to detect the presence of a free function named execute, accepting the executor as the initial parameter, and that satisfies the corresponding syntactic requirements.
  • can_execute<X> and can_execute_v<X>, to determine whether the corresponding customization point is well-formed for the executor.

Programmers may employ these type traits at software boundaries to define requirements for executor composition as well as reject types of executors which are known to be incompatible.

These traits may also be used to determine which implementation strategy will be used by a customization point. That is, whether the customization support can use native support (via member or free function) or an adaptation. If a particular customization point's adaptation is inefficient when implementing some higher level algorithm, the trait may be used to select an alternative algorithm implementation not based on that customization point.

While these traits are not strictly required by this proposal -- we may employ SFINAE to detect the presence of members or free functions -- correctly detecting adherence to the syntactic requirements is complex. Therefore these traits are included to simplify feature detection for programmers, as well as reducing the verbosity of this proposal's wording.

Executor Categories

Our design organizes executors into executor categories based on how they are expected to be used by software components composing with them. These categories correspond to the application domains served by the C++ Standard Library and the Parallelism, Concurrency, and Networking Technical Specifications. The requirements for membership in an executor category include basic requirements on executor types as well as requirements based on their compatibility with customization points. For example, the executor category TwoWayExecutor includes all executors compatible with the two-way, single-agent executor customization points such as execution::async_execute(). Executor categories are not necessarily mutually exclusive, and one executor type may be a member of multiple categories if the requirements for those categories admit mutual membership.

This proposal defines four named categories: OneWayExecutor, TwoWayExecutor, BulkTwoWayExecutor, and NonblockingOneWayExecutor. OneWayExecutor and TwoWayExecutor summarize the requirements for basic executors which create single-agent execution with minimal guarantees. OneWayExecutors do not provide a channel for synchronizing with the completion of execution, while TwoWayExecutors do provide such a channel. BulkTwoWayExecutor summarizes requirements for executors which create bulk-agent execution and also provide a channel for synchronization. This category summarizes the requirements for executors which can compose with parallel algorithms. Finally, NonblockingOneWayExecutor extends OneWayExecutor's requirements by demanding that an executor's execution functions do not block the calling thread of those operations. This additional requirement on blocking behavior is critical to the needs of the Networking TS.

We have not attempted to completely capture every kind of interesting collection of executors in our categorization. By design, our categorization of executors is incomplete to accommodate future extension. Moreover, we recognize that the particular categories we define may not precisely match the requirements of all existing software interfaces which need to compose with executors. For example, the regularity of our design suggests the existence of a hypothetical executor category named NonblockingHostBasedBulkTwoWayExecutor. Such a category would correspond to executor types which create bulk, two-way execution hosted on a thread, and would create execution in a way that is guaranteed not to block the calling thread. However, our proposal does not define such a category. Instead, this category could be created by composing the executor type traits described above.

Execution Contexts

In our design, execution contexts are objects that represent a specific collection of resources and may be used by executor to create execution. For example, a thread pool is an execution context which manages a collection of threads upon which an associated executor may create execution agents. For our purposes of defining a programming model for executors, the only salient expectation for execution contexts is the ability to obtain an executor from them. However, we have chosen not to prescribe a required interface for doing so. Instead, we have defined very basic requirements for execution contexts which allow almost any type of object to be an execution context. Our requirements for execution contexts are deliberately minimal and intended to provide a standard protocol for obtaining an executor's context and reason about its identity in generic code. Yet, these minimal requirements still allow for further refinement in future libraries. For example, we illustrate requirements for a NetworkingExecutionContext that we expect the Networking TS to define which would enumerate expectations on execution contexts compatible with networking use cases. This refinement's requirements significantly strengthen our weak requirements in part by demanding that all such contexts derive from a specific concrete class.

In order to evaluate this proposal, it will be useful to have at least one concrete execution context readily available. Our proposal specifies a single execution context, static_thread_pool, which abstracts a explicitly-sized collection of threads and implements an effectively unbounded work queue. This thread pool type provides functions for typical thread pool operations as well as an .executor() function for obtaining an executor associated with the thread pool. We recognize that different types of thread pools are suited to different use cases and emphasize that this proposal's static_thread_pool represents a single design in this space which is not intended as definitive.


This proposal is intended to provide a foundation for future enhancements to executors and execution in general in C++. Naturally, it is incomplete and we anticipate extension. Here, we discuss briefly our vision for how the major components of our overall design can be extended by future follow-on proposals.

Future concept. One immediate concern is the conceptualization of std::future-like types. We anticipate that some types of executors will expose idiosyncratic, custom, and non-standard future types to represent asynchronous tasks due to requirements of underlying execution resources. An elaboration of the requirements of a hypothetical Future concept is needed.

Execution resources. Our proposal is silent about how a program might enumerate and represent the available execution resources present in the system. A future proposal describing a means of representing system resources with standard execution contexts and obtaining executors from them would provide programmers concerned with performance the tools to reason about locality.

Execution contexts. This paper proposes a single concrete execution context, static_thread_pool, which embodies one approach for representing a thread pool. There are other approaches to thread pools with different features and limitations which others could propose. For example, a hypothetical dynamic_thread_pool type could automatically change its thread count to adapt to the state of the system, with the goal of guaranteeing concurrent execution. Another possible execution context could emulate the existing behavior of std::async() to aid in migration from the standard library's existing features for concurrency and parallelism to this new model of executors. Such a context would allow programmers to introduce executors without breaking any assumed semantics of std::async(), such as concurrent execution agents, thread-per-request, and future blocking behavior.

Besides introducing concrete execution context types, future proposals could refine our ExecutionContext concept by introducing concepts with additional requirements. As an example, a parallel execution framework might define requirements for a hypothetical IntrospectableExecutionContext which would require contexts to provide functionality for resource introspection. Generic code could depend on such functionality to query the number of hardware threads associated with execution context. These and other extensions to our basic model of execution contexts may be explored as future proposals.

Executor categories. Future proposals might expand our executor categorization to additional application domains if the categorizations proposed here are insufficient for representing their requirements. For example, our proposal does not directly address issues related to heterogeneous execution resources. These issues can be addressed in the future with new kinds of executors incorporated into the overall framework with the appropriate categorization.


Changes since R0

  • Executor category simplification
  • Specified executor customization points in detail
  • Introduced new fine-grained executor type traits
    • Detectors for execution functions
    • Traits for introspecting cross-cutting concerns
      • Introspection of mapping of agents to threads
      • Introspection of execution function blocking behavior
  • Allocator support for single agent execution functions
  • Renamed thread_pool to static_thread_pool
  • New introduction

Proposed Wording

Header <execution> synopsis

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace concurrency_v2 {
namespace execution {

  // Member detection type traits:

  template<class T> struct has_execute_member;
  template<class T> struct has_post_member;
  template<class T> struct has_defer_member;
  template<class T> struct has_sync_execute_member;
  template<class T> struct has_async_execute_member;
  template<class T> struct has_async_post_member;
  template<class T> struct has_async_defer_member;
  template<class T> struct has_then_execute_member;
  template<class T> struct has_bulk_execute_member;
  template<class T> struct has_bulk_post_member;
  template<class T> struct has_bulk_defer_member;
  template<class T> struct has_bulk_sync_execute_member;
  template<class T> struct has_bulk_async_execute_member;
  template<class T> struct has_bulk_async_post_member;
  template<class T> struct has_bulk_async_defer_member;
  template<class T> struct has_bulk_then_execute_member;

  template<class T> constexpr bool has_execute_member_v = has_execute_member<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_post_member_v = has_post_member<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_defer_member_v = has_defer_member<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_sync_execute_member_v = has_sync_execute_member<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_async_execute_member_v = has_async_execute_member<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_async_post_member_v = has_async_post_member<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_async_defer_member_v = has_async_defer_member<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_then_execute_member_v = has_then_execute_member<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_bulk_execute_member_v = has_bulk_execute_member<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_bulk_post_member_v = has_bulk_post_member<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_bulk_defer_member_v = has_bulk_defer_member<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_bulk_sync_execute_member_v = has_bulk_sync_execute_member<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_bulk_async_execute_member_v = has_bulk_async_execute_member<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_bulk_async_post_member_v = has_bulk_async_post_member<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_bulk_async_defer_member_v = has_bulk_async_defer_member<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_bulk_then_execute_member_v = has_bulk_then_execute_member<T>::value;

  // Free function detection type traits:

  template<class T> struct has_execute_free_function;
  template<class T> struct has_post_free_function;
  template<class T> struct has_defer_free_function;
  template<class T> struct has_sync_execute_free_function;
  template<class T> struct has_async_execute_free_function;
  template<class T> struct has_async_post_free_function;
  template<class T> struct has_async_defer_free_function;
  template<class T> struct has_then_execute_free_function;
  template<class T> struct has_bulk_execute_free_function;
  template<class T> struct has_bulk_post_free_function;
  template<class T> struct has_bulk_defer_free_function;
  template<class T> struct has_bulk_sync_execute_free_function;
  template<class T> struct has_bulk_async_execute_free_function;
  template<class T> struct has_bulk_async_post_free_function;
  template<class T> struct has_bulk_async_defer_free_function;
  template<class T> struct has_bulk_then_execute_free_function;

  template<class T> constexpr bool has_execute_free_function_v = has_execute_free_function<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_post_free_function_v = has_post_free_function<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_defer_free_function_v = has_defer_free_function<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_sync_execute_free_function_v = has_sync_execute_free_function<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_async_execute_free_function_v = has_async_execute_free_function<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_async_post_free_function_v = has_async_post_free_function<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_async_defer_free_function_v = has_async_defer_free_function<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_then_execute_free_function_v = has_then_execute_free_function<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_bulk_execute_free_function_v = has_bulk_execute_free_function<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_bulk_post_free_function_v = has_bulk_post_free_function<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_bulk_defer_free_function_v = has_bulk_defer_free_function<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_bulk_sync_execute_free_function_v = has_bulk_sync_execute_free_function<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_bulk_async_execute_free_function_v = has_bulk_async_execute_free_function<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_bulk_async_post_free_function_v = has_bulk_async_post_free_function<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_bulk_async_defer_free_function_v = has_bulk_async_defer_free_function<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool has_bulk_then_execute_free_function_v = has_bulk_then_execute_free_function<T>::value;

  // Customization points:

  namespace {
    constexpr unspecified execute = unspecified;
    constexpr unspecified post = unspecified;
    constexpr unspecified defer = unspecified;
    constexpr unspecified sync_execute = unspecified;
    constexpr unspecified async_execute = unspecified;
    constexpr unspecified async_post = unspecified;
    constexpr unspecified async_defer = unspecified;
    constexpr unspecified then_execute = unspecified;
    constexpr unspecified bulk_execute = unspecified;
    constexpr unspecified bulk_post = unspecified;
    constexpr unspecified bulk_defer = unspecified;
    constexpr unspecified bulk_sync_execute = unspecified;
    constexpr unspecified bulk_async_execute = unspecified;
    constexpr unspecified bulk_async_post = unspecified;
    constexpr unspecified bulk_async_defer = unspecified;
    constexpr unspecified bulk_then_execute = unspecified;

  // Customization point type traits:

  template<class T> struct can_execute;
  template<class T> struct can_post;
  template<class T> struct can_defer;
  template<class T> struct can_sync_execute;
  template<class T> struct can_async_execute;
  template<class T> struct can_async_post;
  template<class T> struct can_async_defer;
  template<class T> struct can_then_execute;
  template<class T> struct can_bulk_execute;
  template<class T> struct can_post_execute;
  template<class T> struct can_defer_execute;
  template<class T> struct can_bulk_sync_execute;
  template<class T> struct can_bulk_async_execute;
  template<class T> struct can_bulk_async_post;
  template<class T> struct can_bulk_async_defer;
  template<class T> struct can_bulk_then_execute;

  template<class T> constexpr bool can_execute_v = can_execute<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool can_post_v = can_post<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool can_defer_v = can_defer<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool can_sync_execute_v = can_sync_execute<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool can_async_execute_v = can_async_execute<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool can_async_post_v = can_async_post<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool can_async_defer_v = can_async_defer<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool can_then_execute_v = can_then_execute<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool can_bulk_execute_v = can_bulk_execute<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool can_bulk_post_v = can_bulk_post<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool can_bulk_defer_v = can_bulk_defer<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool can_bulk_sync_execute_v = can_bulk_sync_execute<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool can_bulk_async_execute_v = can_bulk_async_execute<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool can_bulk_async_post_v = can_bulk_async_post<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool can_bulk_async_defer_v = can_bulk_async_defer<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool can_bulk_then_execute_v = can_bulk_then_execute<T>::value;

  // Executor type traits:

  template<class T> struct is_one_way_executor;
  template<class T> struct is_non_blocking_one_way_executor;
  template<class T> struct is_two_way_executor;
  template<class T> struct is_bulk_two_way_executor;

  template<class T> constexpr bool is_one_way_executor_v = is_one_way_executor<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool is_non_blocking_one_way_executor_v = is_non_blocking_one_way_executor<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool is_two_way_executor_v = is_two_way_executor<T>::value;
  template<class T> constexpr bool is_bulk_two_way_executor_v = is_bulk_two_way_executor<T>::value;

  template<class Executor> struct executor_context;

  template<class Executor>
    using executor_context_t = typename executor_context<Executor>::type;

  template<class Executor, class T> struct executor_future;

  template<class Executor, class T>
    using executor_future_t = typename executor_future<Executor, T>::type;

  struct other_execution_mapping_tag {};
  struct thread_execution_mapping_tag {};
  struct unique_thread_execution_mapping_tag {};

  template<class Executor> struct executor_execution_mapping_category;

  template<class Executor>
    using executor_execution_mapping_category_t = typename executor_execution_mapping_catetory<Executor>::type;

  struct blocking_execution_tag {};
  struct possibly_blocking_execution_tag {};
  struct non_blocking_execution_tag {};

  template<class Executor> struct executor_execute_blocking_category;

  template<class Executor>
    using executor_execute_blocking_category_t = typename executor_execute_blocking_category<Executor>::type;

  // Bulk executor traits:

  struct sequenced_execution_tag {};
  struct parallel_execution_tag {};
  struct unsequenced_execution_tag {};

  template<class Executor> struct executor_execution_category;

  template<class Executor>
    using executor_execution_category_t = typename executor_execution_category<Executor>::type;

  template<class Executor> struct executor_shape;

  template<class Executor>
    using executor_shape_t = typename executor_shape<Executor>::type;

  template<class Executor> struct executor_index;

  template<class Executor>
    using executor_index_t = typename executor_index<Executor>::type;

  // Executor work guard:

  template <class Executor>
    class executor_work_guard;

  // Polymorphic executor wrappers:

  class one_way_executor;
  class non_blocking_one_way_executor;
  class two_way_executor;

} // namespace execution
} // inline namespace concurrency_v2
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std


Customization point objects

(The following text has been adapted from the draft Ranges Technical Specification.)

A customization point object is a function object (C++ Std, [function.objects]) with a literal class type that interacts with user-defined types while enforcing semantic requirements on that interaction.

The type of a customization point object shall satisfy the requirements of CopyConstructible (C++Std [copyconstructible]) and Destructible (C++Std [destructible]).

All instances of a specific customization point object type shall be equal.

Let t be a (possibly const) customization point object of type T, and args... be a parameter pack expansion of some parameter pack Args.... The customization point object t shall be callable as t(args...) when the types of Args... meet the requirements specified in that customization point object's definition. Otherwise, T shall not have a function call operator that participates in overload resolution.

Each customization point object type constrains its return type to satisfy some particular type requirements.

The library defines several named customization point objects. In every translation unit where such a name is defined, it shall refer to the same instance of the customization point object.

[Note: Many of the customization points objects in the library evaluate function call expressions with an unqualified name which results in a call to a user-defined function found by argument dependent name lookup (C++Std [basic.lookup.argdep]). To preclude such an expression resulting in a call to unconstrained functions with the same name in namespace std, customization point objects specify that lookup for these expressions is performed in a context that includes deleted overloads matching the signatures of overloads defined in namespace std. When the deleted overloads are viable, user-defined overloads must be more specialized (C++Std [temp.func.order]) to be used by a customization point object. --end note]

Future requirements

A type F meets the Future requirements for some value type T if F is std::experimental::future<T> (defined in the C++ Concurrency TS, ISO/IEC TS 19571:2016). [Note: This concept is included as a placeholder to be elaborated, with the expectation that the elaborated requirements for Future will expand the applicability of some executor customization points. --end note]

ProtoAllocator requirements

A type A meets the ProtoAllocator requirements if A is CopyConstructible (C++Std [copyconstructible]), Destructible (C++Std [destructible]), and allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<U> meets the allocator requirements (C++Std [allocator.requirements]), where U is an object type. [Note: For example, std::allocator<void> meets the proto-allocator requirements but not the allocator requirements. --end note] No comparison operator, copy operation, move operation, or swap operation on these types shall exit via an exception.

ExecutionContext requirements

A type meets the ExecutionContext requirements if it satisfies the EqualityComparable requirements (C++Std [equalitycomparable]). No comparison operator on these types shall exit via an exception.

Requirements on execution functions

An execution function is a member function of the form:


or a free function of the form:

e(x, ...)

where x denotes an executor object, e denotes the function name and ... denotes the parameters.

Each execution function is made up from a combination of three properties: its blocking semantics, directionality, and cardinality. The combination of these properties determines the execution function's name, parameters, and semantics.

Naming of execution functions

The name of an execution function is determined by the combination of its properties. A word or prefix is associated with each property, and these are concatenated in the order below.

Cardinality Directionality Blocking semantics
"" or "bulk_" "" or "sync_" or "async_" or "then_" "execute" or "post" or "defer"

Semantics of execution functions

The parameters of the execution function and semantics that apply to the the execution function and to the execution agents created by it are determined by the combination of its properties. Parameters and semantics are added to an execution function for each of the properties. Whenever there is a conflict of semantics the presedence is resolved in the order below.

Cardinality > Directionality > Blocking semantics

Blocking semantics

The blocking semantics of an execution function may be one of the following:

  • Potentially blocking: The execution function may block the caller pending completion of the submitted function objects. Execution functions having potentially blocking semantics are named execute.
  • Non-blocking: The execution function shall not block the caller pending completion of the submitted function objects. Execution functions having non-blocking semantics are named post or defer.
Requirements on execution functions having potentially blocking semantics

In the Table below, x denotes a (possibly const) executor object of type X and f denotes a function object of type F&& callable as DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f))() and where decay_t<F> satisfies the MoveConstructible requirements.

Expression Return Type Operational semantics
x.execute(f, ...)
execute(x, f, ...)
void Creates an execution agent with forward progress guarantees of executor_execution_mapping_category_t<X> which invokes DECAY_COPY( std::forward<F>(f))() at most once, with the call to DECAY_COPY being evaluated in the thread that called execute.

May block forward progress of the caller until DECAY_COPY( std::forward<F>(f))() finishes execution.

The invocation of execute synchronizes with (C++Std [intro.multithread]) the invocation of f.
Requirements on execution functions having non-blocking semantics

In the Table below, x denotes a (possibly const) executor object of type X and f denotes a function object of type F&& callable as DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f))() and where decay_t<F> satisfies the MoveConstructible requirements.

Expression Return Type Operational semantics, ...)
post(x, f, ...)
void Creates an execution agent with forward progress guarantees of executor_execution_mapping_category_t<X> which invokes DECAY_COPY( std::forward<F>(f))() at most once, with the call to DECAY_COPY being evaluated in the thread that called post.

Shall not block forward progress of the caller until DECAY_COPY( std::forward<F>(f))() finishes execution.

The invocation of execute synchronizes with (C++Std [intro.multithread]) the invocation of f.
x.defer(f, ...)
defer(x, f, ...)
void Creates an execution agent with forward progress guarantees of executor_execution_mapping_category_t<X> invokes DECAY_COPY( std::forward<F>(f))() at most once, with the call to DECAY_COPY being evaluated in the thread that called defer.

Shall not block forward progress of the caller until DECAY_COPY( std::forward<F>(f))() finishes execution.

The invocation of execute synchronizes with (C++Std [intro.multithread]) the invocation of f.


The directionality property of an execution function may be one of the following:

  • One-way: The execution function creates execution agents without a channel for awaiting the completion of a submitted function object or for obtaining its result. Note: That is, the executor provides fire-and-forget semantics. --end note] The names of execution functions having one-way directionality do not have an associated prefix.
  • Synchronous two-way: The execution function blocks until execution of the submitted function is complete, and returns the result. The names of execution functions having synchronous two-way directionality have the prefix sync_.
  • Asynchronous two-way: The execution function returns a Future for awaiting the completion of a submitted function object and obtaining its result. The names of execution functions having asynchronous two-way directionality have the prefix async_ or then_.
Requirements on execution functions of one-way directionality

In the Table below, x denotes a (possibly const) executor object of type X, 'e' denotes an expression from the requirements on blocking semantics and f denotes a function object of type F&& callable as DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f))() and where decay_t<F> satisfies the MoveConstructible requirements.

Expression Return Type Operational semantics
'e'(x, ...)
void [Note: If f() exits via an exception, the behavior is specific to the executor. --end note.]
Requirements on execution functions of synchronous two-way directionality

In the Table below, x denotes a (possibly const) executor object of type X, 'e' denotes an expression from the requirements on blocking semantics and f denotes a function object of type F&& callable as DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f))() and where decay_t<F> satisfies the MoveConstructible requirements.

Expression Return Type Operational semantics
sync_'e'(x, ...)
R Returns the result of f().

Throws any exception thrown by f().

Must block forward progress of the caller until DECAY_COPY( std::forward<F>(f))() finishes execution.
Requirements on execution functions of asynchronous two-way directionality

In the Table below, x denotes a (possibly const) executor object of type X, 'e' denotes an expression from the requirements on blocking semantics, f denotes a function object of type F&& callable as DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f))() and where decay_t<F> satisfies the MoveConstructible requirements and pred denotes a Future object whose result is pr.

Expression Return Type Operational semantics
async_'e'(x, ...)
A type that satisfies the Future requirements for the value type R. Stores the result of f(), or any exception thrown by f(), in the associated shared state of the resulting Future.
x.then_'e'(..., pred, ...)
then_'e'(x, ..., pred, ...)
A type that satisfies the Future requirements for the value type R. Stores the result of f(pr), or any exception thrown by f(pr), in the associated shared state of the resulting Future.


The cardinality property of an execution function may be one of the following:

  • Single: The execution function creates a single execution agent. The names of execution functions having single cardinality do not have an associated prefix.
  • Bulk: The execution function creates multiple execution agents from a single invocation, with the number determined at runtime. The names of execution functions having bulk cardinality have the prefix bulk_.
Requirements on execution functions of single cardinality

In the Table below, x denotes a (possibly const) executor object of type X, 'e' denotes an expression from the requirements on directionality, 'ret' denotes the return type of the execution function from previous properties, f denotes a function object of type F&& callable as DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f))() and where decay_t<F> satisfies the MoveConstructible requirements, and a denotes a (possibly const) value of type A satisfying the ProtoAllocator requirements.

Expression Return Type Operational semantics
'e'(x, ...)
x.'e'(..., a)
'e'(x, ..., a)
'ret' Executor implementations should use the supplied allocator (if any) to allocate any memory required to store the function object. Prior to invoking the function object, the executor shall deallocate any memory allocated. [Note: Executors defined in this Technical Specification always use the supplied allocator unless otherwise specified. --end note]
Requirements on execution functions of bulk cardinality

In the Table below,

  • x denotes a (possibly const) executor object of type X,
  • 'e' denotes an expression from the requirements on directionality,
  • 'ret' denotes the return type of the execution function from previous properties,
  • f denotes a function object of type F&& callable as DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f))(i, r, s) and where decay_t<F> satisfies the MoveConstructible requirements where
    • i denotes an object whose type is executor_index_t<X>,
    • r denotes an object whose type is R,
    • s denotes an object whose type is S,
  • n denotes a shape object whose type is executor_shape_t<X>,
  • rf denotes a CopyConstructible function object with zero arguments whose result type is R,
  • sf denotes a CopyConstructible function object with zero arguments whose result type is S,
  • pred denotes a Future object whose result is pr.
Expression Return Type Operational semantics
x.bulk_'e'(..., n, ...,[ rf,] sf)
bulk_'e'(x, ..., n, ...,[ rf,] sf)
'ret' Creates a group of execution agents of shape n with forward progress guarantees of executor_execution_mapping_category_t<X> which invokes DECAY_COPY( std::forward<F>(f))(i, r, s) if 'ret' is non void otherwise invokes DECAY_COPY( std::forward<F>(f))(i, s) , with the call to DECAY_COPY being evaluated in the thread that called bulk_'e'.

Parameter rf is only included in the execution function if 'ret' is non void.

The value of type R returned is the result of rf() if 'ret' is non void.

Invokes rf() on an unspecified execution agent.

Invokes sf() on an unspecified execution agent.

Execution function combinations

The table below describes the execution member functions and non-member functions that can be supported by an executor category via various combinations of the execution function requirements.

Cardinality Directionality Blocking semantics Member function Free function
Single One-way Potentially blocking x.execute(f)
x.execute(f, a)
execute(x, f)
execute(x, f, a)
Single One-way Non-blocking, a)
x.defer(f, a)
post(x, f)
post(x, f, a)
defer(x, f)
defer(x, f, a)
Single Two-way synchronous Potentially blocking x.sync_execute(f)
x.sync_execute(f, a)
sync_execute(x, f)
sync_execute(x, f, a)
Single Two-way synchronous Non-blocking NA NA
Single Two-way asynchronous Potentially blocking x.async_execute(f)
x.async_execute(f, a)
x.then_execute(f, pred)
x.then_execute(f, pred, a)
async_execute(x, f)
async_execute(x, f, a)
then_execute(x, f, pred)
then_execute(x, f, pred, a)
Single Two-way asynchronous Non-blocking x.async_post(f)
x.async_post(f, a)
x.async_defer(f, a)
async_post(x, f)
x.async_post(x, f, a)
async_defer(x, f)
x.async_defer(x, f, a)
Bulk One-way Potentially blocking x.bulk_execute(f, n, sf) bulk_execute(x, f, n, sf)
Bulk One-way Non-blocking x.bulk_post(f, n, sf)
x.bulk_defer(f, n, sf)
bulk_post(x, f, n, sf)
bulk_defer(x, f, n, sf)
Bulk Two-way synchronous Potentially blocking x.bulk_sync_execute(f, n, rf, sf) bulk_sync_execute(x, f, n, rf, sf)
Bulk Two-way synchronous Non-blocking NA NA
Bulk Two-way asynchronous Potentially blocking x.bulk_async_execute(f, n, rf, sf)
x.bulk_then_execute(f, n, pred, rf, sf)
bulk_async_execute(x, f, n, rf, sf)
bulk_then_execute(x, f, n, pred, rf, sf)
Bulk Two-way asynchronous Non-blocking x.bulk_async_post(f, n, rf, sf)
x.bulk_async_defer(f, n, rf, sf)
bulk_async_post(x, f, n, rf, sf)
bulk_async_defer(x, f, n, rf, sf)

BaseExecutor requirements

A type X meets the BaseExecutor requirements if it satisfies the requirements of CopyConstructible (C++Std [copyconstructible]), Destructible (C++Std [destructible]), and EqualityComparable (C++Std [equalitycomparable]), as well as the additional requirements listed below.

No comparison operator, copy operation, move operation, swap operation, or member function context on these types shall exit via an exception.

The executor copy constructor, comparison operators, context member function, associated execution functions, and other member functions defined in refinements (TODO: what should this word be?) of the BaseExecutor requirements shall not introduce data races as a result of concurrent calls to those functions from different threads.

The destructor shall not block pending completion of the submitted function objects. [Note: The ability to wait for completion of submitted function objects may be provided by the associated execution context. --end note]

In the Table \ref{base_executor_requirements} below, x1 and x2 denote (possibly const) values of type X, mx1 denotes an xvalue of type X, and u denotes an identifier.

Table: (Base executor requirements) \label{base_executor_requirements}

Expression Type Assertion/note/pre-/post-condition
X u(x1); Shall not exit via an exception.

Post: u == x1 and u.context() == x1.context().
X u(mx1); Shall not exit via an exception.

Post: u equals the prior value of mx1 and u.context() equals the prior value of mx1.context().
x1 == x2 bool Returns true only if x1 and x2 can be interchanged with identical effects in any of the expressions defined in these type requirements (TODO and the other executor requirements defined in this Technical Specification). [Note: Returning false does not necessarily imply that the effects are not identical. --end note] operator== shall be reflexive, symmetric, and transitive, and shall not exit via an exception.
x1 != x2 bool Same as !(x1 == x2).
x1.context() E& or const E& where E is a type that satisfies the ExecutionContext requirements. Shall not exit via an exception. The comparison operators and member functions defined in these requirements (TODO and the other executor requirements defined in this Technical Specification) shall not alter the reference returned by this function.

OneWayExecutor requirements

The OneWayExecutor requirements specify requirements for executors which create execution agents without a channel for awaiting the completion of a submitted function object and obtaining its result. [Note: That is, the executor provides fire-and-forget semantics. --end note]

A type X satisfies the OneWayExecutor requirements if it satisfies the BaseExecutor requirements, and can_execute_v<X> is true.

NonBlockingOneWayExecutor requirements

The NonBlockingOneWayExecutor requirements refine the OneWayExecutor requirements by adding one-way operations that are guaranteed not to block the caller pending completion of submitted function objects.

A type X satisfies the NonBlockingOneWayExecutor requirements if it satisfies the OneWayExecutor requirements, can_post_v<X> is true, and can_defer_v<X> is true.

TwoWayExecutor requirements

The TwoWayExecutor requirements specify requirements for executors which creating execution agents with a channel for awaiting the completion of a submitted function object and obtaining its result.

A type X satisfies the TwoWayExecutor requirements if it satisfies the BaseExecutor requirements, can_sync_execute_v<X> is true, and can_async_execute_v<X> is true.

BulkTwoWayExecutor requirements

The BulkTwoWayExecutor requirements specify requirements for executors which create groups of execution agents in bulk from a single execution function with a channel for awaiting the completion of a submitted function object invoked by those execution agents and obtaining its result.

A type X satisfies the BulkTwoWayExecutor requirements if it satisfies the BaseExecutor requirements, can_bulk_sync_execute_v<X> is true, can_bulk_async_execute_v<X> is true, and can_bulk_then_execute_v<X> is true.

ExecutorWorkTracker requirements

The ExecutorWorkTracker requirements defines operations for tracking future work against an executor. These operations are used to advise an executor that function objects may be submitted to it at some point in the future.

A type X satisfies the ExecutorWorkTracker requirements if it satisfies the BaseExecutor requirements, as well as the additional requirements listed below.

No constructor, comparison operator, copy operation, move operation, swap operation, or member functions on_work_started and on_work_finished on these types shall exit via an exception.

The executor copy constructor, comparison operators, and other member functions defined in these requirements shall not introduce data races as a result of concurrent calls to those functions from different threads.

In the Table \ref{executor_work_tracker_requirements} below, x denotes an object of type X,

Table: (Executor Work Tracker requirements) \label{executor_work_tracker_requirements}

Expression Return Type Assertion/note/pre-/post-condition
x.on_work_started() bool Shall not exit via an exception.
Must be paired with a corresponding subsequent call to on_work_finished.
Returns false if the executor will not execute any further functions submitted to it; otherwise returns true. A return value of true does not guarantee that the executor will execute any further functions submitted to it.
x.on_work_finished() Shall not exit via an exception.
Precondition: A corresponding preceding call to on_work_started that returned true.

Member detection type traits

template<class T> struct has_execute_member;
template<class T> struct has_post_member;
template<class T> struct has_defer_member;
template<class T> struct has_sync_execute_member;
template<class T> struct has_async_execute_member;
template<class T> struct has_async_post_member;
template<class T> struct has_async_defer_member;
template<class T> struct has_then_execute_member;
template<class T> struct has_bulk_execute_member;
template<class T> struct has_bulk_post_member;
template<class T> struct has_bulk_defer_member;
template<class T> struct has_bulk_sync_execute_member;
template<class T> struct has_bulk_async_execute_member;
template<class T> struct has_bulk_async_post_member;
template<class T> struct has_bulk_async_defer_member;
template<class T> struct has_bulk_then_execute_member;

This sub-clause contains templates that may be used to query the properties of a type at compile time. Each of these templates is a UnaryTypeTrait (C++Std [meta.rqmts]) with a BaseCharacteristic of true_type if the corresponding condition is true, otherwise false_type.

Template Condition Preconditions
template<class T>
struct has_execute_member
T has a member function named execute that satisfies the syntactic requirements of a one-way, potentially blocking execution function of single cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_post_member
T has a member function named post that satisfies the syntactic requirements of a one-way, non-blocking execution function of single cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_defer_member
T has a member function named defer that satisfies the syntactic requirements of a one-way, non-blocking execution function of single cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_sync_execute_member
T has a member function named sync_execute that satisfies the syntactic requirements of a synchronous two-way execution function of single cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_async_execute_member
T has a member function named async_execute that satisfies the syntactic requirements of an asynchronous two-way, potentially blocking execution function of single cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_async_post_member
T has a member function named async_post that satisfies the syntactic requirements of an asynchronous two-way, non-blocking execution function of single cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_async_defer_member
T has a member function named async_defer that satisfies the syntactic requirements of an asynchronous two-way, non-blocking execution function of single cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_then_execute_member
T has a member function named then_execute that satisfies the syntactic requirements of an asynchronous two-way, potentially blocking execution function of single cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_bulk_execute_member
T has a member function named bulk_execute that satisfies the syntactic requirements of a one-way, potentially blocking execution function of bulk cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_bulk_post_member
T has a member function named bulk_post that satisfies the syntactic requirements of a one-way, non-blocking execution function of bulk cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_bulk_defer_member
T has a member function named bulk_defer that satisfies the syntactic requirements of a one-way, non-blocking execution function of bulk cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_bulk_sync_execute_member
T has a member function named bulk_sync_execute that satisfies the syntactic requirements of a synchronous two-way execution function of bulk cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_bulk_async_execute_member
T has a member function named bulk_async_execute that satisfies the syntactic requirements of an asynchronous two-way, potentially blocking execution function of bulk cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_bulk_async_post_member
T has a member function named bulk_async_post that satisfies the syntactic requirements of an asynchronous two-way, non-blocking execution function of bulk cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_bulk_async_defer_member
T has a member function named bulk_async_defer that satisfies the syntactic requirements of an asynchronous two-way, non-blocking execution function of bulk cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_bulk_then_execute_member
T has a member function named bulk_then_execute that satisfies the syntactic requirements of an a asynchronous two-way, potentially blocking execution function of bulk cardinality. T is a complete type.

Free function detection type traits

template<class T> struct has_execute_free_function;
template<class T> struct has_post_free_function;
template<class T> struct has_defer_free_function;
template<class T> struct has_sync_execute_free_function;
template<class T> struct has_async_execute_free_function;
template<class T> struct has_async_post_free_function;
template<class T> struct has_async_defer_free_function;
template<class T> struct has_then_execute_free_function;
template<class T> struct has_bulk_execute_free_function;
template<class T> struct has_bulk_post_free_function;
template<class T> struct has_bulk_defer_free_function;
template<class T> struct has_bulk_sync_execute_free_function;
template<class T> struct has_bulk_async_execute_free_function;
template<class T> struct has_bulk_async_post_free_function;
template<class T> struct has_bulk_async_defer_free_function;
template<class T> struct has_bulk_then_execute_free_function;

This sub-clause contains templates that may be used to query the properties of a type at compile time. Each of these templates is a UnaryTypeTrait (C++Std [meta.rqmts]) with a BaseCharacteristic of true_type if the corresponding condition is true, otherwise false_type.

Template Condition Preconditions
template<class T>
struct has_execute_free_function
There exists a free function named execute taking an executor of type T that satisfies the syntactic requirements of a one-way, potentially blocking execution function of single cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_post_free_function
There exists a free function named post taking an executor of type T that satisfies the syntactic requirements of a one-way, non-blocking execution function of single cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_defer_free_function
There exists a free function named defer taking an executor of type T that satisfies the syntactic requirements of a one-way, non-blocking execution function of single cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_sync_execute_free_function
There exists a free function named sync_execute taking an executor of type T that satisfies the syntactic requirements of a synchronous two-way execution function of single cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_async_execute_free_function
There exists a free function named async_execute taking an executor of type T that satisfies the syntactic requirements of an asynchronous two-way, potentially blocking execution function of single cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_async_post_free_function
There exists a free function named async_post taking an executor of type T that satisfies the syntactic requirements of an asynchronous two-way, non-blocking execution function of single cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_async_defer_free_function
There exists a free function named async_defer taking an executor of type T that satisfies the syntactic requirements of an asynchronous two-way, non-blocking execution function of single cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_then_execute_free_function
There exists a free function named then_execute taking an executor of type T that satisfies the syntactic requirements of an asynchronous two-way, potentially blocking execution function of single cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_bulk_execute_free_function
There exists a free function named bulk_execute taking an executor of type T that satisfies the syntactic requirements of a one-way, potentially blocking execution function of bulk cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_bulk_post_free_function
There exists a free function named bulk_post taking an executor of type T that satisfies the syntactic requirements of a one-way, non-blocking execution function of bulk cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_bulk_defer_free_function
There exists a free function named bulk_defer taking an executor of type T that satisfies the syntactic requirements of a one-way, non-blocking execution function of bulk cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_bulk_sync_execute_free_function
There exists a free function named bulk_sync_execute taking an executor of type T that satisfies the syntactic requirements of a synchronous two-way execution function of bulk cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_bulk_async_execute_free_function
There exists a free function named bulk_async_execute taking an executor of type T that satisfies the syntactic requirements of an asynchronous two-way, potentially blocking execution function of bulk cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_bulk_async_post_free_function
There exists a free function named bulk_async_post taking an executor of type T that satisfies the syntactic requirements of an asynchronous two-way, non-blocking execution function of bulk cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_bulk_async_defer_free_function
There exists a free function named bulk_async_defer taking an executor of type T that satisfies the syntactic requirements of an asynchronous two-way, non-blocking execution function of bulk cardinality. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct has_bulk_then_execute_free_function
There exists a free function named bulk_then_execute taking an executor of type T that satisfies the syntactic requirements of an an asynchronous two-way, potentially blocking execution function of bulk cardinality. T is a complete type.

Executor customization points

Executor customization points are execution functions which adapt an executor's free and member execution functions to create execution agents. Executor customization points enable uniform use of executors in generic contexts.

When an executor customization point named NAME invokes a free execution function of the same name, overload resolution is performed in a context that includes the declaration void NAME(auto&... args) = delete;, where sizeof...(args) is the arity of the free execution function. This context also does not include a declaration of the executor customization point.

[Note: This provision allows executor customization points to call the executor's free, non-member execution function of the same name without recursion. --end note]

Whenever std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::NAME(ARGS) is a valid expression, that expression satisfies the syntactic requirements for the free execution function named NAME with arity sizeof...(ARGS) with that free execution function's semantics.


namespace {
  constexpr unspecified execute = unspecified;

The name execute denotes a customization point. The effect of the expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::execute(E, F, A...) for some expressions E and F, and where A... represents 0 or 1 expressions, is equivalent to:

  • (E).execute(F, A...) if has_execute_member_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, execute(E, F, A...) if has_execute_free_function_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::execute(E, F, A...) is ill-formed.


namespace {
  constexpr unspecified post = unspecified;

The name post denotes a customization point. The effect of the expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::post(E, F, A...) for some expressions E and F, and where A... represents 0 or 1 expressions, is equivalent to:

  • (E).post(F, A...) if has_post_member_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, post(E, F, A...) if has_post_free_function_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::execute(E, F, A...) if can_execute_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> && is_same_v<execution_execute_blocking_category_t<decay_t<decltype(E)>>, non_blocking_execution_tag> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::post(E, F, A...) is ill-formed.


namespace {
  constexpr unspecified defer = unspecified;

The name defer denotes a customization point. The effect of the expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::defer(E, F, A...) for some expressions E and F, and where A... represents 0 or 1 expressions, is equivalent to:

  • (E).defer(F, A...) if has_defer_member_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, defer(E, F, A...) if has_defer_free_function_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::execute(E, F, A...) if can_execute_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> && is_same_v<execution_execute_blocking_category_t<decay_t<decltype(E)>>, non_blocking_execution_tag> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::defer(E, F, A...) is ill-formed.


namespace {
  constexpr unspecified sync_execute = unspecified;

The name sync_execute denotes a customization point. The effect of the expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::sync_execute(E, F, A...) for some expressions E and F, and where A... represents 0 or 1 expressions, is equivalent to:

  • (E).sync_execute(F, A...) if has_sync_execute_member_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, sync_execute(E, F, A...) if has_sync_execute_free_function_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::async_execute(E, F, A...).get() if can_async_execute_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::sync_execute(E, F, A...) is ill-formed.


namespace {
  constexpr unspecified async_execute = unspecified;

The name async_execute denotes a customization point. The effect of the expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::async_execute(E, F, A...) for some expressions E and F, and where A... represents 0 or 1 expressions, is equivalent to:

  • (E).async_execute(F, A...) if has_async_execute_member_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, async_execute(E, F, A...) if has_async_execute_free_function_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, if can_execute_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true, creates an asynchronous provider with an associated shared state (C++Std [futures.state]). Calls std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::execute(E, g, A...) where g is a function object of unspecified type that performs DECAY_COPY(F)(), with the call to DECAY_COPY being performed in the thread that called async_execute. On successful completion of DECAY_COPY(F)(), the return value of DECAY_COPY(F)() is atomically stored in the shared state and the shared state is made ready. If DECAY_COPY(F)() exits via an exception, the exception is atomically stored in the shared state and the shared state is made ready. The result of the expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::async_execute(E, F, A...) is an object of type std::future<result_of_t<decay_t<decltype(F)>>()> that refers to the shared state.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::async_execute(E, F, A...) is ill-formed.


namespace {
  constexpr unspecified async_post = unspecified;

The name async_post denotes a customization point. The effect of the expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::async_post(E, F, A...) for some expressions E and F, and where A... represents 0 or 1 expressions, is equivalent to:

  • (E).async_post(F, A...) if has_async_post_member_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, async_post(E, F, A...) if has_async_post_free_function_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::async_execute(E, F, A...) if can_async_execute_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> && is_same_v<execution_execute_blocking_category_t<decay_t<decltype(E)>>, non_blocking_execution_tag> is true.

  • Otherwise, if can_post_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true, creates an asynchronous provider with an associated shared state (C++Std [futures.state]). Calls std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::execute(E, g, A...) where g is a function object of unspecified type that performs DECAY_COPY(F)(), with the call to DECAY_COPY being performed in the thread that called async_post. On successful completion of DECAY_COPY(F)(), the return value of DECAY_COPY(F)() is atomically stored in the shared state and the shared state is made ready. If DECAY_COPY(F)() exits via an exception, the exception is atomically stored in the shared state and the shared state is made ready. The result of the expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::async_post(E, F, A...) is an object of type std::future<result_of_t<decay_t<decltype(F)>>()> that refers to the shared state.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::async_post(E, F, A...) is ill-formed.


namespace {
  constexpr unspecified async_defer = unspecified;

The name async_defer denotes a customization point. The effect of the expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::async_defer(E, F, A...) for some expressions E and F, and where A... represents 0 or 1 expressions, is equivalent to:

  • (E).async_defer(F, A...) if has_async_defer_member_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, async_defer(E, F, A...) if has_async_defer_free_function_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::async_execute(E, F, A...) if can_async_execute_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> && is_same_v<execution_execute_blocking_category_t<decay_t<decltype(E)>>, non_blocking_execution_tag> is true.

  • Otherwise, if can_defer_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true, creates an asynchronous provider with an associated shared state (C++Std [futures.state]). Calls std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::execute(E, g, A...) where g is a function object of unspecified type that performs DECAY_COPY(F)(), with the call to DECAY_COPY being performed in the thread that called async_defer. On successful completion of DECAY_COPY(F)(), the return value of DECAY_COPY(F)() is atomically stored in the shared state and the shared state is made ready. If DECAY_COPY(F)() exits via an exception, the exception is atomically stored in the shared state and the shared state is made ready. The result of the expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::async_defer(E, F, A...) is an object of type std::future<result_of_t<decay_t<decltype(F)>>()> that refers to the shared state.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::async_defer(E, F, A...) is ill-formed.


namespace {
  constexpr unspecified then_execute = unspecified;

The name then_execute denotes a customization point. The effect of the expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::then_execute(E, F, P, A...) for some expressions E, F, and P, and where A... represents 0 or 1 expressions, is equivalent to:

  • (E).then_execute(F, P, A...) if has_then_execute_member_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, then_execute(E, F, P, A...) if has_then_execute_free_function_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, equivalent to

      auto __g = [__f = forward<decltype(F)>(F)](decltype(P)& __predecessor_future)
        auto __predecessor_result = __predecessor_future.get();
        return __f(__predecessor_result);
      return (P).then(E, std::move(__g));

    when P is a non-void future. Otherwise,

      auto __g = [__f = forward<decltype(F)>(F)](decltype(P)&)
        return __f();
      return (P).then(E, std::move(__g));
  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::then_execute(E, F, P, A...) is ill-formed


namespace {
  constexpr unspecified bulk_execute = unspecified;

The name bulk_execute denotes a customization point. The effect of the expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_execute(E, F, S, SF) for some expressions E, F, S, and SF is equivalent to:

  • (E).bulk_execute(F, S, SF) if has_bulk_execute_member_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, bulk_execute(E, F, S, SF) if has_bulk_execute_free_function_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_execute(E, F, S, SF) is ill-formed.


namespace {
  constexpr unspecified bulk_post = unspecified;

The name bulk_post denotes a customization point. The effect of the expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_post(E, F, S, SF) for some expressions E, F, S, and SF is equivalent to:

  • (E).bulk_post(F, S, SF) if has_bulk_post_member_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, bulk_post(E, F, S, SF) if has_bulk_post_free_function_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_execute(E, F, S, SF) if can_bulk_execute_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> && is_same_v<execution_execute_blocking_category_t<decay_t<decltype(E)>>, non_blocking_execution_tag> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_post(E, F, S, SF) is ill-formed.


namespace {
  constexpr unspecified bulk_defer = unspecified;

The name bulk_defer denotes a customization point. The effect of the expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_defer(E, F, S, SF) for some expressions E, F, S, and SF is equivalent to:

  • (E).bulk_defer(F, S, SF) if has_bulk_defer_member_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, bulk_defer(E, F, S, SF) if has_bulk_defer_free_function_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_execute(E, F, S, SF) if can_bulk_execute_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> && is_same_v<execution_execute_blocking_category_t<decay_t<decltype(E)>>, non_blocking_execution_tag> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_defer(E, F, S, SF) is ill-formed.


namespace {
  constexpr unspecified bulk_sync_execute = unspecified;

The name bulk_sync_execute denotes a customization point. The effect of the expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_sync_execute(E, F, S, RF, SF) for some expressions E, F, S, RF, and SF is equivalent to:

  • (E).bulk_sync_execute(F, S, RF, SF) if has_bulk_sync_execute_member_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, bulk_sync_execute(E, F, S, RF, SF) if has_bulk_sync_execute_free_function_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_async_execute(E, F, S, RF, SF).get() if can_bulk_async_execute_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_sync_execute(E, F, S, RF, SF) is ill-formed.


namespace {
  constexpr unspecified bulk_async_execute = unspecified;

The name bulk_async_execute denotes a customization point. The effect of the expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_async_execute(E, F, S, RF, SF) for some expressions E, F, S, RF, and SF is equivalent to:

  • (E).bulk_async_execute(F, S, RF, SF) if has_bulk_async_execute_member_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, bulk_async_execute(E, F, S, RF, SF) if has_bulk_async_execute_free_function_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_then_execute(E, F, S, std::experimental::make_ready_future(), RF, SF) if can_bulk_then_execute_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_async_execute(E, F, S, RF, SF) is ill-formed.


namespace {
  constexpr unspecified bulk_async_post = unspecified;

The name bulk_async_post denotes a customization point. The effect of the expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_async_post(E, F, S, RF, SF) for some expressions E, F, S, RF, and SF is equivalent to:

  • (E).bulk_async_post(F, S, RF, SF) if has_bulk_async_post_member_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, bulk_async_post(E, F, S, RF, SF) if has_bulk_async_post_free_function_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_async_execute(E, F, S, RF, SF) if can_bulk_async_execute_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> && is_same_v<execution_execute_blocking_category_t<decay_t<decltype(E)>>, non_blocking_execution_tag> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_async_post(E, F) is ill-formed.


namespace {
  constexpr unspecified bulk_async_defer = unspecified;

The name bulk_async_defer denotes a customization point. The effect of the expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_async_defer(E, F, S, RF, SF) for some expressions E, F, S, RF, and SF is equivalent to:

  • (E).bulk_async_defer(F, S, RF, SF) if has_bulk_async_defer_member_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, bulk_async_defer(E, F, S, RF, SF) if has_bulk_async_defer_free_function_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_async_execute(E, F, S, RF, SF) if can_bulk_async_execute_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> && is_same_v<execution_execute_blocking_category_t<decay_t<decltype(E)>>, non_blocking_execution_tag> is true.

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_async_defer(E, F) is ill-formed.


namespace {
  constexpr unspecified bulk_then_execute = unspecified;

The name bulk_then_execute denotes a customization point. The effect of the expression std::expression::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_then_execute(E, F, S, P, RF, SF) for some expressions E, F, S, P, RF, and SF is equivalent to:

  • (E).bulk_then_execute(F, S, P, RF, SF) if has_bulk_then_execute_member_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, bulk_then_execute(E, F, S, P, RF, SF) if has_bulk_then_execute_free_function_v<decay_t<decltype(E)>> is true.

  • Otherwise, let DE be decay_t<decltype(E)>. If can_then_execute_v<DE> && (has_bulk_sync_execute_member_v<DE> || has_bulk_sync_execute_free_function_v<DE> || has_bulk_async_execute_member_v<DE> || has_bulk_async_execute_free_function_v<DE>) is true, equivalent to the following:

      auto __f = F;
      auto __g = [=](auto& __predecessor)
        return std::experimental::concurrency_v2::bulk_sync_execute(E, S, RF, SF,
          [=,&__predecessor](auto& __result, auto& __shared)
          __f(__i, __predecessor, __result, __shared);
      return std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::then_execute(E, __g, P);

    if P is a non-void future. Otherwise,

      auto __f = F;
      auto __g = [=]
        return std::experimental::concurrency_v2::bulk_sync_execute(E, S, RF, SF,
          [=](auto& __result, auto& __shared)
          __f(__i, __result, __shared);
      return std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::then_execute(E, __g, P);

    [Note: The explicit use of execution function detectors for bulk_sync_execute and bulk_async_execute above is intentional to avoid cycles in this code. --end note]

  • Otherwise, std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_then_execute(E, F, S, P, RF, SF) is ill-formed.

Customization point type traits

template<class T> struct can_execute;
template<class T> struct can_post;
template<class T> struct can_defer;
template<class T> struct can_sync_execute;
template<class T> struct can_async_execute;
template<class T> struct can_async_post;
template<class T> struct can_async_defer;
template<class T> struct can_then_execute;
template<class T> struct can_bulk_execute;
template<class T> struct can_bulk_post;
template<class T> struct can_bulk_defer;
template<class T> struct can_bulk_sync_execute;
template<class T> struct can_bulk_async_execute;
template<class T> struct can_bulk_async_post;
template<class T> struct can_bulk_async_defer;
template<class T> struct can_bulk_then_execute;

This sub-clause contains templates that may be used to query the properties of a type at compile time. Each of these templates is a UnaryTypeTrait (C++Std [meta.rqmts]) with a BaseCharacteristic of true_type if the corresponding condition is true, otherwise false_type.

In the Table below,

  • t denotes a (possibly const) executor object of type T,
  • f denotes a function object of type F&& callable as DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f))(), where decay_t<F> satisfies the MoveConstructible requirements.
  • bof denotes a function object of type F&& callable as DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(bof))(i, s),
    • where i denotes an object whose type is executor_index_t<X>,
    • where s denotes an object whose type is S and
    • where decay_t<F> satisfies the CopyConstructible requirements,
  • btf denotes a function object of type F&& callable as DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(btf))(i, r, s),
    • where i denotes an object whose type is executor_index_t<X>,
    • where r denotes an object whose type is R,
    • where s denotes an object whose type is S and
    • where decay_t<F> satisfies the CopyConstructible requirements,
  • bcf denotes a function object of type F&& callable as DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(bcf))(i, p, r, s),
    • where i denotes an object whose type is executor_index_t<X>,
    • where p denotes an object whose type is P,
    • where r denotes an object whose type is R,
    • where s denotes an object whose type is S and
    • where decay_t<F> satisfies the CopyConstructible requirements,
  • rf denotes a CopyConstructible function object with zero arguments whose result type is R,
  • sf denotes a CopyConstructible function object with zero arguments whose result type is S,
  • pred denotes a Future object whose result type is P and
  • a denotes a (possibly const) value of type A satisfying the ProtoAllocator requirements.
Template Conditions Preconditions
template<class T>
struct can_execute
The expressions std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::execute(t, f) and std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::execute(t, f, a) are well-formed. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct can_post
The expressions std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::post(t, f) and std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::post(t, f, a) are well-formed. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct can_defer
The expressions std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::defer(t, f) and std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::defer(t, f, a) are well-formed. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct can_sync_execute
The expressions std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::sync_execute(t, f) and std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::sync_execute(t, f, a) are well-formed. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct can_async_execute
The expressions std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::async_execute(t, f) and std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::async_execute(t, f, a) are well-formed. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct can_async_post
The expressions std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::async_post(t, f) and std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::async_post(t, f, a) are well-formed. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct can_async_defer
The expressions std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::async_defer(t, f) and std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::async_defer(t, f, a) is well-formed. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct can_then_execute
The expressions std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::then_execute(t, f, pred) and std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::then_execute(t, f, pred) are well-formed. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct can_bulk_execute
The expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_execute(t, bof, s, sf) is well-formed. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct can_bulk_post
The expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_post(t, bof, s, sf) is well-formed. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct can_bulk_defer
The expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_defer(t, bof, s, sf) is well-formed. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct can_bulk_sync_execute
The expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_sync_execute(t, btf, s, rf, sf) is well-formed. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct can_bulk_async_execute
The expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_async_execute(t, btf, s, rf, sf) is well-formed. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct can_bulk_async_post
The expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_async_post(t, btf, s, rf, sf) is well-formed. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct can_bulk_async_defer
The expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_async_defer(t, btf, s, rf, sf) is well-formed. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct can_bulk_then_execute
The expression std::experimental::concurrency_v2::execution::bulk_then_execute(t, bcf, s, pred, rf, sf) is well-formed. T is a complete type.

Executor type traits

Determining that a type satisfies executor category requirements

template<class T> struct is_one_way_executor;
template<class T> struct is_non_blocking_one_way_executor;
template<class T> struct is_two_way_executor;
template<class T> struct is_bulk_two_way_executor;

This sub-clause contains templates that may be used to query the properties of a type at compile time. Each of these templates is a UnaryTypeTrait (C++Std [meta.rqmts]) with a BaseCharacteristic of true_type if the corresponding condition is true, otherwise false_type.

Template Condition Preconditions
template<class T>
struct is_one_way_executor
T meets the syntactic requirements for OneWayExecutor. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct is_non_blocking_one_way_executor
T meets the syntactic requirements for NonBlockingOneWayExecutor. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct is_two_way_executor
T meets the syntactic requirements for TwoWayExecutor. T is a complete type.
template<class T>
struct is_bulk_two_way_executor
T meets the syntactic requirements for BulkTwoWayExecutor. T is a complete type.

Associated execution context type

template<class Executor>
struct executor_context
  using type = std::decay_t<decltype(declval<const Executor&>().context())>; // TODO check this

Associated future type

template<class Executor, class T>
struct executor_future
  using type = see below;

The type of executor_future<Executor, T>::type is determined as follows:

  • if is_two_way_executor<Executor> is true, decltype(declval<const Executor&>().async_execute( declval<T(*)()>());

  • otherwise, if is_one_way_executor<Executor> is true, std::future<T>;

  • otherwise, the program is ill formed.

[Note: The effect of this specification is that all execute functions of an executor that satisfies the TwoWayExecutor, NonBlockingTwoWayExecutor, or BulkTwoWayExecutor requirements must utilize the same future type, and that this future type is determined by async_execute. Programs may specialize this trait for user-defined Executor types. --end note]

Classifying the mapping of execution agents

struct other_execution_mapping_tag {};
struct thread_execution_mapping_tag {};
struct unique_thread_execution_mapping_tag {};

template<class Executor>
struct executor_execution_mapping_category
    // exposition only
    template<class T>
    using helper = typename T::execution_mapping_category;

    using type = std::experimental::detected_or_t<
      thread_execution_mapping_tag, helper, Executor

Components which create execution agents may use execution mapping categories to communicate the mapping of execution agents onto threads of execution. Execution mapping categories encode the characterisitics of that mapping, if it exists.

other_execution_mapping_tag indicates that execution agents created by a component may be mapped onto execution resources other than threads of execution.

thread_execution_mapping_tag indicates that execution agents created by a component are mapped onto threads of execution.

unique_thread_execution_mapping_tag indicates that each execution agent created by a component is mapped onto a new thread of execution.

[Note: A mapping of an execution agent onto a thread of execution implies the agent executes as-if on a std::thread. Therefore, the facilities provided by std::thread, such as thread-local storage, are available. unique_thread_execution_mapping_tag provides stronger guarantees, in particular that thread-local storage will not be shared between execution agents. --end note]

Classifying the blocking behavior of potentially blocking operations

struct blocking_execution_tag {};
struct possibly_blocking_execution_tag {};
struct non_blocking_execution_tag {};

template<class Executor>
struct executor_execute_blocking_category
    // exposition only
    template<class T>
    using helper = typename T::blocking_category;

    using type = std::experimental::detected_or_t<
      possibly_blocking_execution_tag, helper, Executor

Components which create possibly blocking execution may use blocking categories to communicate the way in which this execution blocks the progress of its caller.

blocking_execution_tag indicates that a component blocks its caller's progress pending the completion of the execution agents created by that component.

possibly_blocking_execution_tag indicates that a component may block its caller's progress pending the completion of the execution agents created by that component.

non_blocking_execution_tag indicates that a component does not block its caller's progress pending the completion of the execution agents created by that component.

Programs may use executor_execute_blocking_category to query the blocking behavior of executor customization points whose semantics allow the possibility of blocking.

[Note: These customization points which allow the possibility of blocking are execute, async_execute, then_execute, bulk_execute, bulk_async_execute, and bulk_then_execute. --end note]

Bulk executor traits

Classifying forward progress guarantees of groups of execution agents

struct sequenced_execution_tag {};
struct parallel_execution_tag {};
struct unsequenced_execution_tag {};

template<class Executor>
struct executor_execution_category
    // exposition only
    template<class T>
    using helper = typename T::execution_category;

    using type = std::experimental::detected_or_t<
      unsequenced_execution_tag, helper, Executor

Components which create groups of execution agents may use execution categories to communicate the forward progress and ordering guarantees of these execution agents with respect to other agents within the same group.

TODO: The meanings and relative "strength" of these categores are to be defined. Most of the wording for sequenced_execution_tag, parallel_execution_tag, and unsequenced_execution_tag can be migrated from S 25.2.3 p2, p3, and p4, respectively.

Associated shape type

template<class Executor>
struct executor_shape
    // exposition only
    template<class T>
    using helper = typename T::shape_type;

    using type = std::experimental::detected_or_t<
      size_t, helper, Executor

    // exposition only
    static_assert(std::is_integral_v<type>, "shape type must be an integral type");

Associated index type

template<class Executor>
struct executor_index
    // exposition only
    template<class T>
    using helper = typename T::index_type;

    using type = std::experimental::detected_or_t<
      executor_shape_t<Executor>, helper, Executor

    // exposition only
    static_assert(std::is_integral_v<type>, "index type must be an integral type");

Executor work guard

template<class Executor>
class executor_work_guard
  // types:

  typedef Executor executor_type;

  // construct / copy / destroy:

  explicit executor_work_guard(const executor_type& ex) noexcept;
  executor_work_guard(const executor_work_guard& other) noexcept;
  executor_work_guard(executor_work_guard&& other) noexcept;

  executor_work_guard& operator=(const executor_work_guard&) = delete;


  // executor work guard observers:

  executor_type get_executor() const noexcept;
  bool owns_work() const noexcept;

  // executor work guard modifiers:

  void reset() noexcept;

  Executor ex_; // exposition only
  bool owns_; // exposition only


explicit executor_work_guard(const executor_type& ex) noexcept;

Effects: Initializes ex_ with ex, and owns_ with the result of ex_.on_work_started().

Postconditions: ex_ == ex.

executor_work_guard(const executor_work_guard& other) noexcept;

Effects: Initializes ex_ with other.ex_. If other.owns_ == true, initializes owns_ with the result of ex_.on_work_started(); otherwise, sets owns_ to false.

Postconditions: ex_ == other.ex_.

executor_work_guard(executor_work_guard&& other) noexcept;

Effects: Initializes ex_ with std::move(other.ex_) and owns_ with other.owns_, and sets other.owns_ to false.


Effects: If owns_ is true, performs ex_.on_work_finished().

executor_type get_executor() const noexcept;

Returns: ex_.

bool owns_work() const noexcept;

Returns: owns_.

void reset() noexcept;

Effects: If owns_ is true, performs ex_.on_work_finished().

Postconditions: owns_ == false.

Polymorphic executor wrappers

General requirements on polymorphic executor wrappers

Polymorphic executors defined in this Technical Specification satisfy the BaseExecutor, DefaultConstructible (C++Std [defaultconstructible]), and CopyAssignable (C++Std [copyassignable]) requirements, and are defined as follows.

class C
  class context_type; // TODO define this

  // construct / copy / destroy:

  C() noexcept;
  C(nullptr_t) noexcept;
  C(const executor& e) noexcept;
  C(executor&& e) noexcept;
  template<class Executor> C(Executor e);
  template<class Executor, class ProtoAllocator>
    C(allocator_arg_t, const ProtoAllocator& a, Executor e);

  C& operator=(const C& e) noexcept;
  C& operator=(C&& e) noexcept;
  C& operator=(nullptr_t) noexcept;
  template<class Executor> C& operator=(Executor e);


  // polymorphic executor modifiers:

  void swap(C& other) noexcept;
  template<class Executor, class ProtoAllocator>
    void assign(Executor e, const ProtoAllocator& a);

  // C operations:

  context_type context() const noexcept;

  // polymorphic executor capacity:

  explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

  // polymorphic executor target access:

  const type_info& target_type() const noexcept;
  template<class Executor> Executor* target() noexcept;
  template<class Executor> const Executor* target() const noexcept;

// polymorphic executor comparisons:

bool operator==(const C& a, const C& b) noexcept;
bool operator==(const C& e, nullptr_t) noexcept;
bool operator==(nullptr_t, const C& e) noexcept;
bool operator!=(const C& a, const C& b) noexcept;
bool operator!=(const C& e, nullptr_t) noexcept;
bool operator!=(nullptr_t, const C& e) noexcept;

// executor specialized algorithms:

void swap(C& a, C& b) noexcept;

// in namespace std:

template<class Allocator>
  struct uses_allocator<C, Allocator>
    : true_type {};

[Note: To meet the noexcept requirements for executor copy constructors and move constructors, implementations may share a target between two or more executor objects. --end note]

The target is the executor object that is held by the wrapper.

Polymorphic executor constructors

C() noexcept;

Postconditions: !*this.

C(nullptr_t) noexcept;

Postconditions: !*this.

C(const C& e) noexcept;

Postconditions: !*this if !e; otherwise, *this targets or a copy of

C(C&& e) noexcept;

Effects: If !e, *this has no target; otherwise, moves or move-constructs the target of e into the target of *this, leaving e in a valid state with an unspecified value.

template<class Executor> C(Executor e);

Effects: *this targets a copy of e initialized with std::move(e).

template<class Executor, class ProtoAllocator>
  C(allocator_arg_t, const ProtoAllocator& a, Executor e);

Effects: *this targets a copy of e initialized with std::move(e).

A copy of the allocator argument is used to allocate memory, if necessary, for the internal data structures of the constructed C object.

Polymorphic executor assignment

C& operator=(const C& e) noexcept;

Effects: C(e).swap(*this).

Returns: *this.

C& operator=(C&& e) noexcept;

Effects: Replaces the target of *this with the target of e, leaving e in a valid state with an unspecified value.

Returns: *this.

C& operator=(nullptr_t) noexcept;

Effects: C(nullptr).swap(*this).

Returns: *this.

template<class Executor> C& operator=(Executor e);

Effects: C(std::move(e)).swap(*this).

Returns: *this.

Polymorphic executor destructor


Effects: If *this != nullptr, releases shared ownership of, or destroys, the target of *this.

Polymorphic executor modifiers

void swap(C& other) noexcept;

Effects: Interchanges the targets of *this and other.

template<class Executor, class ProtoAllocator>
  void assign(Executor e, const ProtoAllocator& a);

Effects: C(allocator_arg, a, std::move(e)).swap(*this).

Polymorphic executor operations

context_type context() const noexcept;

Requires: *this != nullptr.

Returns: A polymorphic wrapper for e.context(), where e is the target object of *this.

Polymorphic executor capacity

explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

Returns: true if *this has a target, otherwise false.

Polymorphic executor target access

const type_info& target_type() const noexcept;

Returns: If *this has a target of type T, typeid(T); otherwise, typeid(void).

template<class Executor> Executor* target() noexcept;
template<class Executor> const Executor* target() const noexcept;

Returns: If target_type() == typeid(Executor) a pointer to the stored executor target; otherwise a null pointer value.

Polymorphic executor comparisons

bool operator==(const C& a, const C& b) noexcept;


  • true if !a and !b;
  • true if a and b share a target;
  • true if e and f are the same type and e == f, where e is the target of a and f is the target of b;
  • otherwise false.
bool operator==(const C& e, nullptr_t) noexcept;
bool operator==(nullptr_t, const C& e) noexcept;

Returns: !e.

bool operator!=(const C& a, const C& b) noexcept;

Returns: !(a == b).

bool operator!=(const C& e, nullptr_t) noexcept;
bool operator!=(nullptr_t, const C& e) noexcept;

Returns: (bool) e.

Polymorphic executor specialized algorithms

void swap(C& a, C& b) noexcept;

Effects: a.swap(b).

Class one_way_executor

Class one_way_executor satisfies the general requirements on polymorphic executor wrappers, with the additional definitions below.

class one_way_executor
  // execution agent creation
  template<class Function, class ProtoAllocator = std::allocator<void>>
    void execute(Function&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a = ProtoAllocator()) const;

Class one_way_executor satisfies the OneWayExecutor requirements. The target object shall satisfy the OneWayExecutor requirements.

template<class Function, class ProtoAllocator>
  void execute(Function&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a) const;

Let e be the target object of *this. Let a1 be the allocator that was specified when the target was set. Let fd be the result of DECAY_COPY(std::forward<Function>(f)).

Effects: Performs e.execute(g, a1), where g is a function object of unspecified type that, when called as g(), performs fd(). The allocator a is used to allocate any memory required to implement g.

Class non_blocking_one_way_executor

Class non_blocking_one_way_executor satisfies the general requirements on polymorphic executor wrappers, with the additional definitions below.

class non_blocking_one_way_executor
  // execution agent creation
  template<class Function, class ProtoAllocator = std::allocator<void>>
    void execute(Function&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a = ProtoAllocator()) const;
  template<class Function, class ProtoAllocator = std::allocator<void>>
    void post(Function&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a = ProtoAllocator()) const;
  template<class Function, class ProtoAllocator = std::allocator<void>>
    void defer(Function&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a = ProtoAllocator()) const;

Class non_blocking_one_way_executor satisfies the NonBlockingOneWayExecutor requirements. The target object shall satisfy the NonBlockingOneWayExecutor requirements.

template<class Function, class ProtoAllocator>
  void execute(Function&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a) const;

Let e be the target object of *this. Let a1 be the allocator that was specified when the target was set. Let fd be the result of DECAY_COPY(std::forward<Function>(f)).

Effects: Performs e.execute(g, a1), where g is a function object of unspecified type that, when called as g(), performs fd(). The allocator a is used to allocate any memory required to implement g.

template<class Function, class ProtoAllocator>
  void post(Function&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a) const;

Let e be the target object of *this. Let a1 be the allocator that was specified when the target was set. Let fd be the result of DECAY_COPY(std::forward<Function>(f)).

Effects: Performs, a1), where g is a function object of unspecified type that, when called as g(), performs fd(). The allocator a is used to allocate any memory required to implement g.

template<class Function, class ProtoAllocator>
  void defer(Function&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a) const;

Let e be the target object of *this. Let a1 be the allocator that was specified when the target was set. Let fd be the result of DECAY_COPY(std::forward<Function>(f)).

Effects: Performs e.defer(g, a1), where g is a function object of unspecified type that, when called as g(), performs fd(). The allocator a is used to allocate any memory required to implement g.

Class two_way_executor

Class two_way_executor satisfies the general requirements on polymorphic executor wrappers, with the additional definitions below.

class two_way_executor
  // execution agent creation
  template<class Function, class ProtoAllocator = std::allocator<void>>
      sync_execute(Function&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a = ProtoAllocator()) const;
  template<class Function, class ProtoAllocator = std::allocator<void>>
      async_execute(Function&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a = ProtoAllocator()) const;

Class two_way_executor satisfies the TwoWayExecutor requirements. The target object shall satisfy the TwoWayExecutor requirements.

template<class Function, class ProtoAllocator>
    sync_execute(Function&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a);

Let e be the target object of *this. Let a1 be the allocator that was specified when the target was set. Let fd be the result of DECAY_COPY(std::forward<Function>(f)).

Effects: Performs e.sync_execute(g, a1), where g is a function object of unspecified type that, when called as g(), performs fd(). The allocator a is used to allocate any memory required to implement g.

Returns: The return value of fd().

template<class Function, class ProtoAllocator>
    async_execute(Function&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a) const;

Let e be the target object of *this. Let a1 be the allocator that was specified when the target was set. Let fd be the result of DECAY_COPY(std::forward<Function>(f)).

Effects: Performs e.async_execute(g, a1), where g is a function object of unspecified type that, when called as g(), performs fd(). The allocator a is used to allocate any memory required to implement g.

Returns: A future with an associated shared state that will contain the result of fd(). [Note: e.async_execute(g) may return any future type that satisfies the Future requirements, and not necessarily std::future. One possible implementation approach is for the polymorphic wrapper to attach a continuation to the inner future via that object's then() member function. When invoked, this continuation stores the result in the outer future's associated shared and makes that shared state ready. --end note]

Thread pools

Thread pools create execution agents which execute on threads without incurring the overhead of thread creation and destruction whenever such agents are needed.

Header <thread_pool> synopsis

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace concurrency_v2 {

  class static_thread_pool;

} // inline namespace concurrency_v2
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std

Class static_thread_pool

static_thread_pool is a statically-sized thread pool which may be explicitly grown via thread attachment. However, static_thread_pool does not automatically change size.

static_thread_pool presents an effectively unbounded input queue and the execution functions of static_thread_pool's associated executors do not block on this input queue.

[Note: Because static_thread_pool provides parallel execution agents, situations which require concurrent execution properties are not guaranteed correctness. --end note.]

class static_thread_pool
    class executor_type;
    // construction/destruction
    explicit static_thread_pool(std::size_t num_threads);
    // nocopy
    static_thread_pool(const static_thread_pool&) = delete;
    static_thread_pool& operator=(const static_thread_pool&) = delete;

    // stop accepting incoming work and wait for work to drain

    // attach current thread to the thread pools list of worker threads
    void attach();

    // signal all work to complete
    void stop();

    // wait for all threads in the thread pool to complete
    void wait();

    // placeholder for a general approach to getting executors from 
    // standard contexts.
    executor_type executor() noexcept;

bool operator==(const static_thread_pool& a, const static_thread_pool& b) noexcept;
bool operator!=(const static_thread_pool& a, const static_thread_pool& b) noexcept;

The class static_thread_pool satisfies the ExecutionContext requirements.

For an object of type static_thread_pool, outstanding work is defined as the sum of:

  • the total number of calls to the on_work_started function that returned true, less the total number of calls to the on_work_finished function, on any executor associated with the static_thread_pool.

  • the number of function objects that have been added to the static_thread_pool via the static_thread_pool executor, but not yet executed; and

  • the number of function objects that are currently being executed by the static_thread_pool.

The static_thread_pool member functions executor, attach, wait, and stop, and the static_thread_pool::executor_type copy constructors and member functions, do not introduce data races as a result of concurrent calls to those functions from different threads of execution.

Construction and destruction

static_thread_pool(std::size_t num_threads);

Effects: Constructs a static_thread_pool object with num_threads threads of execution, as if by creating objects of type std::thread.


Effects: Destroys an object of class static_thread_pool. Performs stop() followed by wait().

Worker Management

void attach();

Effects: adds the calling thread to the pool of workers. Blocks the calling thread until signalled to complete by stop() or wait(), and then blocks until all the threads created during static_thread_pool object construction have completed. (Note: The implementation is required to use the attached thread to execute submitted function objects. RATIONALE: implementations in terms of the Windows thread pool cannot utilise user-provided threads. --end note) (NAMING: a possible alternate name for this function is join().)

void stop();

Effects: Signals the threads in the pool to complete as soon as possible. If a thread is currently executing a function object, the thread will exit only after completion of that function object. The call to stop() returns without waiting for the threads to complete. Subsequent calls to attach complete immediately.

void wait();

Effects: If not already stopped, signals the threads in the pool to complete once the outstanding work is 0. Blocks the calling thread (C++Std [defns.block]) until all threads in the pool have completed, without executing submitted function objects in the calling thread. Subsequent calls to attach complete immediately.

Synchronization: The completion of each thread in the pool synchronizes with (C++Std [intro.multithread]) the corresponding successful wait() return.

Executor Creation

executor_type executor() noexcept;

Returns: An executor that may be used to submit function objects to the thread pool.


bool operator==(const static_thread_pool& a, const static_thread_pool& b) noexcept;

Returns: std::addressof(a) == std::addressof(b).

bool operator!=(const static_thread_pool& a, const static_thread_pool& b) noexcept;

Returns: !(a == b).

Class static_thread_pool::executor_type

class static_thread_pool::executor_type
    // types:

    typedef parallel_execution_tag execution_category;
    typedef possibly_blocking_execution_tag blocking_category;
    typedef std::size_t shape_type;
    typedef std::size_t index_type;

    // construct / copy / destroy:

    executor_type(const executor_type& other) noexcept;
    executor_type(executor_type&& other) noexcept;

    executor_type& operator=(const executor_type& other) noexcept;
    executor_type& operator=(executor_type&& other) noexcept;

    // executor operations:

    bool running_in_this_thread() const noexcept;

    static_thread_pool& context() const noexcept;

    bool on_work_started() const noexcept;
    void on_work_finished() const noexcept;

bool operator==(const static_thread_pool::executor_type& a,
                const static_thread_pool::executor_type& b) noexcept;
bool operator!=(const static_thread_pool::executor_type& a,
                const static_thread_pool::executor_type& b) noexcept;

static_thread_pool::executor_type is a type satisfying the BaseExecutor and ExecutorWorkTracker requirements. Objects of type static_thread_pool::executor are associated with a static_thread_pool.

The customization points execute, post, defer, sync_execute, async_execute, async_post, async_defer, then_execute, bulk_execute, bulk_post, bulk_defer, bulk_sync_execute, bulk_async_execute, bulk_async_post, bulk_async_defer, and bulk_then_execute are well-formed for this executor. Function objects submitted using these customization points will be executed by the static_thread_pool.

For the customization points execute, sync_execute, async_execute, bulk_execute, bulk_sync_execute, and bulk_async_execute, if running_in_this_thread() is true, calls at least one of the submitted function objects in the current thread prior to returning from the customization point. [Note: If this function object exits via an exception, the exception propagates to the caller. --end note]


executor_type(const executor_type& other) noexcept;

Postconditions: *this == other.

executor_type(executor_type&& other) noexcept;

Postconditions: *this is equal to the prior value of other.


executor_type& operator=(const executor_type& other) noexcept;

Postconditions: *this == other.

Returns: *this.

executor_type& operator=(executor_type&& other) noexcept;

Postconditions: *this is equal to the prior value of other.

Returns: *this.


bool running_in_this_thread() const noexcept;

Returns: true if the current thread of execution is a thread that was created by or attached to the associated static_thread_pool object.

static_thread_pool& context() const noexcept;

Returns: A reference to the associated static_thread_pool object.

bool on_work_started() const noexcept;

Effects: Increments the count of outstanding work associated with the static_thread_pool.

Returns: false if there was a prior call to the stop() member function of the associated static_thread_pool object; otherwise true.

void on_work_finished() const noexcept;

Effects: Decrements the count of outstanding work associated with the static_thread_pool.


bool operator==(const static_thread_pool::executor_type& a,
                const static_thread_pool::executor_type& b) noexcept;

Returns: a.context() == b.context().

bool operator!=(const static_thread_pool::executor_type& a,
                const static_thread_pool::executor_type& b) noexcept;

Returns: !(a == b).

Interoperation with existing facilities

Execution policy interoperation

class parallel_execution_policy
    // types:
    using execution_category = parallel_execution_tag;
    using executor_type = implementation-defined;

    // executor access
    const executor_type& executor() const noexcept;

    // execution policy factory
    template<class Executor>
    see-below on(Executor&& exec) const;

class sequenced_execution_tag { by-analogy-to-parallel_execution_policy };
class parallel_unsequenced_execution_tag { by-analogy-to-parallel_execution_policy };

Associated executor

Each execution policy is associated with an executor, and this executor is called its associated executor.

The type of an execution policy's associated executor shall satisfy the requirements of BulkTwoWayExecutor.

When an execution policy is used as a parameter to a parallel algorithm, the execution agents that invoke element access functions are created by the execution policy's associated executor.

The type of an execution policy's associated executor is the member type executor_type.

Execution category

Each execution policy is categorized by an execution category.

When an execution policy is used as a parameter to a parallel algorithm, the execution agents it creates are guaranteed to make forward progress and execute invocations of element access functions as ordered by its execution category.

An execution policy's execution category is given by the member type execution_category.

The execution category of an execution policy's associated executor shall not be weaker than the execution policy's execution category.

Associated executor access

const executor_type& executor() const noexcept;

Returns: The execution policy's associated executor.

Execution policy factory

template<class Executor>
see-below on(Executor&& exec) const;

Let T be decay_t<Executor>.

Returns: An execution policy whose execution category is execution_category. If T satisfies the requirements of BulkTwoWayExecutor, the returned execution policy's associated executor is equal to exec. Otherwise, the returned execution policy's associated executor fulfills the BulkTwoWayExecutor requirements which creates execution agents using a copy of exec.

Remarks: This member function shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_executor_v<T> is true and executor_execution_category_t<T> is as strong as execution_category.

Control structure interoperation

Function template async

The function template async provides a mechanism to invoke a function in a new execution agent created by an executor and provides the result of the function in the future object with which it shares a state.

template<class Executor, class Function, class... Args>
executor_future_t<Executor, result_of_t<decay_t<Function>(decay_t<Args>...)>>
async(const Executor& exec, Function&& f, Args&&... args);

Returns: Equivalent to:

auto __g = bind(std::forward<Function>(f), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return execution::async_post(exec, [__g = move(__g)]{ return INVOKE(__g); });


The member function template then provides a mechanism for attaching a continuation to a std::future object, which will be executed on a new execution agent created by an executor.

template<class T>
template<class Executor, class Function>
executor_future_t<Executor, see-below>
future<T>::then(const Executor& exec, Function&& f);
  1. TODO: Concrete specification

The general idea of this overload of .then() is that it accepts a particular type of OneWayExecutor that cannot block in .execute(). .then() stores f as the next continuation in the future state, and when the future is ready, creates an execution agent using a copy of exec.

One approach is for .then() to require a NonBlockingOneWayExecutor, and to specify that .then() submits the continuation using if the future is already ready at the time when .then() is called, and to submit using exec.execute() otherwise.


The member function template then provides a mechanism for attaching a continuation to a std::shared_future object, which will be executed on a new execution agent created by an executor.

template<class T>
template<class Executor, class Function>
executor_future_t<Executor, see-below>
shared_future<T>::then(const Executor& exec, Function&& f);

TODO: Concrete specification

The general idea of this overload of .then() is that it accepts a particular type of OneWayExecutor that cannot block in .execute(). .then() stores f as the next continuation in the underlying future state, and when the underlying future is ready, creates an execution agent using a copy of exec.

One approach is for .then() to require a NonBlockingOneWayExecutor, and to specify that .then() submits the continuation using if the future is already ready at the time when .then() is called, and to submit using exec.execute() otherwise.

Function template invoke

The function template invoke provides a mechanism to invoke a function in a new execution agent created by an executor and return result of the function.

template<class Executor, class Function, class... Args>
invoke(const Executor& exec, Function&& f, Args&&... args);

Returns: Equivalent to:

return execution::sync_execute(exec, [&]{ return INVOKE(f, args...); });

Task block

Function template define_task_block_restore_thread()
template<class Executor, class F>
void define_task_block_restore_thread(const Executor& exec, F&& f);

Requires: Given an lvalue tb of type task_block, the expression f(tb) shall be well-formed.

Effects: Constructs a task_block tb, creates a new execution agent, and calls f(tb) on that execution agent.

Throws: exception_list, as specified in version two of the Paralellism TS.

Postconditions: All tasks spawned from f have finished execution.

Remarks: Unlike define_task_block, define_task_block_restore_thread always returns on the same thread as the one on which it was called.

task_block member function template run
template<class Executor, class F>
void run(const Executor& exec, F&& f);

Requires: F shall be MoveConstructible. DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f))() shall be a valid expression.

Preconditions: *this shall be an active task_block.

Effects: Evaluates DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f))(), where DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f)) is evaluated synchronously within the current thread. The call to the resulting copy of the function object is permitted to run on an execution agent created by exec in an unordered fashion relative to the sequence of operations following the call to run(exec, f) (the continuation), or indeterminately-sequenced within the same thread as the continuation. The call to run synchronizes with the next invocation of wait on the same task_block or completion of the nearest enclosing task_block (i.e., the define_task_block or define_task_block_restore_thread that created this task_block.

Throws: task_cancelled_exception, as described in version 2 of the Parallelism TS.

Relationship to other proposals and specifications

Networking TS

Executors in the Networking TS may be defined as refinements of the type requirements in this proposal, as illustrated below. In addition to these requirements, some minor changes would be required to member function names and parameters used in the Networking TS, to conform to the requirements defined in this proposal.

NetworkingExecutor requirements

A type X satisfies the NetworkingExecutor requirements if it satisfies the NonBlockingOneWayExecutor requirements, the ExecutorWorkTracker requirements, and satisfies the additional requirements listed below.

In the Table \ref{net_execution_context_requirements} below, x denotes a (possibly const) value of type X.

expression return type assertion/note pre/post-condition
x.context() net::execution_context&, or E& where E is a type that satisfies the NetworkingExecutionContext requirements.

NetworkingExecutionContext requirements

A type X satisfies the NetworkingExecutionContext requirements if it satisfies the ExecutionContext requirements, is publicly and unambiguously derived from net::execution_context, and satisfies the additional requirements listed below.

In the Table \ref{net_execution_context_requirements} below, x denotes a value of type X.

Table: (NetworkingExecutionContext requirements) \label{net_execution_context_requirements}

expression return type assertion/note pre/post-condition
X::executor_type type meeting NetworkingExecutor requirements
x.~X() Destroys all unexecuted function objects that were submitted via an executor object that is associated with the execution context.
x.get_executor() X::executor_type Returns an executor object that is associated with the execution context.


Code Examples {#code-examples}

These short code examples demonstrate how we expect programmers to use executors to create execution in different use cases.

Simple use of an executor

A programmer may create an asynchronous task via async() by providing an executor obtained from a thread pool:

using namespace std::experimental::concurrency_v2;

// create a thread pool object
static_thread_pool pool(4);

// obtain an executor from the thread pool
auto exec = pool.executor()

auto my_task = ...

// compose the thread pool's executor with async:
async(exec, my_task);

In this example, the executor parameter provides std::async() with explicit requirements concerning how to create the work responsible for executing the task.

Similarly, a programmer may require that the work created by a parallel algorithm happen "on" an executor:

using namespace std::experimental::concurrency_v2;

// create a thread pool object
static_thread_pool pool(4);

// obtain an executor from the thread pool
auto exec = pool.executor()

auto my_task = ...

// compose the thread pool's executor with the par execution policy using .on():
for_each(execution::par.on(exec), vec.begin(), vec.end(), my_task);

In this example, the executor parameter composes with par to create a new execution policy associated with the thread pool's executor.

Use of an executor in a generic context

Functions may receive executors as generic template parameters. Our proposal provides tools for working in generic contexts while retaining the ability to manipulate executors uniformly. For example, consider this implementation of a hypothetical math library's parallel dot() product function:

template<class BulkTwoWayExecutor>
float dot(const BulkTwoWayExecutor& exec, const float* data1, const float* data2, size_t n)
  auto zipped = zip_with(std::multiplies<>(), data1, data2);
  return std::reduce(std::execution::par.on(exec), zipped, zipped + n, 0.f, std::plus<>());

Because it is a template, the dot() function has no concrete information about exec, besides the fact that the executor satisfies the requirements of our BulkTwoWayExecutor concept. However, this is all the information necessary to compose exec correctly with par and std::reduce.

Programmers may work at a lower level yet retain generality by manipulating an executor through customization points. For example, consider this hypothetical implementation of async():

template<class Executor, class Function, class... Args>
auto async(const Executor& exec, Function&& f, Args&&... args)
  // bind f and args together
  auto g = bind(f, args...);

  using namespace std::experimental::concurrency_v2;

  // use the customization point execution::async_execute() to asynchronously invoke g and return a future
  return execution::async_execute(exec, g);

Even if the executor in this example does not natively support the async_execute() operation through a member or free function, the executor may still be used as if it does support this operation. If native support does not exist, the customization point applies an adaptation to whatever native operations do exist to create the desired operation.

Defining executors

A programmer creates an executor by defining a type with one or more execution functions defined as members or free functions as well as other members related to executor identity.

For example, an executor which creates a new thread for each execution agent may define the execute() method:

struct per_thread_executor
  template<class Function>
  void execute(Function&& f) const
    std::thread new_thread(std::forward<Function>(f));


  const per_thread_executor& context() const noexcept
    return *this;

  bool operator==(const per_thread_executor&) const noexcept
    return true;

  bool operator!=(const per_thread_executor&) const noexcept
    return false;

An executor which executes work immediately within the calling thread may define the sync_execute() method:

struct inline_executor
  template<class Function>
  auto sync_execute(Function&& f) const
    return std::forward<Function>(f)();

  const inline_executor& context() const noexcept
    return *this;

  bool operator==(const inline_executor&) const noexcept
    return true;

  bool operator!=(const inline_executor&) const noexcept
    return false;

An executor which executes parallel work in bulk using OpenMP may define the bulk_sync_execute() method:

struct openmp_executor
  using execution_category = parallel_execution_tag;

  template<class Function, class ResultFactory, class SharedFactory>
  auto bulk_sync_execute(Function f, size_t n, ResultFactory result_factory, SharedFactory shared_factory) const
    auto result = result_factory();
    auto shared = shared_factory();

    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      f(i, result, shared);

    return result;

  const openmp_executor& context() const noexcept
    return *this;

  bool operator==(const openmp_executor&) const noexcept
    return true;

  bool operator!=(const openmp_executor&) const noexcept
    return false;


A proposal for a minimal executor model for the Issaquah 2016 ISO C++ committee meeting






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