super+b exec tint2 -c ~/.config/tint2/black.tint2rc super+p exec feh --bg-scale ~/.wallpaper.png
super+y exec tint2 -c ~/.config/tint2/white.tint2rc super+u exec feh --bg-scale ~/.wallpaper.jpg
Distro Ubuntu
Display Server X11
Display Manager i3
Desktop Environment N/A
Launcher Rofi
Terminal URxvt
Compositor Compton
Shell zsh
Cursor Breeze
Bar Tint2
wallpaper Gen Feh
Icon at bar/panel fontawesome 5 pro
Screenshot scrot
NOTE! $super key is windows button
Logout your current session. Then login again with i3 session.
- Super + Shift + D Launch dmenu
- Super + D Launch dmenu alternative called Rofi
- Super + Enter Launch i3-sensible-terminal, URxvt in this case
- Super + Arrow Change focused window, if You have two or more windows in the workspace
- Super + Shift + Arrow Send focused window to another edge of the screen, if You have two or more windows in the workspace
- Super + H and Super + V Change split direction to horizontal or vertical
- Super + S Change split direction, if You already have splitted windows
- Super + Space Float the window, hit it again to back to tiling mode
- Super + 1-6 Switch to workspace 1-6
- Super + Shift + 1-6 Send the focused window to workspace 1-6
- Control + Alt + Left/Right Switch to previous or next workspace. Only works if You have 2 workspace opened
- Super + R Resize mode. In resize mode, hit Arrow keys to do resizing. Hit Enter to back to normal mode
- Super + C or Alt + F4 Close window
- Super + Q Quit i3wm
- Super + L Lockscreen. To unlock, type your user password then hit Enter
- Super + Shift + R Fully reload the configuration file. Hit this after do some modifications in the config file
- More keybind look on the configuration file.