pgismaster is a very simple little program designed to indicate to a process like keepalived whether a given postgres server is a master or a standby.
This is done by checking the internal flag "pg_is_in_recovery();"; an active slave is permanently in a recovery state and a master is not.
- If run on a slave, then a message is printed to indicate that it is a slave and an exit status of 1 is returned.
- If run on a master, then a message is printed to indicate that it is a master and an exit status of 0 is returned.
This allows it to be run in the "script" parameter of keepalived to allow only a master to assert a VIP.
Simply grab the compiled executable and copy it to your server. Then, call it in your script or config file.
For example, in keepalived.conf
global_defs {
script_user postgres ###server is configured to allow local access here
vrrp_script chk_postgres { # Requires keepalived-1.1.13
script "/usr/local/bin/pgismaster"
interval 10 # check every 10 seconds
fall 2 # require 2 failures for KO
rise 2 # require 2 successes for OK
vrrp_instance VI_1 {
interface ens192
virtual_router_id 42
priority 150
state MASTER
virtual_ipaddress {
track_script {
Or just run from the commandline:
$ /usr/local/bin/pgismaster
2019/10/14 16:45:31 pgismaster, Andy Gallagher 2019. See for details.
2019/10/14 16:45:31 Server is a standby
$ echo $?
You'll need Go 1.11 or later available to compile (but not to run).
You can either head over to or use docker (e.g. docker run --rm golang:1.12-alpine3.9
Check out the sources: git clone
Compile it for Linux: GOOS=linux go build
Or for Windows: GOOS=windows go build
Or for Mac: GOOS=darwin go build
Dependencies are managed via go modules, so any required libraries should be automatically downloaded and compiled in the build
See the official Go documentation for cross-compilation options.