Version 1.3.0:
- Hero page updates: https://i.imgur.com/vikzd2q.png
- Multiple builds per unit - You can now save multiple sets of gear on a unit and switch between them. Useful for stuff like switching between PVP/wyvern ssb builds, or arby builds with different speeds, or keeping track of old builds for your units.
- Added a "Use reforged stats" toggle button for switching between viewing reforged/unreforged hero stats
- Element + Class filters to find your heroes faster
- Gear page updates: https://i.imgur.com/MfKvDdM.png
- There are now filters for almost everything: main stat/sub stat/level/enhance/set/gear
- Duplicate item filter for finding and fixing dupe items that were added by mistake
- Improvements to manual inputting of gear, autofilling main stats and a new "Duplicate item" button for making adding items easier
- Gear scores are now colorful and 0s have been removed
- Optimizer page updates: https://i.imgur.com/YBmDujV.png
- Only +15 gear filter
- Builds can be saved/removed, and saved builds will show up as stars
- Reforge prediction now shows flat stat -> reforged flat + percent equivalent
- General
- The app now auto-checks for updates at startup: https://i.imgur.com/OMzI6Om.png
- New "Merge items" option in the importer to combine a new gear.txt with your current save. This replaces all your old items with the newly screenshotted ones, while keeping your heroes' equipped gear and builds intact. This is useful for people like me who re-screenshot all their gear once in a while, but want to keep hero settings.