Releases: fribbels/Fribbels-Epic-7-Optimizer
Releases · fribbels/Fribbels-Epic-7-Optimizer
Here's some of the new updates in version 1.4:
- Optimizer page updates:
- New before/after stat preview to show the stat difference between builds
- Items have reforge material indicators now, to show hunt/conversion materials (for screenshotted gear only)
- New "Exclude equipped" filter for when you don't want to take gear from specific units
- Removed Force filters - most people I talked to did not use this filter at all, and the substat priority filter should replace its functionality
- New columns + rating filters: DmgH (Damage * Health), Score (Total gear score of build), Upg (# of upgrades/reforges needed)
- Removed options "Only +15 gear", "Only over lv 85 gear", "At least one lv 85" -> Replaced with "Only maxed gear"
- Drop down menus are now searchable
- Gear page updates:
- Added an item preview panel to show reforged stats, reforge material, flat -> % equivalent, and action buttons, which activates on hover/select.
- A couple buttons were broken in the last version and are now fixed
- Hero page updates:
- Added a searchable hero name filter
- New Options screen
- This screen will contain app-wide settings/configurations.
- Added just a few for now, to automatically unlock on unequip, and calculate rage set's damage bonus, and customize optimization results limit.
- Misc
- The new save directory is under Documents/FribbelsOptimizerSaves - this folder will be autocreated
- Gear score wasn't calculating flat stat score correctly. Each flat roll counts for roughly 3.5% Atk, 5.0% Def, 3.1% Hp, based off the average stats of all 5* heroes.
- Reforge prediction now also predicts reforges for non +15 gear
- The app is more responsive to resizing/works better for smaller (and larger) screens
- Now autosaves upon importing a save
- Improved optimization speed
- Autoload previous filters on hero switch
Version 1.3.0:
- Hero page updates:
- Multiple builds per unit - You can now save multiple sets of gear on a unit and switch between them. Useful for stuff like switching between PVP/wyvern ssb builds, or arby builds with different speeds, or keeping track of old builds for your units.
- Added a "Use reforged stats" toggle button for switching between viewing reforged/unreforged hero stats
- Element + Class filters to find your heroes faster
- Gear page updates:
- There are now filters for almost everything: main stat/sub stat/level/enhance/set/gear
- Duplicate item filter for finding and fixing dupe items that were added by mistake
- Improvements to manual inputting of gear, autofilling main stats and a new "Duplicate item" button for making adding items easier
- Gear scores are now colorful and 0s have been removed
- Optimizer page updates:
- Only +15 gear filter
- Builds can be saved/removed, and saved builds will show up as stars
- Reforge prediction now shows flat stat -> reforged flat + percent equivalent
- General
- The app now auto-checks for updates at startup:
- New "Merge items" option in the importer to combine a new gear.txt with your current save. This replaces all your old items with the newly screenshotted ones, while keeping your heroes' equipped gear and builds intact. This is useful for people like me who re-screenshot all their gear once in a while, but want to keep hero settings.
Version 1.2 changelog:
- Fix: Bug with optimizer producing suboptimal results for 4 piece set when filtered armor # > helm #
- Fix: Bug with optimizer not sorting prioritized gear correctly
- Fix: Decimal numbers for imprints
- Fix: Update WSS/Score when gear stats changed
- Fix: Alert messages making input boxes break
- Fix: Speed bonus stats no longer save as 0
- Fix: Keep current position of a page when edits are made
- Divided speed ratings by 10 for easier readability
- Simplified gear preview panel w/ icon colors
- Added permutations/filter details panel
- Reorganized optimization panel
- Added reforge prediction + edit button on each gear
- Added DPS score/Support score/Combat score
- Added hero portrait
- Added reforged stats prediction options
- Added gear tab filter for level <85, 85, >85
- Added an 'Exclude set' filter
- Added lock icon on gear
- Added lock/unlock actions on optimizer screen
- Improved the priority ranking filter to reflect the actual % of gear shown on details panel
- Autosaving hero's filter preferences and added options to reset details / load previous search
- Added tooltips
- Added popups for hints/tips/successes
- Detecting & warning when java version is invalid
- Renamed option from 'Can reforge' -> 'At least one lv 85'
Version 1.1 changelog:
- Added cross platform support for MacOS (experimental!)
- Added stats for all specialty change heroes
- Importer now imports all hero, item, and artifact data from Zarroc file
- Added both flat and percent options for the bonus stats page for artifacts/imprint/EE
- Added an option to add new screenshots to an existing save file
- Added a row to show current stats for the hero in the Optimizer tab
- Damage calculations now correctly account for crit chance and damage caps
- Percentage equivalent of flat stats for a hero now shows on Optimizer page
- Added button to delete items
- Enabled multi-select for item rows
- Arrow keys can now be used to navigate the results grid
- Autosaves more frequently
- Autoloads the last save file
- Added lock/unlock multiple items button
- Added counts for filtered items
- Cleaned up memory usage, attempt garbage collection on new optimization request
- Added a filter for reforge-able optimization results
- Added CP on heroes page + optimizer screen
- Fix: Don't deselect filters when editing items
- Fix: Remove hero should unequip items
- Fix: Update # of permutations when a filter is removed.
- Fix: Crit chance/crit damage uncapped in CP calculation
- Fix: Add the 3 new sets through the edit item page
- Fix: Add a limit to color coded boxes for 100% crit and for crit dmg
- Fix: Prevent saving invalid items without set/type/etc
- Fix: Update score when item is updated
- Fix: Add some error messaging on screenshot imports
- Fix: Shows an error when adding invalid items