Web to see nft on various chains under Ethereum (EVM) using the APIs from Moralis. This project also uses a wallet connection to metamask natively without the help of libraries such as wagmi or web3modal
More ScreenshotHere're some of the project's best features:
- See nft assets in Evm
- Connect metamask natively
- Handle account event with metamask natively
- e2e with cypress
- unit test with jest and vue-test-utils
- snapshot test with jest
- build in typescript and nuxt 3 (latest now)
- animated page transition
- consume moralis api
1. clone project
2. install package
yarn / npm install
3. environtment configuration. get moralis key from moralis
remove .example from .env.example and change the value with you own
4. run local
yarn run dev
5. unit test
yarn run test:unit
6. e2e
yarn run test:e2e:dev
Technologies used in the project:
- Nuxt3
- Jest
- Cypress
- Tailwindcss