- TODO: This project is still work in progress, and need more documents.
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CI (AppVeyor) | |
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- We can apply visitor pattern with minimum coding for FSharp.Compiler.Service's untyped ASTs.
- Contains two visitors:
- "Functional visitor types. (FP based)"
- "Inheritable (Legacy) visitor base class. (OOP based)"
- FSharp.Compiler.Service.Visitors is part of fscx-project.
- "Functional visitor" is using for functional visitor patterns with F#'s AST (FSharp.Compiler.Services untyped AST).
// Functional visitor pattern (Not use custom context):
let outerVisitor
(defaultVisitor: (NoContext * SynExpr -> SynExpr),
context: NoContext, // (Non custom context type)
expr: SynExpr) : SynExpr option =
match expr with
| SynExpr.Quote(operator, _, _, _, _) ->
printfn "%A" operator
None // (None is default visiting)
| SynExpr.App(exprAtomicFlag, isInfix, funcExpr, argExpr, range) ->
match funcExpr with
// ...
| _ ->
None // (None is default visiting)
// Declare your own functional visitor.
// Type name for free.
type InsertLoggingVisitor() =
inherit DeclareAstFunctionalVisitor(outerVisitor)
- "Inheritable visitor" is using for traditional visitor patterns with F#'s AST.
- If you are implemented visitor class inherit from "AstInheritableVisitor" class.
- "AstInheritableVisitor" are abstract classes, generic version and non-generic version.
- Generic argument is "Context type". Context is depending any information holds for your implementations. Implicit applied "NoContext" type for non-generic version.
- This class likely "System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor" class.
// Inheritable visitor pattern (Not use custom context):
// Type name for free.
type InsertLoggingVisitor() =
inherit AstInheritableVisitor()
override __.VisitExpr_Quote(context, operator, isRaw, quoteSynExpr, isFromQueryExpression, range) =
printfn "%A" operator
base.VisitExpr_Quote(context, operator, isRaw, quoteSynExpr, isFromQueryExpression, range)
override this.VisitExpr_App(context, exprAtomicFlag, isInfix, funcExpr, argExpr, range) =
match funcExpr with
// ...
- Default visiting is derivng from AstInheritableVisitor class.
- Hooking point are "BeforeVisit*" or "Visit*".
- "BeforeVisit" is givening for all NON-VISITED args.
- "Visit" is givening for all VISITED args.
- FSharp.Core >= 4.1.17
- FSharp.Compiler.Service >= 12.0.8
- 0.9.1:
- FCS upgraded to 12.0.8.
- 0.7.3:
- Fixed System.Collections.Immutable version.
- 0.7.2:
- Pinned version 1.4.2 for System.Reflection.Metadata (non-beta)
- 0.7.1:
- Manage parent nodes using list instead stack.
- Remove FSharpCheckFileResults args.
- Update readme.
- 0.6.3:
- Reduced context type constraints.
- 0.6.2:
- Moved non generic AstInheritableVisitor.
- 0.6.1:
- Upgraded to FSharp.Compiler Service 6.0.2 (You must be rearrenging for NuGet package installation with -Pre option, because 6.0.2 depends for System.Reflection.Metadata.dll BETA package.)
- 0.5.1:
- Moving implements from FSharp.Expandable.Compiler.Core.
- Code neutralize.