This is a project using ‘R’ language developed by Felipe Solares da Silva to build interactive graphs and maps to analyze Zika virus occurences in Brazilian territory in 2017 and 2018.
For this project, we gather information from PAHO - Pan American Health Organization ( to build our ow data sets. PAHO organizations is the specialized international health agency for the Americas. It works with countries throughout the region to improve and protect people’s health. PAHO engages in technical cooperation with its member countries to fight communicable and noncommunicable diseases and their causes, to strengthen health systems, and to respond to emergencies and disasters. They provide data in different formats aquired from Health Ministries of the countries through Health Information Platfform for the Americas (PLISA). After lots of cleaning and transforming, we structure the data and store it into csv files(that you can find in this repository!) for our futher analysis.
DSA - Data Science Academy - Big Data Analytics with R and Microsoft Azure class notes. Retrieved from:
PAHO - Pan American Health Organization:
Epidemiological Bulletins from Brazil -
Thematic Mapping -
Incidence vs Prevalence -